







汉语拼音:chè xiāo








  1. 见“ 撤销 ”。



  1. The Company hereby irrevocably waives any right to invoke jurisdiction it may have to any court by virtue of the laws of the PRC.


  2. The organizers have the right to refuse participation of any exhibitor found guilty of infringement of IPR and cancel his qualification.


  3. In general, API standards at least every 5 years to carry out a review, modification, to confirm or cancel.


  4. Uses the Undo command to reverse the last command or to delete the last entry that you typed.


  5. Method enables you to determine whether the last operation the user has undone can be reapplied to the control.


  6. Beijing has also begun to break down barriers that have prevented foreign companies from investing in highly regulated areas of the economy.


  7. For certificate revocation to work properly, the receiver of the certificate must check to see if it is still valid.


  8. To my deep regret, the buyer of these goods has just cancelled the order, a fact which compels me to cancel my order with you.


  9. Specifies the name of a column in a table on which permissions are being revoked.


  1. 撤消撤消或取消

    To revoke or annul.

  2. 撤消投标, 撤消承包

    withdraw a Bid

  3. 撤消策略更改

    To undo a policy change

  4. 撤消委任使用

    cancellation of authorization to use

  5. 证书可以撤消。

    The certificates can be revoked.

  6. 食言,撤消提议。

    retract a promise, an offer, etc

  7. 撤消解除或撤消

    To remove or withdraw.

  8. 撤消资本折旧率

    Deregulation of capital depreciation rates

  9. 撤消一项命令

    cancel an order

  10. 撤消他的签证

    to pull his visa

  11. 撤消一项决议

    annul a decision

  12. 撤消这项决定

    reverse the decision

  13. 他撤消了诉讼。

    He dropped the lawsuit.

  14. 撤消一诉讼案件

    To give up a court case

  15. 指控后来被撤消。

    The charge was withdrawn.

  16. 撤消一个禁令

    On Wednesday, a court in Tokyo lifted an injunction

  17. 撤消收回的权利

    To bar an equity or a right to redeem.

  18. 撤消所有消息标志

    Unflag All messages

  19. 政府撤消了戒严令。

    The government lifted martial law.

  20. 要保存或撤消时

    When you want to save or undo

  21. 撤消最新的撤消命令。

    Undoes the most recent undo command.

  22. 暂时撤消某项规则

    to suspend a rule

  23. 那被告拒不撤消。

    The accused refused to retract.

  24. 撤消专利申请服务

    Sues on the application of the cancellation and invalidity claims of patent

  25. 撤消下级法院的判决

    reverse the decision of a lower court

  26. 买主有权撤消合同。

    The buyer has the option of cancelling the contract.

  27. 撤消自动格式的选项

    Options for undoing automatic formatting

  28. 上诉法院撤消了裁决。

    The appeal court quashed the verdict.

  29. 可以快速撤消计算列。

    You can quickly undo a calculated column.

  30. 奢侈品限额已被撤消。

    The quota on luxury item has been revoked.


  1. 问:撤消拼音怎么拼?撤消的读音是什么?撤消翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撤消的读音是,撤消翻译成英文是 quash

  2. 问:撤消动作拼音怎么拼?撤消动作的读音是什么?撤消动作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撤消动作的读音是chè xiāo dòng zuò,撤消动作翻译成英文是 undoing action

  3. 问:撤消消息拼音怎么拼?撤消消息的读音是什么?撤消消息翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撤消消息的读音是chè xiāo xiāo xī,撤消消息翻译成英文是 undo message

  4. 问:撤消添加拼音怎么拼?撤消添加的读音是什么?撤消添加翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撤消添加的读音是chè xiāo tiān jiā,撤消添加翻译成英文是 undo add

  5. 问:撤消演习拼音怎么拼?撤消演习的读音是什么?撤消演习翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撤消演习的读音是chè xiāo yǎn xí,撤消演习翻译成英文是 Cancel Exercise

  6. 问:撤消论者拼音怎么拼?撤消论者的读音是什么?撤消论者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撤消论者的读音是,撤消论者翻译成英文是 repealer

  7. 问:撤消选定拼音怎么拼?撤消选定的读音是什么?撤消选定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撤消选定的读音是,撤消选定翻译成英文是 disselect

  8. 问:撤消选项拼音怎么拼?撤消选项的读音是什么?撤消选项翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撤消选项的读音是chè xiāo xuǎn xiàng,撤消选项翻译成英文是 undo option

  9. 问:撤消键入拼音怎么拼?撤消键入的读音是什么?撤消键入翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撤消键入的读音是chè xiāo jiàn rù,撤消键入翻译成英文是 undo typing

  10. 问:撤消型定义拼音怎么拼?撤消型定义的读音是什么?撤消型定义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撤消型定义的读音是chè xiāo xíng dìng yì,撤消型定义翻译成英文是 die releasing

  11. 问:撤消归化权拼音怎么拼?撤消归化权的读音是什么?撤消归化权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撤消归化权的读音是,撤消归化权翻译成英文是 denaturalize

  12. 问:撤消格式化拼音怎么拼?撤消格式化的读音是什么?撤消格式化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撤消格式化的读音是chè xiāo gé shì huà,撤消格式化翻译成英文是 undo formatting

  13. 问:撤消缓冲区拼音怎么拼?撤消缓冲区的读音是什么?撤消缓冲区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撤消缓冲区的读音是chè xiāo huǎn chōng qū,撤消缓冲区翻译成英文是 undo buffer

  14. 问:撤消文档保护拼音怎么拼?撤消文档保护的读音是什么?撤消文档保护翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撤消文档保护的读音是chè xiāo wén dàng bǎo hù,撤消文档保护翻译成英文是 unprotect document


撤消,拼音chè xiāo,意思是也作“撤销”取消。