







汉语拼音:chuí qīng








  1. 谓以青眼相看,表示重视或见爱。古人称黑眼珠为青眼。

    元 谷子敬 《城南柳》第一折:“为甚么桃脸破红颜,柳眼垂青顾,认得俺东君是主。” 清 李渔 《玉搔头·缔盟》:“多蒙令爱垂青,已把终身相许。下官具有些须聘礼,求妈妈笑纳。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第二卷第四三章:“今日来投 闯王 帐下,过蒙垂青,只恨才疏学浅,无以为报。”参见“ 青白眼 ”。



  1. I would have never let the city get into such a bind if I was governor ! Perhaps a few palms need to be greased to gain favor then?


  2. The appeal of a high-ranking geisha to her typical male guest has historically been very different from that of his wife.


  3. The boy was probably just trying to do better business: he would get more sympathy in the women's compartment than in the mixed cars.


  4. It even occurred to me that fortune did not favor me and my life was done.


  5. That might have been the beginning of the end for Kony, but Central Africa's turbulent regional politics had just shifted in his favor.


  6. He would not look at any girl above him in station.


  7. The major tipping point in the Yankees' favor was their immediate need for Clemens, said the right-hander's agent, Randy Hendricks.


  8. Nevertheless, the company is at last gaining traction with London institutions.


  9. The supposition did not pain her. She liked him too little to care for his approbation.


  1. 命运的女神垂青勇士。

    Fortune favors the brave.

  2. 机遇垂青有准备的头脑。

    Opportunity favors the prepared mind.

  3. 机会垂青相互联系的脑袋

    Chance favors the connected mind.

  4. 对他的垂青我感到荣幸。

    I felt honored by his notice.

  5. 埃莉诺也回报了这种垂青。

    Elinor returned the partiality.

  6. 机遇只垂青有准备的人

    And opportunities only befall those who are well prepared

  7. 做你自己,命运将会垂青你。

    Be yourself and fate will drive your future.

  8. 他受上帝垂青,我只是普通人。

    He was chosen. I was ordinary.

  9. 运气首先垂青亨利。马丁,

    The lot it fell first upon Henry Martin

  10. 不久他便得到了老板的垂青。

    It was not long before he found favour with his boss.

  11. 他在女人垂青下,过得神气活现。

    He thrives on female attention.

  12. 上帝垂青那些真正爱你的男人。

    Heaven help the man who ever really loves you.

  13. 钓鱼的人仍然垂青于淡水鱼

    Only the angler still thinks fresh water fish important.

  14. 机遇总是垂青于有准备的人。

    Chances favor the minds that are prepared.

  15. 我自认为这部著作不值得你垂青。

    I may consider this work unworthy of your countenance.

  16. 为了得到她的垂青,我们已经成了死敌。

    We're deadly rivals for her affection.

  17. 而且还要牢记时光不会等待垂青你我。

    And remember that time waits for no one.

  18. 我甚至觉得好运没有垂青于我,我的人生完了。

    It even occurred to me that fortune did not favor me and my life was done.

  19. 他不肯对那些地位高于自己的姑娘垂青。

    He would not look at any girl above him in station.

  20. 一位绅士不久前曾想要你垂青, 以身相许。

    A gentleman not long ago aspired to the favor of your hand.

  21. 民族正经历着动荡,主角正被幸运之神垂青。

    The nation is experiencing turmoil, the hero is favored by luck.

  22. 他居然肯垂青于一个普通的小姑娘。

    He dropped his eyes on a simple little girl.

  23. 年轻女子,为了躲避天神的垂青,决心和恋人私奔。

    The young lady, a victim of the god's unwanted attention, was going to run away with her lover.

  24. 在观察的领域里,机遇垂青于有准备的头脑。

    In the field of observation, chance favors the prepared mind.

  25. 剩下的其他四人中,谁将获得幸运女神的垂青呢?

    Who among the remaining four will get the nod?

  26. 曾经一度受人垂青得纯职业教育显然是不够得。

    Obviously the purely vocational training once favored is not enough.

  27. 曾经一度受人垂青的纯职业教育显然是不够的。

    Obviously the purely vocational training once favored is not enough.

  28. 梦想之花垂青得只是那些有耐心,持着追求得人。

    The flower dream of concern of just those have patience, holding to pursue of person.

  29. 梦想之花垂青的只是那些有耐心,持着追求的人。

    The flower dream of concern of just those have patience, holding to pursue of person.

  30. 机遇垂青于那些在高压下仍能表现优异的人。

    Opportunities favor those who perform well under pressure.


  1. 问:垂青拼音怎么拼?垂青的读音是什么?垂青翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垂青的读音是chuíqīng,垂青翻译成英文是 to show appreciation for somebody; to look u...


