







汉语拼音:yǎn biàn







  1. 演变。发展变化。

    范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第二编第二章第九节:“ 孟子 发挥 孔子 的德治思想最为透彻, 西汉 以下的儒学,基本上是 孟子 学说的衍变。” 秦牧 《艺海拾贝·鲜花百态和艺术风格》:“一些基本的东西,互相配合,衍变成为多种多样的东西。”



  1. The transmutation of the elements was no longer the privilege of the radioactive substances alone.


  2. The concept of Chinese sentence thus underwent a slow and long change.


  3. In this materialist view, people perceive God's existence because their brains have evolved to confabulate belief systems.


  4. And it is worth mentioning that the definition of the design have been amended in the design of the edge in the constantly evolve.


  5. The relations between phase transitions and can-breaking of CTCBE and CB under different crystallization conditions were investigated.


  6. Alice Paul and Lucy Burns organize the Congressional Union, which later becomes the National Women's Party.


  7. News picture experience various evolutions in media, from hand-painting and graph to pictures.


  8. The pasty propellant is a new kind of chemical propellant derived from solid propellant.


  9. Chaoshan if this is the ancient Chinese language in the Central Plains to wave a product of evolution.


  1. 时光飞逝, 万物衍变。

    World changes and evolves as time go by.

  2. 试析分权政体设计衍变

    The Designing Evolution of the Political System on the Separation of Power

  3. 电视戏曲栏目传播观念衍变

    On the Evolution of Dissemination Idea of Television Drama Program

  4. 保险是从证券衍变而来的

    Insurance evolves separately from securities.

  5. 泰华新文学的衍变与展望

    On the Evolution and Prospects of Chinese Literature in Thailand.

  6. 论体操的功能衍变与发展趋势

    On functional evolvement and developing trend of gymnastics

  7. 青阳腔衍变发展特征初探

    On the Developmental Features of Qingyang Tune.

  8. 人类喜剧精神的衍变和价值取向

    Development and Value Orientation of Mankind Comic Spirit

  9. 十四行诗的起源、衍变和翻译

    The Origin, Development and Translation of Sonnet

  10. 信息系统与企业组织结构的衍变

    The Evolution of Information Systems and Business Organization Structures

  11. 简论儒学与佛教的衍变及融合

    On Development and Intermix of Confusianism and Buddhism

  12. 现在的秦腔也是吹腔衍变来的。

    The Shaanxi Opera is also a blow to the Evolution cavity.

  13. 现在得秦腔也是吹腔衍变来得。

    The Shaanxi Opera is also a blow to the Evolution cavity.

  14. 服饰是社会风尚衍变的载体和表征。

    The clothing is the characterization and carrier of the evolution of the social trend.

  15. 残疾人奥运会运动项目的衍变与发展趋势

    Trends on Paralympics Games Sports Evolution and Development.

  16. 金华之学的衍变与戴良的诗文成就

    Development of Study in Jinhua And Poetic Achievements Of Dai Liang

  17. 叙述文物囊匣的形成、发展和衍变过程。

    The generation, development, and evolution process of packaging box for antiquity was introduced.

  18. 元素的衍变不再是放射性物质独具的特点。

    The transmutation of the elements was no longer the privilege of the radioactive substances alone.

  19. 近代海关内部业务分工结构及衍变述略

    The Makeup and Development of Modern Chinese Maritime Customs

  20. 我终于知道真正的衍变大道了,原来如此,原来如此啊。

    Finally know that I really Evolution Avenue, the original case, the original case ah.

  21. 而书体的发生又是书风持续衍变的必然结果。

    But the occurrence of the calligraphy style is also the inevitable result which the font continues to evolve.

  22. 潮汕话本是古代中原汉人语言在潮地衍变的产物。

    Chaoshan if this is the ancient Chinese language in the Central Plains to wave a product of evolution.

  23. 从社会分化看我国体育管理体制的衍变与发展

    Pondering the Evolution of Sport Management System from the Society Division in China.

  24. 微变异或突变可以认为是物种衍变历史记录中的一页。

    Microvariations, or mutations, are considered to be slight changes of the historical record.

  25. 由声乐曲衍变成器乐曲是民族民间器乐曲发展的重要方面。

    It was an important way to develop the Chinese traditional instrumental pieces that derived them from the vocal ones.

  26. 这些均可备一说, 其渊源恐均系由祀蚕神衍变扩大而来。

    These can be prepared by one said that its origins are by the fear of God worship Evolution expanded from silkworm.


  1. 问:衍变拼音怎么拼?衍变的读音是什么?衍变翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衍变的读音是yǎnbiàn,衍变翻译成英文是 evolve




拼音:yǎn biàn基本解释[develop;evolve] 通过进化而发展;演变例如:一些基本的东西互相影响融合,衍变成丰富多样的东西。一切事物都在不断衍变。详细解释演变。发展变化。范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第二编第二章第九节:“ 孟子 发挥 孔子 的德治思想最为透彻, 西汉 以下的儒学,基本上是 孟子 学说的衍变。” 秦牧 《艺海拾贝·鲜花百态和艺术风格》:“一些基本的东西,互相配合,衍变成为多种多样的东西。”