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We are all in the same boat together, whether we like it or not, and it seems to me that our crew is polarized.
我们全体一齐都在这同一条船上,不管我们喜欢还是不喜欢它,在我看来我们的船员似乎极性化了。But occasionally this dipole field switches polarity north and south reverses, and this process seems to take a few thousand years.
但是偶尔这偶极场会转换极性――南极和北极倒转,这个过程似乎需要几千年的时间。The surface energy parameter results indicate that the polarity of polyethylene tends to be increased.
表面能参数的结果表明,随纳米颗粒的加入,聚乙烯的极性有提高的趋势。Endogenous auxin is often distributed asymmetrically throughout the plant, accumulated in certain tissues and cells.
生长素的极性运输导致其积累在某些局部组织和细胞内,形成特定梯度分布。So the Founders put out a call to all souls in all universes that had completed at least one Polarity Integration Game.
这样创设者呼吁在所有宇宙的全部灵魂至少完成一个极性融合游戏。New tools have been used to reveal the basis of cell polarity, morphogen gradients and regulation of signaling in developing animals.
新的工具已被用来揭示了基础细胞极性,形态梯度和调节信号在发展中国家的动物。The electrolyte comprises a polar solvent and a solute comprising at least one of inorganic acids, organic acids and salts of such acids.
上述电解质具有极性溶剂和无机酸或有机酸或其盐中任何一种以上的溶质。Nomi is still recovering from health issues that are the result of how polarity has pressed his dream towards extinction rather than life.
Nomi仍在恢复健康中,那是极性将其梦想推入绝灭而不是生存的结果。Electromagnets in the guideway are activated by a distant control station, their polarity opposite that of electromagnets in the wings.