







汉语拼音:mó zhòu








  1. 魔鬼的咒语。

    高云览 《小城春秋》第三五章:“每当深夜睡不着的时候,他翻身起来抽烟,那魔咒似的‘箴言’就像烟丝似的在他脑里游来游去。”



  1. Lilith is a about a mysterious young woman in an elite sanitarium in New England, who seems to weave a magical spell all around her.


  2. If we don't meet up with him within the next hour, he'll pull some of that good cleric moji out and bust us all free.


  3. Dark Nova seems to indicate that he will switch to melee stance very soon, after casting a spell or two. So use your TP quickly.


  4. That wicked dwarf robbed me of all my treasure and put a spell on me so that I was changed into a bear.


  5. The frog prince mistakes a girl named Tiana for a princess and has her kiss him to break the spell.


  6. Enchanting as if with a magic spell; fascinating.


  7. Oh, it's easy for you to say, you're not some evilly enchanted tree.


  8. Three days before the match against the Bianconeri, Clarence Seedorf talked about Juve's condition and the desire to break the Turin taboo.


  9. Once you're within the boundaries of the protective enchantments we've put on their house, you'll be able to use a Portkey to the Burrow.


  1. 魔咒编年史

    The Chronicles of Spellborn Hype

  2. 公主怎样破除了魔咒?

    What did the princess do to break the spell?

  3. 公主被魔咒镇住了。

    The princess is under a magic spell.

  4. 我们谈论信息爆炸魔咒。

    We talk about the curse of information overload.

  5. 这些话就像魔咒一样。

    And this worked like a charm.

  6. 魔咒也投向你弟弟了。

    Spells were cast upon your brother too.

  7. 爱洛公主被魔咒镇住了。

    Princess Aurora is under a magic spell.

  8. 我把它称为沃尔沃240的魔咒。

    I call it the curse of the Volvo240.

  9. 海底魔咒舞会是今晚吗

    Is tonight the Enchantment Under the Sea dance?

  10. 海底魔咒舞会是今晚吗?

    Is tonight the Enchantment Under the Sea dance?

  11. 海底魔咒舞会是今晚吗?

    Is tonight the Enchantment Under the Sea dance?

  12. 谁把这魔咒传给你的?

    And who exactly gave you that spell?

  13. 黑暗像魔咒一样笼罩着他们。

    Darkness was settling like a spell around them.

  14. 那个魔咒现在对你起效了?

    Is that magic spell working on you now?

  15. 黑暗。拥抱我流血的心施着魔咒

    Dark. Thou embrace my bleeding heart

  16. 但是我听说爱情魔咒你最在行。

    But I heard you're the best at making love charms.

  17. 施咒者得死亡使魔咒得作用停止。

    The death of the charm's caster stops the charm from working.

  18. 施咒者的死亡使魔咒的作用停止。

    The death of the charm's caster stops the charm from working.

  19. 魔咒把那只青蛙变回了人。

    The magic spell turned the frog back into a man.

  20. 魔咒便可解除,公主就自由了。

    The spell of enchantment will be removed and the princess will be free.

  21. 也许这就是我一直需要的好运魔咒。

    Maybe that's the good luck charm I've been missing.

  22. 他找到了爱洛公主。她被魔咒镇住了。

    He finds Aurora. She's under a magic spell.

  23. 因为这是巫术, 是蛊, 是毒, 中了你的魔咒

    Coz its voodoo, voodoo, voodoo, under your spell

  24. 最近又有个例子印证了这一魔咒。

    There is another example in accord with the curse.

  25. 是有人来打破这个魔咒的时候了。

    The moment had come for someone to break the spell.

  26. 你让我神魂颠倒象是中了魔咒

    Gal you captivate my body put me under a spell

  27. 邪恶得巫婆将魔咒施于天真得王子身上。

    The evil witch enchanted the na? ve prince with a spell.

  28. 邪恶的巫婆将魔咒施于天真的王子身上。

    The evil witch enchanted the naïve prince with a spell.

  29. 邪恶的巫婆将魔咒施于天真的王子身上。

    The evil witch enchanted the na ? ve prince with a spell.

  30. 最后,魔咒在什么时候,以什么方式停止作用?

    Finally, when and how does the charm stop working ?