


1. 糊 [hū]2. 糊 [hú]3. 糊 [hù]糊 [hū]涂抹或粘合使封闭起来:~了一层泥。糊 [hú]粘合,涂附:裱~。~墙。~窗户。粥类:~口。〔~涂〕a.不明事理;认识模糊混乱,如“他太~~了”;b.内容混乱的,如“~~账”。……





汉语拼音:hú kǒu







  1. 吃粥。喻勉强维持生活。

    《魏书·崔浩传》:“今既糊口无以至来秋,来秋或復不熟,将如之何?” 宋 苏轼 《雷州》诗之一:“灌园以糊口,身自杂苍头。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·如是我闻三》:“平生以馆穀糊口。” 郭沫若 《后悔》:“两个月的苦工换得八十块钱来,可以糊口养家,可以周济友人。”



  1. He was a scholar whose learning did not fill his mouth.


  2. There is no doubt that the farmers' living standard will be improved to a great extent.


  3. It used to be simple: you were poor if you did not have enough money to live on.


  4. All that hard work, all that hardship, all the time spent underground, it was all for the families. It was all for you.


  5. We hope XX and XX cherish every little bit of your love, for this is one of your precious wealth of your life after marriage.


  6. Mom, I wish to tell you that if there is a lot better, let me make ends meet in the coming slowly to talk to you now!


  7. here, who have friends in your own real summed up in the beauty tips to share with you all along.


  8. But at least having to adapt to both plenty and scarcity makes for a more versatile upbringing than one of remorseless overindulgence.


  9. And more generally, how much is driving a part of your juggle and how do you feel about it?


  1. 要养家糊口

    To bring home the bacon.

  2. 他们怎样糊口?

    How do they manage to subsist ?

  3. 我拼命养家糊口

    I struggled to make ends meet.

  4. 我必须养家糊口。

    I have to bring home the bacon.

  5. 我不得不养家糊口。

    I have to bring home the bacon.

  6. 男人理应养家糊口。

    Man was responsible for the survival of his family.

  7. 她竭尽全力养家糊口。

    She stretched herself to provide for the family.

  8. 人们勉强糊口度日

    You see people struggling to get by.

  9. 仅供糊口的收入

    subsistence income

  10. 他仅能糊口度日。

    He lives from hand to mouth.

  11. 我靠卖画糊口。

    I manage to scrape a living by selling my picture.

  12. 他的钱仅够糊口。

    He has just enough money to boil the pot.

  13. 作为单身母亲,养家糊口

    a single mother struggling to make ends meet.

  14. 他靠辛苦劳动糊口。

    He earns his daily bread by hard work.

  15. 他们需要活命,需要养家糊口

    They need to be alive, they need to feed.

  16. 现在是我在养家糊口。

    I'm the breadwinner now.

  17. 现在是我在养家糊口。

    I'm the breadwinner now.

  18. 靠土豆勉强糊口度日

    to scratch and live on potatoes

  19. 现挣现吃, 刚够糊口

    Gain the upper hand of

  20. 她拼命工作来养家糊口。

    She stretched herself to provide for the family.

  21. 他靠摆摊勉强糊口。

    He ekes out a living with a market stall.

  22. 他们的生活仅能糊口。

    They lived form hand to mouth.

  23. 他们的生活仅能糊口。

    They lived form hand to mouth.

  24. 我只是靠开车勉强糊口

    I just move people for a living.

  25. 他们这点工资怎么糊口?

    How do they manage to subsist on such a low wage?

  26. 他赚的钱仅够糊口。

    All that they had ever had were the bare necessities of life. He earns a bare living by his work.

  27. 现挣现吃地。仅够糊口地

    They have to earn enough money to pay for the things they need. Some even live from hand to mouth

  28. 农村地区90%的人仅够糊口。

    Nine tenths of the population in rural areas live from hand to mouth.

  29. 他没有财产, 生活仅够糊口。

    He has no property, and is living from hand to mouth.

  30. 我不是一个养家糊口的人。

    I was not a breadwinner.


  1. 问:糊口拼音怎么拼?糊口的读音是什么?糊口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糊口的读音是húkǒu,糊口翻译成英文是 To manage to survive.

  2. 问:糊口工资拼音怎么拼?糊口工资的读音是什么?糊口工资翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糊口工资的读音是hú kǒu gōng zī,糊口工资翻译成英文是 living wage

  3. 问:糊口工资论拼音怎么拼?糊口工资论的读音是什么?糊口工资论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糊口工资论的读音是hú kǒu gōng zī lùn,糊口工资论翻译成英文是 wage subsistence theory





【拼音】hú kǒu

【释义】[keep body and soul together] 勉强维持生活,填饱肚子,养家糊口 粥以糊口。——宋·司马光《训俭示康》 《东周列国志》第四回:“姜氏作色曰:‘再若不允,惟有逐之他国,使其别图仕进,以糊口耳!’”