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1. 南 [nán]2. 南 [nā]南 [nán]方向,早晨面对太阳,右手的一边,与“北”相对:~北。~方。~面。~国(指中国南部)。~陲(南部边疆)。~极。~半球。姓。南 [nā]〔~无(mó)〕佛教用语,意思是合掌稽首,表示对佛尊敬或……
1. 朝 [zhāo]2. 朝 [cháo]朝 [zhāo]早晨:~阳。~晖。~暮。~霞。~气。~思暮想。~令夕改。~秦暮楚(喻反复无常)。日,天:今~。明~。朝 [cháo]向着,对着:~向。~前。~阳。坐北~南。封建时代臣见君;亦指宗教……
Southern Chung Rong said: "The air of the animals, the moving object, it passes temperament, form and spirit dance Wing. "
南朝的锺嵘说:“气之动物,物之感人,故摇荡性情,形诸舞咏。”Xie Ling-yun is the figure of the originator in literature history of Nan Dynasty for whom quite a few people have written his almanac.
谢灵运是南朝文学史上开宗立派的人物,为其撰写年谱者甚众。The Marine Silk Route beginning from Guangzhou came into being in West Han Dynasty and became perfect in East Jin and Southern Dynasties.
“海上丝绸之路”形成于西汉,完善于东晋南朝,在隋唐宋时广州发展成为“海上丝绸之路”第一大港和世界东方港市。Ode to Xizhou is a representative work that describes a young woman missing her man in the four seasons of the year.
《西州曲》是南朝民歌中的代表作,描写了一个女子一年四季对情人的思念。" Such as the Southern Shen Yue, " Xi Wen Night Crane OK ": " Nine negative winter frost, the six-he did not fly either.
如南朝沈约《夕行闻夜鹤》:“九冬负霜雪,六翮飞不任。”The works of the poor scholars in Jin Dynasties(Western Jin and Eastern Jin) and Southern Dynasty had their own rules.
西晋南朝寒士的作品是该时期文学中的一朵奇葩,有其独特规律。Fu Jian, both the bent often had mishaps, or the Eastern Jin Dynasty numerous Northern Expedition, are a clear demonstration of this.
无论是苻坚的执意南征,还是东晋南朝的多次北伐,都明确地体现了这一点。During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Jiangxi was under the control of the southern dynasties, and the number of zhou slowly grew.
在南北朝时期,是江西的控制之下,南朝,和周的人数增长缓慢。During the Eastern Jin and the Southern Dynasties, The Xie Clan in Chen County was a first rate family.