如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 食 [shí]2. 食 [sì]3. 食 [yì]食 [shí]吃:~肉。~欲。吃的东西:~品。粮~。零~。丰衣足~。俸禄:“君子谋道不谋~”。日月亏缺或完全不见的现象:日~。月~。食 [sì]拿东西给人吃:~母(乳母)。食 [yì]……
汉语拼音:sù shí diàn
In thiscase, your goal should be to stop going to a particular fast food jointon the way home or to run three times a week.
比如这件事,你的目标应该是,不再去回家路上的那家速食店,或者是一周运动3次。Within the next year or two many lunch counters and other public places permitted blacks and whites together in many southern towns.
在接下来的一两年内,许多南方乡镇的很多速食店和其他公共场合都为黑人和白人同时开发。Travis Only if I take them to fast food places . You're the only one who measures up here.
崔维斯除非我是带她们到速食店。妳是唯一配得上这里的。When they returned to the university, the four students called on others to join them the next day at Woolworth's.
当他们回到学校后,这四名学生又招来其他人,参加第二天在该速食店的行动。In fact, Lynette's life had become so hectic she was now forced to get her chicken from a fast food restaurant.
事实上,Lynette的生活已然变得如此令人兴奋,她甚至必须从速食店买到她的炸鸡。The next day more than sixty black students took every seat at the lunch counter.
次日,超过60名黑人学生占据了速食店的所有位子。They also describe companies like Whole Foods, Chipotle, and Niman Ranch that attempt to incorporate ethics in their business plans.
他们还描述了像完全食品、墨西哥卷饼速食店(Chipotle)和尼曼牧场这样的公司,试图将伦理融合到他们的商业规划中。Or let to determine if not missed him down, even the office window, a fast food restaurant landing.
或者让对方来决定,只要不误了他的正事,哪怕是办公室的落地窗前、速食店都可以。A man in Florida, USA stole a taxi because he was too lazy to walk to his local fast food restaurant.
Taco Time.
次日, 超过60名黑人学生占据了速食店得所有位子。
The next day more than sixty black students took every seat at the lunch counter.
The next day more than sixty black students took every seat at the lunch counter.
有一对老夫妇到速食店去, 叫了一罐可乐和一份薯条。
An old couple went into a restaurant and ordered something to eat one Coca Cola and one portion of French fries.