




1. 女 [nǚ]2. 女 [rǔ]女 [nǚ]女性,与“男”相对。古代以未婚的为“女”,已婚的为“妇”。现通称“妇女”:~人。~士。~流(含轻蔑意)。少(shào )~。以女儿作为人的妻(旧读nǜ)。星名,二十八宿之一。亦称“婺女”、“须……



汉语拼音:mó nǚ









  1. 魔界之女人,女鬼。


  2. 神女;仙女。

    唐 白居易 《偶于维扬牛相公处觅得筝》诗:“会教魔女弄,不动是禪心。” 唐 元稹 《和友封题开善寺十韵》:“藏经霑雨烂,魔女捧花娇。” 元 睢景臣 《六国朝·收心》套曲:“魔女魂香,野狐涎甜,觉来有验。”



  1. This evil reminding me of nine-live cats, you could never be sure of its death even it had got shot.


  2. Although she is like a witch, she is lonely and has no lover, a woman tough outside but soft inside.


  3. I was pricked my feet on a thorn on wooden floor many times. And it had a dark room, this house's atmosphere was fit for the witches.


  4. Drag the mouse range of items to help small Kiki layout of her home.


  5. Especially the Morning Prayer, she looked very strange, she was a "witch of morning" for me.


  6. At one point during Kiki's Delivery Service, a young artist was explaining what motivates her to paint.


  7. Ultimecia, a sorceress from the future. She's trying to achieve time compression.


  8. Mr. shu successfully solves the problem and gives her a CD about math, which let she love math more than before.


  9. The boys make a beauty competition. Littlelf says some words that degrade the first three girls due to her losing the election.


  1. 天魔女大战牛魔王

    The battle between Demon Girl and Ox Devil

  2. 绩效小魔女来视察工作

    We're getting a visit from the efficiency fairy.

  3. 我又不是赫敏小魔女。

    I'm not Hermione frickin'Granger.

  4. 我们坐在沙发上看魔女嘉莉。

    So we were sitting on the couch watching carrie.

  5. 青蛙魔女立刻现出了原形,逃走了。

    Frog Witch immediately show and the frog witch escaped.

  6. 魔女不可以单独和吸血鬼在一起。

    IV. Succba can not alone leech together.

  7. 她不再是那个轮番变幻的魔女了。

    She was no longer the alternate succubus.

  8. 许多儿童书都描述施用魔法的魔女。

    Many children's'books describe witches who cast a spell.

  9. 许多儿童书都描述施用魔法得魔女。

    Many children's'books describe witches who cast a spell.

  10. 理性文明的崩塌和魔女、怨妇的出现。

    The collapse of rational civilization and the emergence of witches and grumbling women.

  11. 魔女可会轻易放过快将到手的灵魂呢?

    If nonstop entertainment is your hearts desire, Bedazzled delivers nonstop devilish fun!

  12. 请告诉我,我是不是在变成一个很可怕的魔女?

    Please tell me, am I turning into a hideous hag?

  13. 通过使过压缩时间得办法从未来得时代而来得魔女。

    Sorceress from beyond time who appeared due to Time Compression. Uses magic.

  14. 就是有次级地狱火和地狱魔女的地方,带个小鬼。

    There is a hell fire and hell Witch secondary places, with a little devil.

  15. 她那件酸臭破烂的衣衫下面,是魔女般的白皙肌肤。

    A shefiend's whiteness under her rancid rags.

  16. 除此之外魔女也希望人鱼能把她美妙的声音送给她。

    Mermaid addition Witch can also hope that she gave her beautiful voice.

  17. 作为魔女的骑士要保持自已的尊严, 他决心要取得胜利。

    To retain his pride as SorceressKnight, he is determined to win.

  18. 你和林青霞合作的第一部电影是白发魔女传。

    Akik The first movie that you worked on with Brigitte was The Bride with White Hair.

  19. 为什么上帝会拒绝你那诱人的香,把你推入魔女的殿堂。

    Why God would refuse your seductive fragrance, take you into the Witch's palace.

  20. 这编节目三个人的一人魔女爱上了一个男人里人世界。

    In this story one of the three wiches falls into love with a man living in the human world.

  21. 在森林深处,她成功地征服了一个魔女,并占据了她的肉身。

    Driving deep into the forests, she was able to subdue and possess a Succubus minion.

  22. 当魅惑魔女受到攻击时,她会迷惑该单位以降低其攻击速度。

    Whenever the Enchantress is attacked, she beguiles the unit into slowing its attack.

  23. 虽然找到了三瓣的三叶草魔女却藏起来,找不到去哪儿了

    Although the finding of a clover is out on the road, can not find out where the.

  24. 所以我们就待在家里吃着曲奇饼。我们还租了魔女嘉莉的碟。

    So we stayed homeand we ate cookie dough and we rented carrie.

  25. 看来,变身小魔女的许慧欣又将成为席卷一切的潮流宠儿了。

    look, change the Xu Huixin of body small hag will make the tide favorite that sweeps across everything again.


  1. 问:魔女猎人拼音怎么拼?魔女猎人的读音是什么?魔女猎人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:魔女猎人的读音是,魔女猎人翻译成英文是 El Cazador de la Bruja

  2. 问:魔女由熙拼音怎么拼?魔女由熙的读音是什么?魔女由熙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:魔女由熙的读音是Mónǚyóuxī,魔女由熙翻译成英文是 Witch Amusement, also known as Witch Yoo Hee, or A W...

  3. 问:魔女宅急便拼音怎么拼?魔女宅急便的读音是什么?魔女宅急便翻译成英文是什么?

    答:魔女宅急便的读音是,魔女宅急便翻译成英文是 Kiki's Delivery Service

  4. 问:魔女小红帽拼音怎么拼?魔女小红帽的读音是什么?魔女小红帽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:魔女小红帽的读音是Mónǚxiǎohóngmào,魔女小红帽翻译成英文是 Magical Doropie

  5. 问:魔女与百骑兵拼音怎么拼?魔女与百骑兵的读音是什么?魔女与百骑兵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:魔女与百骑兵的读音是,魔女与百骑兵翻译成英文是 The Witch and The Hundred Knights