







汉语拼音:chéng tiān







  1. 整天;一天到晚。

    《红楼梦》第六九回:“他专会作死,好好的,成天丧声嚎气。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》三:“想起我们那时在 环溪 ,乡下地方,成天的一块儿玩,什么亦不管。”



  1. All day and paint, paint to deal with those, or around there like smoking, should at least put a pot in the workplace ferns.


  2. All day long thinking that nothing more can do nothing but talk ideals, a serious lack of down-to-earth spirit.


  3. One magician father, the children used to applaud the action all day long.


  4. She said Lee's husband told her that his four-year-old daughter, Hana, spent all day following Lee around the house from room to room.


  5. It was either you or me, and I'd rather not be a candidate and have to be in the company of those bozos.


  6. My wife basically just wants to do the things that interest her all day, without ANY of the things I think are worth while for her to do.


  7. If you're the kind of person who thrives when interacting with other people, sitting alone in a cubicle all day can be absolute torture.


  8. And incredible as it may seem, not everyone spends their lives trying to plot revenge. You ought not to have come today.


  9. It is convenient, for you can connect others easily and quickly. You don' t have to wait for an important call at home all day long.


  1. 成天溜溜达达。

    Wander along all day.

  2. 别成天埋怨别人。

    Don't criticize all the time.

  3. 我成天做这做那。

    I just did things.

  4. 她成天待在家里。

    She stays at home all day.

  5. 她成天待在家里。

    She stays at home all day.

  6. 成天吹著狂暴风。

    All day it blew great guns.

  7. 我成天坐着织毛衣

    I sit and I knit.

  8. 他们成天在一起,而且。

    They're spending a lot of time together, and.

  9. 他们成天在一起,而且。

    They're spending a lot of time together, and.

  10. 那个泼妇成天跟人吵架。

    That bitch is always quarreling.

  11. 我成天看着人在死

    I watch people die all the time.

  12. 不要成天上网迟误时间。

    Don't waste time surfing the Web all day.

  13. 你还不是成天吊儿郎当的。

    You're always going around drunk.

  14. 星期分成天,月分成星期。

    The days go into weeks, and the weeks go into months.

  15. 说我成天思念一颗星星。

    I missed one terribly all day.

  16. 成天连手都不动弹一下。

    Not doing a hand's turn all day.

  17. 狗狗不会成天玩电脑游戏。

    Dogs don't play computer game all day.

  18. 反正她成天都是笑眯眯的。

    She always has a smile on.

  19. 成天整夜的吹他的破喇叭!

    He'd play his horn all day and night too!

  20. 他成天躺在家里看电视。

    All day long he lay at home watching television.

  21. 我实在不该成天担心你

    It's ridiculous for me to worry about you all the time.

  22. 成天乖乖的一点用都没有

    Being good all the time gets you nowhere!

  23. 这个地方得电视成天开著。

    The TV stays on all day at this place.

  24. 这个地方的电视成天开著。

    The TV stays on all day at this place.

  25. 我不要你成天给我挑刺儿。

    I don't want you to be forever finding fault with me.

  26. 我姐姐成天说的只有癌症

    My sister's only capable of talking about cancer.

  27. 什么是天才?终生努力, 便成天才。

    What is genius ?Lifelong efforts make genius.

  28. 成天呆在家里,无趣得很。

    Sit at home all day is boring.

  29. 这家伙成天到晚瞎胡勒。

    This guy talks a lot of rot all the time.

  30. 别把孩子们成天关在屋里。

    Don't keep the children inside all day.


  1. 问:成天拼音怎么拼?成天的读音是什么?成天翻译成英文是什么?

    答:成天的读音是chéngtiān,成天翻译成英文是 all day long; all the time

