


1. 空 [kōng]2. 空 [kòng]3. 空 [kǒng]空 [kōng]不包含什么,没有内容:~洞(a.没有内容的;b.物体内部的窟窿)。~泛。~话。~旷。~乏。~~如也。~前绝后。凭~(无根据)。真~(没有任何东西)。没有结果的……







汉语拼音:kōng xīn qiáng








  1. Check attic and cavity wall insulation quality.


  2. A study on thermal characteristics of naturally ventilated cavity wall equipped insulation-the effect of reducing temperature rise in summer


  3. Specification for metal ties for cavity wall construction


  1. 空心墙保暖

    cavity wall insulation.

  2. 向空心墙内注入泡沫填料。

    inject foam into a cavity wall

  3. 空心墙中常混合或使用砖和空心砖。

    Brick and Block are often combined or used in cavity walls.

  4. 检查阁楼和空心墙绝缘材料得质量。

    Check attic and cavity wall insulation quality.

  5. 检查阁楼和空心墙绝缘材料的质量。

    Check attic and cavity wall insulation quality.

  6. 柱间是两砖厚的轻质空心节间墙。

    Between the columns were light, hollow panel walls of double brick.

  7. 柱间是两砖厚得轻质空心节间墙。

    Between the columns were light, hollow panel walls of double brick.

  8. 工业灰渣混凝土空心隔墙条板施工及验收规程

    Specification for construction and acceptance of industrial a waste ash concrete hollow panels for partition

  9. 石膏空心条板隔墙的构造及安装工艺

    Structure and installation technique of hollow gypsum strip partition

  10. 增强石膏空心条板轻隔墙施工技术规程

    Technical specification for construction of lightweight partition with reinforced hollow gypsum lath

  11. 脱硫石膏空心条板隔墙施工及验收规程

    Specification for construction and acceptance of desolated gypsum panels with cavities for partitions

  12. 经批准的加固空心砌块墙设计和混凝土填充。

    Approved hollow block wall with reinforcement to design and concrete infill.

  13. 经批准得加固空心砌块墙设计和混凝土填充。

    Approved hollow block wall with reinforcement to design and concrete infill.

  14. 用粘土或混疑土烧制用于砌墙的空心材料

    a hollow fired clay or concrete block used for building walls

  15. 空心砖用粘土或混疑土烧制用于砌墙的空心材料

    A hollow fired clay or concrete block used for building walls. Fired shale brick external wall insulation system

  16. 混凝土空心墙板

    hollow wall plank of concrete

  17. 空心墙板成型机

    hollow wallboard molding machine

  18. 石渣粉混凝土空心砌块填充墙裂缝的综合治理

    Comprehensive Treatment of Crack in Mountain Flour Slag Concrete Small Hollow Block Walls

  19. 混凝土小型空心砌块填充墙湿胀干缩的试验研究

    Experimental study on moisture expansion and drying shrinkage of wall filled with small concrete hollow block.

  20. 空心隔墙板

    hollow slab.

  21. 墙群由空心混凝土砖块砌成。

    The walls are made of hollow concrete blocks.

  22. 镁质水泥陶粒空心轻质墙板的开发

    Development of magnesia cement ceramisite hollow light wall board

  23. 剪力墙和空心箱形梁的墙厚约50厘米。

    Shear walls and the walls of the hollow box beam will be approximately 50 cm thick.

  24. 如果你要把它安装到空心墙壁里, 请使用墙锚。

    Use wall anchors if mounting into a hollow surface.

  25. 煤渣混凝土小型空心砌块墙体裂缝原因与防治

    Causes for fracture on wall constructed by cinder concrete hollow block and its prevention

  26. 空心钢筋混凝土带门、窗洞剪力墙抗震性能试验研究

    An experimental study on the aseismic behavior of hollow shear wall of reinforced concrete with doors or windows

  27. 混凝土小型空心砌块墙体干缩性能的试验研究

    Experimental study on dry shrinkage of small concrete hollow block wall

  28. 浮石次轻混凝土小型空心砌块节能墙体建筑热工实测分析

    Analysis of Hotworking of Energyefficient Wall Built by Pumice Stone Hypoweight Concrete Small Hollow Block.


  1. 问:空心墙拼音怎么拼?空心墙的读音是什么?空心墙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:空心墙的读音是kōng xīn qiáng,空心墙翻译成英文是 cavity masonry

  2. 问:空心墙体拼音怎么拼?空心墙体的读音是什么?空心墙体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:空心墙体的读音是kōng xīn qiáng tǐ,空心墙体翻译成英文是 hollow walling

  3. 问:空心墙板拼音怎么拼?空心墙板的读音是什么?空心墙板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:空心墙板的读音是kōng xīn qiáng bǎn,空心墙板翻译成英文是 hollow core wall panel

  4. 问:空心墙清除口拼音怎么拼?空心墙清除口的读音是什么?空心墙清除口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:空心墙清除口的读音是kōng xīn qiáng qīng chú kǒu,空心墙清除口翻译成英文是 clean out of wall cavities

  5. 问:空心墙梯式加固拼音怎么拼?空心墙梯式加固的读音是什么?空心墙梯式加固翻译成英文是什么?

    答:空心墙梯式加固的读音是kōng xīn qiáng tī shì jiā gù,空心墙梯式加固翻译成英文是 cavity wall reinforcing

  6. 问:空心墙隔热材料拼音怎么拼?空心墙隔热材料的读音是什么?空心墙隔热材料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:空心墙隔热材料的读音是kōng xīn qiáng gé rè cái liào,空心墙隔热材料翻译成英文是 cavity wall insulation



空心墙 kōngxīnqiáng [cavity wall] 中间有空气层隔热的双层普通砖石砌体墙 空心墙的组砌方法 1、 有眠 2、无眠 有眠:一斗一眠、二斗一眠、三斗一眠