




1. 拂 [fú]2. 拂 [bì]拂 [fú]拭,掸去:~拭。~尘。轻轻擦过:~晓。春风~面。微风~煦。甩动,抖动:~袖而去。违背,不顺:忠言~耳。~逆。拂 [bì]古同“弼”,辅助。……



汉语拼音:chuī fú








  1. 谓微风吹动物体。

    宋 王安石 《晨兴望南山》诗:“天风一吹拂,的皪成璵璠。” 茅盾 《昙》一:“温暖的南风,轻轻地吹拂她的秀发。” 刘心武 《班主任》:“晚风吹拂着她火烫的面颊。”

  2. 比喻揄扬。

    《宋书·王微传》:“ 江 ( 江湛 )不过强吹拂吾,云是巖穴人。巖穴人情所高,吾得当此,则鸡鶩变作凤皇,何为干饰廉隅,秩秩见於面目,所惜者大耳。”



  1. The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you. And I shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat.


  2. The sun was shining, the wind was blowing, the light and shadows were passing across the field, the birds were singing.


  3. The murky figure twisted into itself as the fire engulfed it. It hissed and howled. Bits of burning shadow fluttered off in the wind.


  4. Then something happened to me that opened all the windows and doors of my soul to the cool breezes of collective divine love.


  5. In the evening, the wind blew gently and they retired into the dark night in profound silence.


  6. You know, once you're dead, nothing smells bad anymore. Rotten eggs? No problem. Dead fish? Like a spring breeze.


  7. Let the sea breeze sway five millenniums, each drop of teardrops as if said your dignity.


  8. Quietly nourishing rain, the breeze blowing gently, then brown buds, so only the blink of an eye, they become yellow-green of the children .


  9. The wind was still blowing gently, stars are beginning to embellishes the dark sky.


  1. 看那西风吹拂

    See the west wind moves.

  2. 微风已开始吹拂。

    A breeze has sprung up.

  3. 冷冽的寒风吹拂。

    Making do in a cold wind.

  4. 微风轻轻迎面吹拂

    Gentle are the breezes coming to me

  5. 晨风吹拂着垂柳。

    The morning breeze is swaying the weeping willows.

  6. 和风吹拂, 柳梢摇曳。

    Willow branches sway in the breeze.

  7. 和风吹拂,柳梢摇曳。

    Willow branches sway in the breeze.

  8. 和风吹拂,柳梢摇曳。

    Willow branches sway in the breeze.

  9. 被微风吹拂的花朵

    the flowers winnowed by breeze

  10. 清爽的秋风正在吹拂。

    The crisp autumn wind is flickering away.

  11. 微风吹拂着她的头发。

    The breeze fanned her hair.

  12. 东风吹拂, 柳条迎风飘舞。

    Gently Blows the east wind, setting the willow Branches dancing.

  13. 明丽的六月你吹拂玫瑰。

    Do not the bright June roses blow.

  14. 春风吹拂着袅娜的柳丝。

    The slender willow twigs were swaying gently in the spring breeze.

  15. 风吹拂着窗帘微微鼓起。

    The curtains billowed gently in the breeze.

  16. 一阵轻柔的风吹拂着我们。

    A gentle breeze caresses us.

  17. 帆船在微风吹拂的外海航行。

    The yacht was on the open sea inlight winds.

  18. 乌云四散, 清新的微风吹拂着。

    The clouds cleared away, and a fresh breeze sprang up.

  19. 春风袅袅吹拂着袅娜的柳丝。

    The slender willow twigs were swaying in the gentle spring breeze.

  20. 我用我的呼吸吹拂着你的胸膛,

    I am fanning your breasts with my breath.

  21. 风吹拂我们的肌肤时,我们会知道。

    The wind touches our skin, we know it.

  22. 万籁俱寂, 柔和的微风吹拂她的前额。

    All nature was still, and the soft, mild air fanned her forehead.

  23. 风儿吹拂羊齿叶覆盖得山坡?

    That winds about yon fernie brae?

  24. 风儿吹拂羊齿叶覆盖的山坡?

    That winds about yon fernie brae?

  25. 有一丝向岸微风在轻轻吹拂。

    There was a bit of a wind and it was blowing onshore.

  26. 在北风吹拂下, 波浪翻滚, 怒吼咆哮。

    In the north wind blows, the waves rolling, roaring growl.

  27. 一条狗追逐着清风吹拂的青苔。

    The running dog chased the fluttering moss.

  28. 山前的伸展的被风吹拂着的草地

    Loch, unaware of anything unusual swung the door open and stepped in.

  29. 因为那柔风的吹拂, 无声无息, 无影无踪。

    For the gentle wind doth move silently , invisibly.

  30. 爱情和事业的春风正在吹拂着我。

    I am fanned by soft airs of promised love and prosperity.


  1. 问:吹拂拼音怎么拼?吹拂的读音是什么?吹拂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吹拂的读音是chuīfú,吹拂翻译成英文是 sway; blow air through something








【基本解释】 1. [sway;stir]∶拂拭。拂:①轻轻擦过:清风拂拂|春风拂面。②掸去;擦拭:拂拭。③甩动;抖:拂袖而去。吹拂是正确的用词,吹佛属于别字一类。 2. [winnow]∶微风轻轻掠过。比喻对人的赞扬;推荐

【详细解释】 1. 谓微风吹动物体。 宋 王安石 《晨兴望南山》诗句:“天风一吹拂,的皪成璵璠”。 茅盾 《昙》一:“温暖的南风,轻轻地吹拂她的秀发”。 刘心武 《班主任》:“晚风吹拂着她火烫的面颊”。余邵《油菜花》诗句:“清风吹拂金波涌,飘溢醉人浓郁香”。 2. 比喻揄扬。 《宋书·王微传》:“ 江 ( 江湛 )不过强吹拂吾,云是巖穴人。巖穴人情所高,吾得当此,则鸡鹜变作凤皇,何为干饰廉隅,秩秩见於面目,所惜者大耳”。