




1. 角 [jiǎo]2. 角 [jué]角 [jiǎo]牛、羊、鹿等头上长出的坚硬的东西:牛~。鹿~。犄~。~质。形状像角的:菱~。皂~。突入海中的尖形的陆地(多用于地名):成山~(在中国山东省)。几何学指从一点引出两条直线所夹成的平面部……



汉语拼音:dùn jiǎo







  1. 数学名词。大于直角而小于平角的角。



  1. Open book - Same as a dihedral or inside corner. Two panes of rock join in an acute or obtuse corner that faces left or right.


  2. The pilot and copilot each have a set, and there is a pair of shared DUs (display units) in the center (arranged top-and-bottom).


  3. Look up words and concepts like abacus, Thales' theorem, obtuse triangle and a lot more in this special site.


  4. wing greenish white, usually ca. as long as nutlets, rarely longer, parallel on both sides, wings spreading at obtuse or right angles.


  5. Finally, Please re-sharpen barb area. On this area, no need to re-sharpen to acute angle. Please re-sharpen to obtuse angle.


  6. an cut angle at the roots of adjacent straight teeth is an obtuse angle.


  7. Only rubber shoes, or running shoes with nails' length less than 6 mm will be allowed in the sports ground.


  8. Leaves broadly oval, basal sinuses rounded, rarely forming an obtuse angle.


  9. On a vacation at home, Louis, age 15, picked up a blunt awl.


  1. 钝角设计法

    obtuse angle design method

  2. 钝角等分线

    obtuse bisectrix

  3. 这个三角形是钝角三角形。

    The triangle is a obtuse.

  4. 钝角辙叉角

    obtuse crossing angle

  5. 角是钝角的三角形。

    A triangle that contains an obtuse interior angle.

  6. 锐角和钝角都是斜角。

    Acute and obtuse angles are oblique angles.

  7. 锐角和钝角都是斜角;

    Acute and obtuse angles are oblique angles.

  8. 尖角钝角两用钻

    drill and countersink combination

  9. 并证明了相应的钝角原理。

    The relevant obtuse angle principle is proved.

  10. 有一个内角是钝角的三角形。

    A triangle that contains an obtuse interior angle.

  11. 基于钝角演化规则的多边形形状识别

    Polygonal Shape Recognition Based on Obtuse Angle Evolution Rules

  12. 钝角三角形有一个角是钝角,有两个角是锐角。

    Obtuse triangle One of the three angles is an obtuse angle. The other two are acute angles.

  13. 电源电压线包括形成钝角的边缘部分。

    The power supply voltage line includes an edge part formed in an obtuse angle.

  14. 花剑较轻,有弹性,剑尖为钝角。

    The foil is a light, flexible weapon with a blunted point.

  15. 设立体中两个相邻面之间的钝角为。

    Let be the obtuse angle between two adjacent faces of the solid.

  16. 相邻直齿在齿根处的交角为钝角。

    an cut angle at the roots of adjacent straight teeth is an obtuse angle.

  17. 天然环保的复合实木地板,钝角的床和木梯。

    The floor of compound fact wood of natural environmental protection, the bed of obtuse angle and wooden ladder.

  18. 有时候它看起来更像一个钝角三角形。温特说。

    Sometimes it looks more like an obtuse triangle, Winter said.

  19. 用矢量点积求立方体的两条对角线所夹的钝角。

    Use the vector dot product to find the obtuse angle between two diagonals of a cube.

  20. 用矢量点积求立方体得两条对角线所夹得钝角。

    Use the vector dot product to find the obtuse angle between two diagonals of a cube.

  21. 叶宽卵圆形, 基部的凹缺圆形, 很少形成一个钝角。

    Leaves broadly oval, basal sinuses rounded, rarely forming an obtuse angle.

  22. 一种带有四个等边构成两个内钝角和两个锐角的图形

    a figure with four equal sides forming two inner obtuse angles and two inner acute angles

  23. 例如,床铺不要过高,家具的楞角要处理成钝角或浑圆形。

    For example, bed is not exorbitant, the edges and corners of furniture should handle obtuse angle or muddy circle.

  24. 运动员只能穿著胶鞋或钉长不超过6毫米的钝角钉鞋进场。

    Only rubber shoes, or running shoes with nails length less than 6 mm will be allowed in the sports ground.

  25. 参赛者只能穿著胶鞋或钉长不超过6毫米的钝角钉鞋进场。

    Only rubber shoes, or running shoes with nails length less than 6 mm will be allowed in the sports ground.

  26. 运动员只能穿著胶鞋或钉长不超过6毫米得钝角钉鞋进场。

    Only rubber shoes, or running shoes with nails length less than 6 mm will be allowed in the sports ground.


  1. 问:钝角拼音怎么拼?钝角的读音是什么?钝角翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钝角的读音是dùnjiǎo,钝角翻译成英文是 obtuse angle

  2. 问:钝角三角拼音怎么拼?钝角三角的读音是什么?钝角三角翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钝角三角的读音是dùnjiǎo sān jiǎo,钝角三角翻译成英文是 obtuse triangle

  3. 问:钝角交叉拼音怎么拼?钝角交叉的读音是什么?钝角交叉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钝角交叉的读音是dùnjiǎo jiāo chā,钝角交叉翻译成英文是 oblique-angle intersection

  4. 问:钝角绿藻拼音怎么拼?钝角绿藻的读音是什么?钝角绿藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钝角绿藻的读音是dùnjiǎolǜzǎo,钝角绿藻翻译成英文是 Goniochloris mutica

  5. 问:钝角三角形拼音怎么拼?钝角三角形的读音是什么?钝角三角形翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钝角三角形的读音是dùn jiǎo sān jiǎo xíng,钝角三角形翻译成英文是 obtuse triangle

  6. 问:钝角角棘藻拼音怎么拼?钝角角棘藻的读音是什么?钝角角棘藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钝角角棘藻的读音是dùnjiǎojiǎojízǎo,钝角角棘藻翻译成英文是 Tetraëdron muticum

  7. 问:钝角金星蕨拼音怎么拼?钝角金星蕨的读音是什么?钝角金星蕨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钝角金星蕨的读音是dùnjiǎo jīnxīngjué,钝角金星蕨翻译成英文是 Parathelypteris angulariloba

  8. 问:钝角锥水母拼音怎么拼?钝角锥水母的读音是什么?钝角锥水母翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钝角锥水母的读音是dùnjiǎozhuīshuǐmǔ,钝角锥水母翻译成英文是 Chuniphyesmoserae

  9. 问:钝角狭甲轮虫拼音怎么拼?钝角狭甲轮虫的读音是什么?钝角狭甲轮虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钝角狭甲轮虫的读音是dùn jiǎo xiá jiǎ lún chóng,钝角狭甲轮虫翻译成英文是 Colurella obtusa

  10. 问:钝角胸肖叶甲拼音怎么拼?钝角胸肖叶甲的读音是什么?钝角胸肖叶甲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钝角胸肖叶甲的读音是dùnjiǎoxiōng xiāoyèjiǎ,钝角胸肖叶甲翻译成英文是 Basilepta davidi

  11. 问:钝角角星鼓藻拼音怎么拼?钝角角星鼓藻的读音是什么?钝角角星鼓藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钝角角星鼓藻的读音是dùnjiǎojiǎoxīnggǔzǎo,钝角角星鼓藻翻译成英文是 Staurastrum retusum

  12. 问:钝角转角隅石拼音怎么拼?钝角转角隅石的读音是什么?钝角转角隅石翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钝角转角隅石的读音是dùnjiǎo zhuǎn jiǎo yú shí,钝角转角隅石翻译成英文是 obtuse squint

  13. 问:钝角转角处墩柱拼音怎么拼?钝角转角处墩柱的读音是什么?钝角转角处墩柱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钝角转角处墩柱的读音是dùnjiǎo zhuǎn jiǎo chù dūn zhù,钝角转角处墩柱翻译成英文是 squint pier



钝角(obtuse angle)大于直角(90°)小于平角(180°)的角叫做钝角。