


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……




1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……


1. 据 [jù]2. 据 [jū]据 [jù]凭依、倚仗:~点。~险固守。占有:窃~。盘~。~为己有。可以用做证明的事物:字~。证~。单~。论~。契~。言之有~。按照:~实。~称。依~。~事直书。据 [jū]〔拮~〕见“拮”。……



汉语拼音:yǒu gēn yǒu jù






  1. LL: Well, when I was an undergraduate, I would just crank out essays and term papers, no problem. Of course, it's not that easy these days.


  2. Perhaps, too, she thought my expectations not so well founded as I imagined them to be.


  3. Her father's suspicions proved well-founded. It was not Edward she cared for, it was San Francisco.


  4. In the meantime, we must increase support for basic research and for finding the best, evidence-based approaches for treating the disease.


  5. Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly.


  6. These fears can be exaggerated, but none is unfounded.


  7. This will score some political points, as many Americans have a deep (and often well-founded) distrust of health insurers.


  8. You could even go further than that, and say it is arguably the finest involving Liverpool Football Club.


  9. Her fear is well-founded.


  1. 这一结论显然是有根有据的。

    This conclusion clearly follows from the evidence.

  2. 他的建议总是有根有据, 切合实际。

    His advice was always solid and practical.

  3. 他振振有词,有根有据地向我证明这项计划的价值。

    He gave me chapter and verse to prove the value of this program.

  4. 发言时采取有理有据的沟通方式

    Communicate persuasively when speaking

  5. 他的行文措词恰当,有理有据。

    His article is written with appropriate wording and adequate reasoning and proofs.

  6. 这些法律尊重普世人权,有理有据。

    These laws respect universal human rights and they are grounded in evidence.

  7. 因为他说得有凭有据, 大家信以为真。

    Since his statement seemed well founded, all the others immediately accepted it.

  8. 他言语冷静,有理有据,但稍有点紧张。

    He was quiet, reasonable, and only a little tense.

  9. 有人对安乐死合法化是否有理有据表示怀疑。

    Some doubt whether the legalization of euthanasia is justified.

  10. 她对谋杀的怀疑最后被证明是有凭有据的。

    Her suspicions of foul play turned out have been well founded.

  11. 当然,这样的调整某种程度上说是有理有据的。

    Of course, some of this move may be justified.

  12. 那个内男裤觉得这个特别好笑, 而且笑得有凭有据。

    The guy in his undies thinks this is especially funny, and justifiably so.

  13. 如果没有达到目的, 那么再诉诸武力至少也算是有理有据。

    But they work best when clearly defined and with an achievable end.

  14. 我国代表团认为这是一份有理有据、内容翔实的报告。

    My delegation believes that it is a solid and informative report.

  15. 有根绣球菌

    Sparassis radicata.

  16. 海草有根吗?

    Does seaweed have roots?

  17. 这里有根绳子。

    Here is a string.

  18. 有根钉子在里面!

    You have a nail in it!

  19. 有根钉子在里面!

    You have a nail in it!

  20. 我有根黑猫骨头

    I got a black cat bone

  21. 你嘴里有根头发。

    You have a hair in your mouth.

  22. 哦你身上有根头发。

    Oops. You got a hair.

  23. 这个盲人有根白手杖。

    The blind man had a white stick.

  24. 我感到鞋里有根钉子。

    I can feel a nail in my shoe.

  25. 这种植物只有根可以食用。

    Only the roots of the plant are edible.

  26. 厨房的餐柜上有根香蕉。

    There's a banana on the kitchen counter.

  27. 我的意大利面里有根头发。

    There is a hair in my pasta.

  28. 本我发现香肠里有根头发。

    Ben I found a hair in this sausage.

  29. 服务员,我的汤里有根头发!

    Waiter, there's a hair in my soup!

  30. 服务员,我得汤里有根头发!

    Waiter, there's a hair in my soup!


有根有据,读音yǒu gēn yǒu jù,汉语词语,意思是有根据,不是凭空捏造。