




1. 枝 [zhī]2. 枝 [qí]枝 [zhī]由植物主干上分出来的茎条:树~。~干(gàn )。竹~。节外生~。~柯。~节(a.由一件事生发的其他问题;b.细碎的,不重要的)。量词,指杆形的:一~铅笔。古同“支”,支持,分支。枝 [q……



汉语拼音:zhěng zhī






  1. 修剪植物的枝叶,使更好地生长。如:他们正在给果树整枝。



  1. With leafy shoots retained, monopodial branches did have almost the same contribution to the total boll productivity as sympodial branches.


  2. The different sowing date, planting density, vine training, and fruit setting node under greenhouse and plastic house were investigated.


  3. Horticulture is the science of growing plants. It involves plant propagation (the reproduction of plants) and pruning and training plants.


  4. It develops a solution framework for the XML data streams queries using the holistic twig joins algorithm on containment segment partitions.


  5. Three methods listed as: branch bending method, center open method, pinching method and check (no treatment).


  6. We give lessons on grafting, transplanting, training and caring for ornamental plants.


  7. Pruning is primary measure of control growth and hasten fruiting in horticultural plant.


  8. Pruning increases the vigor of a plant.


  9. Through regulations as removal, training, shoot erasing and distance, 8% increase of anthotaxy diameter than the contrast.


  1. 单干形整枝

    cordon training.

  2. 矮干形整枝

    cordon training.

  3. 多干形整枝

    palmette training.

  4. 一把整枝剪

    a pair of secateurs.

  5. 闭心式整枝

    close centered training

  6. 整枝的最好时节

    the best time to prune

  7. 改良闭心式整枝

    modified leader training

  8. 篱形整枝法

    hedgerow system.

  9. 需要学习予以整枝培育。

    That need pruning by study.

  10. 悬钩子绳索整枝法

    rope system

  11. 现在是整枝的最好时节。

    It is now the best time to prune.

  12. 河套蜜瓜整枝技术研究

    Techniques of Vines Training of Hetao Sweet Melon

  13. 遥控自动整枝机机械运动分析

    Mechanical Motion Analysis and Research of Remote Control Automatic Pruning Machine

  14. 温室大棚番茄栽植方式与整枝方式研究

    Greenhouse Tomato Planting with Pruning Research

  15. 你需要一把整枝大剪刀修剪玫瑰。

    You'll need a pair of secateurs to prune the roses.

  16. 不同整枝方式对盆栽一品红品质的影响

    Effects of different pruning methods on the quality of potted Euphorbia pulcherrima

  17. 基于整枝抚育目的的立木枝干自动识别研究

    Automatic identification for standing tree limb pruning

  18. 秋天是开花后的蔓生蔷薇修剪, 整枝的好时机

    Autumn is the best time to prune and train onceflowering rambling roses

  19. 人工工业用材林整枝机器人无线电遥控系统的研制

    Development on Wireless Remote Control System of Pruning Robot of Commercial Plantation

  20. 林木整枝有利于工业用材林的质量和利用效率。

    Tree pruning is good for quality and using efficiency of woods used for industry.

  21. 密度与整枝对抗虫杂交棉产量分布的影响

    Effects of Density and Plant Pruning on Yield Distribution of Hybrid Bt Cotton

  22. 整枝是园艺植物控制生长,促进结果的主要措施。

    Pruning is primary measure of control growth and hasten fruiting in horticultural plant.

  23. 我们传授嫁接、移植、整枝和养护装饰植物的课程。

    We give lessons on grafting, transplanting, training and caring for ornamental plants.

  24. 螺旋升降式立木整枝机进给机构的研究

    Studies on Feed Mechanism in the Tree's Pruning Machine with Spiral Movements

  25. 大棚苦瓜秋延后种植密度和整枝方式栽培技术的研究

    Study on relationship between planting density and pruning method for balsam pear cultivation.

  26. 整枝机在绕树干螺旋上升的过程中利用链锯进行整枝。

    In the process of spiraling climbing around the trunk, the pruning machine is pruning by chain saw.

  27. 本研究结果为樟子松人工林的人工整枝提供了理论基础。

    The results of this research could provide the theory foundation of manual pruning for P.

  28. 整枝方式及留果数对甜瓜叶片发育和果实生产的影响

    Effects of Pruning Type and Fruit Number on Leaf Development and Fruit Production of Muskmelon.

  29. 光照强度及整枝对盆栽新几内亚凤仙生长发育的影响初探

    Effect of light intensity and pruning on the growth of Impatients hawkerri

  30. 树干曲率的自动测量是智能立木整枝机作业的重要步骤。

    For the automatic pruning of the standing tree by pruning robot, the automatic measuring of standing tree trunk curvature is a key step.


  1. 问:整枝拼音怎么拼?整枝的读音是什么?整枝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:整枝的读音是zhěngzhī,整枝翻译成英文是 prune off or down; train