











汉语拼音:yú rén zhī lì








  • 【解释】:渔人:比喻第三者。比喻双方争执不下,两败俱伤,让第三者占了便宜。
  • 【出自】:《战国策·燕策二》记载:蚌张开壳晒太阳,鹬去啄它,嘴被蚌壳夹住,两方面都不相让。渔翁来了,把两个都捉住了。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作宾语;含贬义


  1. "Customers would be daft if they don't try to play the companies off against each other on price, " said a person close to Rio.


  1. 你们二虎相争,两败俱伤,不是让别人坐收渔人之利吗?

    You two fight until both are weakened; isn't this letting a third party reap the profit?

  2. 如锋之利, 如椒之辣

    as sharp as a razor and as hot as pepper

  3. 以天下之利供天下之需

    Use the profit under heaven to meet the need under heaven

  4. 兴天下之利,除天下之害。

    One should develop what benefits the world and remove what harms the world.

  5. 第一修正案所保障之利

    Name the right guaranteed by the first amendment.

  6. 兴化享水土之利、得资源之厚。

    Xinghua enjoy the benefits of and soil, a thick resources.

  7. 江河湖泽给我们以舟楫和灌溉之利。

    Rivers and lakes provide us with water transport and irrigation.

  8. 和平之利不逊于对一场战争之赢得。

    Peace hath her victories, no less renowned than War.

  9. 凡此四军之利, 黄帝之所以胜四帝也。

    These are the four useful Branches of military knowledge which enabled the Yellow Emperor to vanquish four several sovereigns.

  10. 故不尽知用兵之害者,则不能尽知用兵之利也。

    It is only one who is thoroughly acquainted with the evils of war that can thoroughly understand the profitable way of carrying it on.

  11. 将不通九变之利,虽知地形,不能得地之利矣。

    The general who does not understand these, may be well acquainted with the configuration of the country, yet he will not be able to turn his knowledge to practical account.

  12. 公众们从快餐连锁店之间的价格战中得到渔翁之利。

    The public benefits from, the price wars between the fast food chains.

  13. 有很多的江河湖泽,给我们以舟楫和灌溉之利。

    Many rivers and lakes which provide us with water transport and irrigation.

  14. 利之所在,人人争先。

    Every one fastens where there is gain.

  15. 利之所在,忘其所恶广告负面影响新透视。

    Profits Lie While Ignoring Its Bad EffectsNew Assay On Ads Negative Effect.

  16. 禹凿龙门是为燕, 代, 胡, 貉与西河之民得利。

    Yu chisel for Yan Lung, on behalf of Hu, badgerlike animal with the River of the public benefit.

  17. 无慈悲之心却说利他, 是为表面。

    It is superficial to be altruistic without feeling compassion.

  18. 凯撒是真正坐收渔翁之利的。

    Caesar is the real beneficiary here.

  19. 科技之利与弊仍将伴随我们进入下一世纪。

    The pros and cons of technology will continue to follow us into the next century.

  20. 约翰。亨利之歌

    The Ballad of John Henry

  21. 讨论国际救援行动之于贫穷国家的利与弊。

    Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of giving international Aid to poor countries.

  22. 汤姆与杰利之地狱大脱逃

    Tom and Jerry in Infurnal Escape

  23. 义利之辩折射精神与价值观

    Spirit and Value Reflected From the Debate of justice and Benefit

  24. 那个温布利之夜是个梦幻般得时刻。

    Wembley was a fantastic moment.

  25. 那个温布利之夜是个梦幻般的时刻。

    Wembley was a fantastic moment.

  26. 陪衬甘愿被他人用来谋其利之人傀儡。

    One who allows oneself to be used for anothers profit or advantage a puppet.

  27. 吉姆和柯拉正在为义大利之行打包行李。

    Jim and Cora are packing for a trip to Italy.

  28. 总统周围全是追名逐利之徒和阿谀奉承之辈。

    The president was surrounded by careerists and flatterers.

  29. 这封信来自香克利之魂的海外会员联络官。

    This is your Overseas Liaison Officer calling you.

  30. 这封信来自香克利之魂得海外会员联络官。

    This is your Overseas Liaison Officer calling you.


  1. 问:渔人之利拼音怎么拼?渔人之利的读音是什么?渔人之利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:渔人之利的读音是yúrénzhīlì,渔人之利翻译成英文是 a third party benefits from a tussle


