


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……


1. 模 [mó]2. 模 [mú]模 [mó]法式,规范,标准:~范。~式。楷~。~型。~本。~压。仿效:~仿(亦作“摹仿”)。~拟(亦作“摹拟”)。~写。特指“模范”:劳~。英~。模 [mú]〔~样〕a.人的长相或装束打扮的样子;b.表……


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……





汉语拼音:yǒu mú yǒu yàng








  1. But I do not think it is at all a likely thing for him to do. Mr. Knightley does nothing mysteriously.

  2. I jotted ideas, made lists, and to make myself feel extra legit, I even drew pie charts, just like the one you see here.

  3. action, he a social dance dance-like mode there, every time astronauts have to do a dance, fly games over his prospective.

  4. And he swallowed a strip of bread and butter with a very pleasant satisfaction.

  5. Something like a hotel reception desk now occupied one end of the hall.

  6. I know there have been a bunch of rumors, and based on everything I've read, I don't see it.

  7. In most of the locals and over more than 100 field learning from a delegation, the town had come to die.

  8. Entertainers who raise its banner may get some self-promotion and ego inflation from the effort, but they do the protest questionable good.

  9. But ultimately, look at the small rodents is a kind of a model to match.


  1. 小王的行楷写得有模有样。

    Xiao Wang writes a good hand of running-regular script.

  2. 说罢他有模有样地吞下一小块涂着牛油得面包。

    And he swallowed a strip of breadand butter with a very pleasant satisfaction.

  3. 说罢他有模有样地吞下一小块涂着牛油的面包。

    And he swallowed a strip of breadand butter with a very pleasant satisfaction.

  4. 有样东西我想给你

    There's something I want you to have.

  5. 这里有样东西是水,对吗?

    One item here was water, right?

  6. 在他身上有样东西一直没变。

    Something remained eternally unspoiled in him.

  7. 但你知道那里有样东西更坚强。

    But you know there is something that is stronger there.

  8. 为什么他妻子会有样值钱的项链呢?

    How was it that his wife had such a costly necklace ?

  9. 他们不怕有样学样,就算犯错也无所谓。

    They are not afraid to mimic, even if they get it wrong.

  10. 新得保险杠模有更深弧形得,不间断得表面。

    The new bumper mouldings are much deeper with curved, uninterrupted surfaces.

  11. 新的保险杠模有更深弧形的,不间断的表面。

    The new bumper mouldings are much deeper with curved, uninterrupted surfaces.

  12. 对了, 我有样小物品想送你, 让我把它打开。

    And I'd like to give you a less event to get habitat. Let me unroll it.

  13. 对了,我有样小东西想送你,让我把它打开。

    And I'd like to give you a little something to take home. Let me unroll it.

  14. 奥森,你如果不忙的话有样东西需要你过目一下。

    Orson, if you have a moment, there's something I'd like your thoughts on.

  15. 当他翻动书页时,他头顶的树枝中有样东西晃动起来。

    When he turned the pages, the top of his head in the branches have something shook up.

  16. 如果有样东西是该类中最好的, 你可以说这是蜂蜜的膝盖。

    If something was the best of kind, you might say it was the bees bee's knees.

  17. 研究一类带模有界条件的非线性不确定系统的鲁棒镇定。

    The robust stabilization for a class of nonlinear uncertain systems with norm bounded condition is researched.

  18. 样模选择重组

    copy choice recombination.

  19. 小妹妹学你的样有什么讨厌的?

    Yeah, it was kind of cute, but it got annoying after a while.

  20. 视频样版有没有一个有趣味得故事板?

    Does the sample video have an interesting storyboard?

  21. 视频样版有没有一个有趣味的故事板?

    Does the sample video have an interesting storyboard ?

  22. 一般报价包括标准模架吗?还是只有冲裁模?

    Does a quote also include top and bottom mounting plates? Or just the die set?

  23. 包装线上有完整的样办吗?

    Is there a sample of the finished packed product in the packing area

  24. 有平面图,有立面图,有断面图,样样俱全。

    Plans, elevations, sections, every kind of thing.

  25. 对产品和连续模的材料有较深的理解。

    To know well with the material of product and progression die.

  26. 并且我想这 样做有两个原因。

    And I undertook this for two reasons.

  27. 考试模还必须有能力与我们得支付网关整合。

    The exam mod must also have the ability to be integrated with our payment gateways.

  28. 考试模还必须有能力与我们的支付网关整合。

    The exam mod must also have the ability to be integrated with our payment gateways.

  29. 有穷固定模是系统在输出反馈下所不能改变的极点。

    The finite fixed modes of system is poles that can not be changed by output feedbacks.

  30. 其中有手捏的, 也有模制的。

    Among them, pinch the hand, are molded.





“有模有样”是个多义词,它可以指有模有样(成语), 有模有样(深圳市有模有样文化发展有限公司), 有模有样(百度百科活动)。