


长度小,与“长(cháng )”相对:~期。~暂。~促。~途。~命。~讯。~浅。~兵相接。~小精悍。缺少,欠:~少。~缺。缺点:~处。护~。取长补~。……





汉语拼音:duǎn cù








  1. 时间短暂。

    唐 杜甫 《送高司直寻封阆州》诗:“良会苦短促,溪行水奔注。” 清 俞樾 《茶香室丛钞·三藏取经遇西域老僧》:“此间经籍甚多,人命短促,能读几何。” 丁玲 《韦护》第三章:“呵,多么甜蜜的时日呵!我们享有过的,只是太短促了。”

  2. 指物体不长,很短。


  3. 迅疾;急迫。

    叶圣陶 《隔膜·恐怖的夜》:“河水动荡的声音,成一种短促的节奏。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部三:“娘的话没讲完,呼吸忽然短促无力,眼皮慢慢搭拉下来,最后停止了呼吸。”



  1. General Statement: Due to constrained time, I hereby am only able to present my basic thoughts and the preliminary design of the product.


  2. Nowhere did we stop long enough to get a particularized impression, but the general sense of vague and oppressive wonder grew upon me.


  3. The HBS students' classroom preparation will have to be pretty thorough, then, to make up for the brevity of their field trips.


  4. Sir Michael has no fancy to return to the familiar dwelling-place in which he once dreamed a brief dream of impossible happiness.


  5. Symptoms of infection can include tiredness, a persistent, dry cough, shortness of breath, weakness and "generally feeling bad, " he said.


  6. Among his short stories, "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber" is stylistically one of his best stories.


  7. In the course of his brief visit, he quite forgot to ask after his niece.


  8. The time of life is short, to spend that shortness basely , it would be too long. ----Shakespeare.


  9. Notes on seven shots to push: push the swing to be gentle, long, sent the ball to the target direction, and not too short.


  1. 短促地呼吸

    Okay, short quick breaths.

  2. 一声短促尖叫

    a squeaky voice.

  3. 人生太短促了。

    Lifes beastly short.

  4. 而造成呼吸短促。

    and that's why you have shortness of breath.

  5. 她的呼吸急迫短促。

    Her breath was coming in short bursts.

  6. 我咳嗽而且呼吸短促。

    I have a coughing spell and I get short of breath.

  7. 他那短促的军人音调

    his clipped military tones

  8. 她心搏过速,呼吸短促

    She's tachycardic and short of breath.

  9. 喘息短促而有力的呼气

    A short, forceful exhalation of breath.

  10. 大炮发出短促清脆的轰响。

    The big guns barked.

  11. 使发出短促,尖锐的声音

    To cause to make an abrupt, sharp sound.

  12. 有连续的短促尖锐的噪音。

    having a series of short sharp noises.

  13. 短促地, 剧烈地吸气或屏气

    a short convulsive intake or catching of the breath

  14. 吠声刺耳的短促的狗叫声。

    The harsh, abrupt sound uttered by a dog.

  15. 他发出一声短促的惊呼。

    He uttered a short cry of surprise.

  16. 短促、突发的喷嚏意味着感染。

    Short bursts of sneezing suggest infection.

  17. 你有时感觉短促的喘气吗?

    Do you feel shortwinded

  18. 一瞥, 一看短促的, 粗略的一瞥或一看

    A brief, incomplete view or look.

  19. 生命如此短促, 学艺却如此久长。

    The life so short, the craft so long to learn.

  20. 只能活一个短促的瞬息!

    That are so wondrous sweet and fair!

  21. 我们这样才能延长短促的人生?

    the brevity of human life

  22. 他发出了一声短促的苦笑。

    He laughed a little short ugly laugh.

  23. 短促、尖利的叫喊声或狗叫声。

    A short, sharp cry or bark.

  24. 我们怎样才能延长短促的人生?

    How can we endeavor to prolong the brevity of human life?

  25. 我们怎样才能延长短促的人生?

    How can we endeavor to prolong the brevity of human life?

  26. 短促浸入,特别是快的摆动

    A brief plunge or immersion, especially a quick swim.

  27. 高音电子声音短促的尖音信号

    A highpitched electronic sound a bleep.

  28. 发出砰的一声发出短促,尖利的爆裂声

    To make a short, sharp, explosive sound.

  29. 发出咝咝声由呼气造成的短促的咝咝声

    A short, sibilant sound produced by a puff.

  30. 有人短促, 嘲弄地笑了一声。

    There was a short, derisive laugh.


  1. 问:短促拼音怎么拼?短促的读音是什么?短促翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短促的读音是duǎncù,短促翻译成英文是 very brief

  2. 问:短促性爱拼音怎么拼?短促性爱的读音是什么?短促性爱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短促性爱的读音是,短促性爱翻译成英文是 Quickie

  3. 问:短促挥拍拼音怎么拼?短促挥拍的读音是什么?短促挥拍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短促挥拍的读音是duǎn cù huī pāi,短促挥拍翻译成英文是 whip the racket

  4. 问:短促脉冲选通门拼音怎么拼?短促脉冲选通门的读音是什么?短促脉冲选通门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:短促脉冲选通门的读音是duǎn cù mài chōng xuǎn tōng mén,短促脉冲选通门翻译成英文是 burst gate



[transitory;short duration]∶时间短暂而急促将尘世的短促欢乐换取天国的希望; [short]∶突然出其不意的缩短或结束的一段短促但令人兴奋的经历; 短期促销的缩写,一般以叫卖的形式在展柜前做产品营销。