







汉语拼音:bǔ shuǐ




由于货币成色、价值的不等,兑换时给予一定的贴补费,谓之补水。《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五九回:“理之 笑道:‘光板和烂板比较,要伸三分多银子的水;你用出去,不和他讨补水,他那得不疑心你用铜银呢。’”欧阳予倩《同住的三家人》:“[账房:]啊哟,中央纸吗?那是不行的!我们收的都是毫洋,而且都是新毫,(指着搭裢)不信你看。[ 王素薇:]我们照市价补水就是。”



  1. 由于货币成色、价值的不等,兑换时给予一定的贴补费,谓之补水。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五九回:“ 理之 笑道:‘光板和烂板比较,要伸三分多银子的水;你用出去,不和他讨补水,他那得不疑心你用铜银呢。’” 欧阳予倩 《同住的三家人》:“[账房:]啊哟,中央纸吗?那是不行的!我们收的都是毫洋,而且都是新毫,(指着搭裢)不信你看。[ 王素薇 :]我们照市价补水就是。”



  1. Drinking water throughout the day is an important habit to pick up. For your health, give this simple substance the importance it deserves.


  2. She got rehydration therapy, she perked up, within a few days she was looking like a completely different person.


  3. Pay that's for sure, you can use in the radiation is certainly Cream, referrals house Merlot, and naturally soothing, easy to use.


  4. The automatic water replenishing device consists of a water replenishing switch and a water replenishing container.


  5. If oil control oily skin or from the replenishment at the end of the general imbalance of water and oil are formed!


  6. The invention discloses a method for controlling constant steam automatic watering of a boiler iron and a device thereof.


  7. The horizontal outlet is shortened to a length such that the refill hose cannot be connected directly to the outlet.


  8. The disease is fairly easy to halt with simple rehydration fluids.


  9. Siemens' filters, and those of its competitors, are used in treating semiconductor wastewater and groundwater remediation systems.


  1. 取, 补水系统

    water pumping system

  2. 相机补水政策

    opportune water replenishing policy.

  3. 胃肠道补水

    fluid supplement through gastrointestinal tract.

  4. 接骨木花补水

    Elderberry Blossom Moistens dry skin

  5. 如何给眼睛补水?

    How do add supplemental water to the eye ?

  6. 成都美容院补水项目调查

    Investgation of Chengdu Parlors Filling Water Items

  7. 及时补水, 还肌肤清爽, 洁净。

    On time repair the water, return the skin dry, clean.

  8. 南四湖生态补水的思考

    Thinking on Ecological Water Supplement to the Nasi Lake

  9. 微机自动控制变频补水系统

    Application and Analysis of Variable Frequency Water Charging System Controlled by Microcomputers

  10. 热电厂化学补水方式节能改造

    Reconstruction of Chemical making up water model in the heat and power station

  11. 混合性皮肤夏天需要补水吗?

    Does combination need to add supplemental water in summer

  12. 人工补给。人工补给地下水。人工补水。人工灌注。回灌

    tificial recharge

  13. 增加皮肤的抵抗力, 补水保湿。

    Holdout dint that incresase the skin, repair the water the keeping wetness.

  14. 优化补水对发电效益的影响分析

    Influence of Compensation Water Optimization to Power Benefit

  15. 补水面膜是一种最直接得补水手段。

    Hydrating masque is one of the most direct water means.

  16. 补水面膜是一种最直接的补水手段。

    Hydrating masque is one of the most direct water means.

  17. 检查测功器水箱及补水循环系统。

    Check the water tank of the dynamometer and the circulatory system of filling water.

  18. 扎龙湿地芦苇恢复与生态补水分析

    Regeneration of Phragmites communis Trin. In Zhalong Wetland and Ecological Water Supplement Analysis

  19. 补水,滋润和柔软皮肤。减少细纹和皱纹。

    Rehydrating and softening the skin. Smooth and reduce skin fine lines and wrinkles.

  20. 覆盖补水施肥对旱地小麦产量的影响

    Effect of Film Mulching, Additional Manuring and Irrigation on Wheat Yield in Dryland Field

  21. 汇聚源源水氧能,锁水,补水,汲水一并完成。

    With the sourcing water oxygen energy converged, it finishes off the lock absorption of water.

  22. 炼钢厂冷却系统软水补水工艺的改造

    Transformation of the Additional Soft Water Process in Cooling System of the Steelmaking Plant

  23. 冬旱麦田早春喷灌补水的效果分析

    Analysis on the Effects of Spray Irrigation in Early Spring on Dry Wheat Field Winter

  24. 用些补水得化妆品皮肤就不干涩了。

    Your skin will no longer be dry and rough if you apply some hydrating cosmetics.

  25. 用些补水的化妆品皮肤就不干涩了。

    Your skin will no longer be dry and rough if you apply some hydrating cosmetics.

  26. 用些补水的化妆品皮肤就不干涩了。

    Your skin will no longer be dry and rough if you apply some hydrating cosmetics.

  27. 我就在学怎样随意让生物脱水和补水

    I learned how to dehydrate animate objects and rehydrate them at will.

  28. 该洗液为干性皮肤提供深层次补水

    Lotion that supplies intensive moisture to dry skin

  29. 纯热量法在跨机组补水系统中的应用

    Application of Pure Heat Quality Method in Supplying Water System of Bestraddle Units

  30. 超滤膜应用于景观补水的再生水处理

    UF Membrane on Supplement Water of Sight.


  1. 问:补水室拼音怎么拼?补水室的读音是什么?补水室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:补水室的读音是bǔshuǐshì,补水室翻译成英文是 re-hydration room

  2. 问:补水泵拼音怎么拼?补水泵的读音是什么?补水泵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:补水泵的读音是bǔ shuǐ bèng,补水泵翻译成英文是 small pump