




1. 巷 [xiàng]2. 巷 [hàng]巷 [xiàng]胡同,里弄:小~。陋~。穷~。~陌(街道)。~战(在城市街巷里进行的战斗)。穷街陋~。巷 [hàng]〔~道〕采矿或探矿时挖的坑道。义同(一)。……







汉语拼音:liǔ xiàng huā jiē







  • 【解释】:旧指妓院或妓院聚集之处。
  • 【出自】:宋·黄庭坚《满庭芳·妓女》词:“初绾云鬟,才胜罗绮,便嫌柳巷花街。”
  • 【示例】:却说姚家有个极密的内亲,叫做周少溪,偶然在浙江衢州做买卖,闲游~,只见一个娼妇,站在门首献笑,好生面善。


  1. na.
  2. the red-light district

  1. 有些被诱骗然后卖到花街柳巷。

    Some are tricked and sold into brothels.

  2. 所有花街柳巷的名媛都到场了。

    All the famous names from the world of fashionable vice were there.

  3. 由于这条街上要举行花街游行活动,所以公安部门下达了戒严令。

    The police imposed a curfew, as there was going to be a parade.

  4. 我现自由自在的,让我们花一整天逛街购物吧。

    I'm free and easy, let's go shopping all day.

  5. 横过雀鸟花园,前往园圃街和花墟道交界。

    Walk through the bird garden to the junction of Yuen Po Street and flower market road.

  6. 皮特林奇在鹤立花街

    Peter Lynch, One Up on Wall Street

  7. 卖花的女孩沿街叫卖, 可惜没有人买她的花。

    The flower girl sold alongside the road, but no one bought her flowers.

  8. 卖花的女孩沿街叫卖,可惜没有人买她的花。

    The flower girl sold alongside the road, but no one bought her flowers.

  9. 传统园林的花街铺地对现代景观设计的启示

    An Enlightenment of the colored pavement in the classic garden to the modern landscape design

  10. 我小时候也过过那种上花街和放鞭炮的日子。

    I remembered the street fair and the fire cracker days during my childhood years in China.

  11. 跟我跑出街花

    On Come On Come One.

  12. 把这些花送给街尾那户人家。

    Take these to that nice family down the street.

  13. 在街尾,肯的花店隔壁三户。

    And three doors down from Ken's flowers

  14. 椅子,桌子飞落花流水在拱廊街上。

    Chairs and tables went flying into the arcade.

  15. 你有没有想过来街上挣一笔钱花花?

    You think about crossing the street, making some real money?

  16. 他花了几个月时间走街串巷,体验真实的生活。

    He spent a couple of months on the streets to experience life in the raw.

  17. 在街的拐角处有一家商店卖花和两家酒吧。

    There's a shop selling flowers and two bars around the corner.

  18. 又为自己建造圆顶花楼, 在各街上作了高台。

    That you made for yourself an arched room in every open place.

  19. 哈尔滨道外二十道街松花江大桥主桥方案比选

    Optimum Decision about Blue Prints of Main Bridge of Songhua River Highway Bridge

  20. 又为自己建造圆顶花楼,在各街上做了高台。

    You built a mound for yourself and made a lofty shrine in every public square.

  21. 麦花臣动物诊所,香港九龙旺角洗衣街26号地下。

    Macpherson Animal Clinic, G F,26 Sai Yee Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

  22. 她的成就使得伊拉克的群众在街上抛掷纸花, 喊叫。

    Her achievement had crowds flinging confetti and chanting in Iraqi streets.

  23. 我花了好几个小时逛街,希望给我的朋友找一份完美的礼物。

    I go malling for hours and try to find a perfect present for my friend.

  24. 周六走在商街上,口袋里有几个钱忍不住想要花掉。

    It's Saturday, you're down the high street and you've got a few quid burning a hole in your pocket.