







汉语拼音:lì yíng






  1. 赢利;利润。

    宋 梅尧臣 《南有嘉茗赋》:“三之日枪旗耸,搴而炕之,将求乎利赢。”



  1. Lingling: And I bet Sally wins, because she's the real hero tonight!


  1. 医疗机构被分为赢利性和非赢利性两类。

    The medical institutions are to be classified in profitable and unprofitable ones.

  2. 套利赌注必须提供一个平等的利润,如果输或赢的马。

    The arbitrage bet must provide an equal profit if the horse wins or loses.

  3. 如果我赢了,菲利士人就赢了。

    If I win, the Philistines win.

  4. 比利以显著优势赢了比赛。

    Billy won the game at a distinct advantage.

  5. 比利以显著优势赢了比赛。

    Billy won the game at a distinct advantage.

  6. 利物浦的确赢了,我说的是真的!

    Liverpool did win. What did I tell you?

  7. 她赢的钱有一半已放出去生利。

    Half the money that she won is already lying out at interest.

  8. 我很高兴自己可以帮助利物浦赢取积分。

    I am happy that I helped Liverpool to valuable points.

  9. 可是我们还是没有帮菲利亚斯赢得赌局。

    But still, we failed to help Phileas win his bet.

  10. 他,查利林奇,赢过50场比这还拼命的搏斗,

    He, Charley Lynch, victor in fifty more desperate battles

  11. 美利坚合众国未尝打过一次败仗, 也未尝赢过一次会议。

    The United States never lost a war or won a conference.

  12. 还要打富勒姆和利物浦,我们这2场都得赢。

    Fulham and Liverpool are coming up too and we have to win every game in the league.

  13. 不出所料,利物浦队令人心悦诚服地赢了这场复赛。

    As expected, Liverpool won their quarterfinal convincingly.

  14. 享受美味比利时啤酒的同时赢取一辆时代滑板车。

    Win a Stella scooter while enjoying a delicious Belgium Beer.

  15. 但是他的射门飞向了加利福尼亚的蓝天, 巴西人赢了。

    But his penalty flew high into the blue California sky and the Brazilians won.

  16. 利物浦队正全力以赴准备四年後第三次赢获联赛冠军

    Liverpool is chasing their third league title in four years

  17. 利物浦队正全力以赴准备四年後第叁次赢获联赛冠军

    Liverpool are chasing their third league title in four years

  18. 利物浦队正全力以赴准备四年后第三次赢获联赛冠军。

    Liverpool are chasing their third league title in four years.

  19. 很明显其他球队也加入了竞争,阿森纳和利物浦都赢球了。

    It's obviously brought other teams into it,Arsenal and Liverpool getting the points.

  20. 他和罗斯·利普曼的弟弟一起追求这个女孩,只是利普曼先生赢了。

    He and Rose Lipman's brother courted the same girl, only Mr Lipman won.

  21. 兰帕德表示, 利物浦不会考虑其他任何事情比赢得比赛的。

    Frank Lampard stated that Liverpool will not think about anything other than winning the game.