


1. 蛇 [shé]2. 蛇 [yí]蛇 [shé]爬行动物,身体细长,体上有鳞,没有四肢。种类很多,有的有毒,有的无毒。以蛙、鼠为食,大蛇亦吞食大的兽类:~蜕。~行。~蝎。~足(喻多余无用的事物)。画~添足。蛇 [yí]〔委(wěi )~……





汉语拼音:shé shēn







  1. 亦作“虵伸”。修长舒展貌。

    三国 魏 曹丕 《柳赋》:“脩干偃蹇以虹指兮,柔条阿那而虵伸。”《文苑英华》卷一二○引无名氏《五丝续宝命赋》:“龙烂虵伸,光气腾腾,以御邪也。”



  1. The snake's tongue flicked out.


  1. 那蛇伸开了盘着的身体。

    The snake uncoiled.

  2. 那蛇伸开了盘着得身体。

    The snake uncoiled.

  3. 蛇得舌头可伸得很长。

    A snake has a highly exsertile tongue.

  4. 蛇得舌头突然伸了出来。

    The snake's tongue shot out.

  5. 蛇的舌头突然伸了出来。

    The snake's tongue shot out.

  6. 蛇的舌头可伸得很长。

    A snake has a highly exsertile tongue.

  7. 那蛇醒了,伸开了盘着的身体.

    The snake woke up and uncoiled.

  8. 那蛇醒了,伸开了盘着的身体。

    The snake woke up and uncoiled.

  9. 那蛇醒了,伸开了盘着得身体。

    The snake woke up and uncoiled.

  10. 这条伸向远处得蛇鸟小径横穿大沼泽国家公园。

    The Anhinga Trail stretches through Everglades National Park.

  11. 这条伸向远处的蛇鸟小径横穿大沼泽国家公园。

    The Anhinga Trail stretches through Everglades National Park.

  12. 爸爸说明了我们来访的目的后,她把手伸进牛奶罐,将蛇拎起。

    After Dad explained our visit, she reached into the milk can and picked the snake up.

  13. 蛇突然伸出舌头。

    The snake shot its tongue out.

  14. 蛇突然伸出舌头来。

    The snake shot out its tongue.

  15. 蛇突然把舌头伸出。

    The snake shot out its tongue.

  16. 这条蛇向我们伸伸舌头。

    The tongue of the snake flickered at us.

  17. 蛇的舌头一闪一闪地伸出来。

    The snake's tongue flicked out.

  18. 蛇得舌头一闪一闪地伸出来。

    The snake's tongue flicked out.

  19. 这条蛇得舌头可伸出很长。

    This snake has a highly exsertile tongue.

  20. 这条蛇的舌头可伸出很长。

    This snake has a highly exsertile tongue.

  21. 为什么蛇总是抬高头部和伸出舌头。

    Why does the snake always raise its head and put out its tongue?

  22. 蛇伸出舌头舔了舔嘴巴, 然后就躲进草丛里去了。

    The snake licked her mouth and hided in the tussock.

  23. 没想到当农夫把手伸进去时,却被蛇咬死了!

    But unexpectedly, when the farmer reached his hand into the den, the snake bit and killed him!

  24. 蛇的毒牙毒蛇的中空或带钩的且常伸出喷射毒液的牙

    Any of the hollow or grooved teeth of a venomous snake with which it injects its poison.

  25. 蛇身慢慢伸开。

    The snake slowly uncoiled.

  26. 那条蛇箭一般地伸出舌头。

    The snake darted out its tongue.

  27. 接着,他的手伸了出来,快如出击的游蛇,一把拽住了她的手臂。

    Then, quick as a striking snake, his hand shot out and grabbed her arm.