


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng xún






  1. 同“ 上蕁 ”。《淮南子·齐俗训》:“譬如水之下流,烟之上寻也,夫有孰推之者?”



  1. At the time I despised those among my schoolmates who were finding their first pleasures in dancing, wine, and cigarettes.


  2. By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not.


  3. Cho Yoon-sun, the GNP's spokeswoman, hopes negotiations between government and opposition can lead to compromises over both issues.


  4. They are not directly to Earth, is formed by one or a few at first to find the planet are made up.


  1. 嗣后有人来找我, 顺着古河往上寻。

    If anyone needs my help, trace the ancient river up into the mountains.

  2. 差不多先生病在床上, 知道寻错了人

    Mr. Cha Buduo, lying on his sickbed, knew that a wrong person had been brought home

  3. 第三个是千寻坐上火车为钱婆婆送去咒符以拯救朋友。

    The third is Chihiro train for money woman sent to spell to save a friend.

  4. 在文学修养上无捷径可寻。

    There is no highroad to literary appreciation.

  5. 他们希望外星球上有东西可寻。

    SETI wants there to be stuff out there.

  6. 飞上云天,纵然寻你今生来世,终不过是一片云烟散去。

    Flew up into the sky, even if you find this life the afterlife, the end is nothing but a clouds dispersed.

  7. 对于狼来说,在茫茫大草原上寻食甚至更为艰辛。

    For them, finding food on the plains is an even greater challenge.

  8. 贴在寻人的栅栏上。

    On the fence for the missing.

  9. 史上最强网络讯号收寻装置。

    Powerful wifi, hot spots searching function.

  10. 在聚会上,我们还玩了寻宝游戏。

    We had a scavenger hunt at the party.

  11. 我上个月搬到这里来寻回我的记忆。

    I moved here last month to relive my memories.

  12. 她的家人上个月发布了寻人启事。

    Her family reported her missing last month.

  13. 寻个失去信任的政治家被打发到遥远的岗位上。

    The discredited politician was consigned to a remote post.

  14. 寻宝图上的十字标识出了宝藏的地点。

    The cross on the treasure map marks the location of the booty.

  15. 寻宝图上的十字标识出了宝藏的地点。

    The cross on the treasure map marks the location of the booty.

  16. 知了在树上躲猫猫,听见声音却寻不见踪影。

    The trees are alive with hidden cicadas, their rhythmic songs playfully teasing the cats which roam about.

  17. 经理们似乎只为了寻个乐子就动辄花上几百万。

    Managers seem to be spending millions just for the hell of it.

  18. 她们表面上冷漠实际上却无比热心的帮助着千寻。

    They are actually very cold on the surface with the help of enthusiastic chihiro.

  19. 事实上, 事情的发展也许在洋基内是有迹可寻的。

    Indeed, things may be looking up around the Bronx.

  20. 便想出一个在街道上张贴寻人启示的小广告。

    They have to find a post in the street, tracing revelation small ads.

  21. 但是灵岩山上吴王和西施的踪迹, 却随处可寻。

    However, visitors to Lingyan can still trace the footsteps of the king of Wu and Xi Shi everywhere on the hill.

  22. 他们上去窥探那地,从寻的旷野到利合,直到哈马口。

    So they went up and explored the land from the Desert of Zin as far as Rehob, toward Lebo Hamath.

  23. 给出了寻址周期和维持周期各电极上得电流变化过程。

    The current evolutions during address and sustain periods of different electrodes, were calculated, respectively.

  24. 给出了寻址周期和维持周期各电极上的电流变化过程。

    The current evolutions during address and sustain periods of different electrodes, were calculated, respectively.

  25. 事实上, 一个人可以寻得和平与和谐才是幸福的标准。

    Happiness lies in the fact that he can find peace and harmony.

  26. 城隍庙是吴山上最大的神庙,仿宫殿式建筑,基址可寻。

    The City God Temple is Heavenly's largest temple, Palace building, the base address is to be found.

  27. 世界上很多孩子不能上学 因为他们要去乞讨和寻食。

    Many kids in the world can't go to school because they have to go beg and find a meal.

  28. 人要在基督以外寻满足,就如在禾秆堆上找一根针一般。

    Looking for contentment outside of Christ is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

  29. 这个值越大, 交换得数据越多, 花在磁盘寻道上得时间越少。

    The larger the value, the more data can be swapped and the less time is spent disk seeking.

  30. 这个值越大,交换的数据越多,花在磁盘寻道上的时间越少。

    The larger the value, the more data can be swapped and the less time is spent disk seeking.