


1. 被 [bèi]2. 被 [pī]被 [bèi]睡觉时覆盖身体的东西:~子。~单。棉~。毛巾~。羽绒~。~褥。盖,遮覆:~覆。泽~后世(恩惠遍及后代)。遭遇,遭受:~灾。~难(nàn)。介词,用在句中表示主讲是受事者:他~(老板)辞退了……


1. 害 [hài]害 [hài]有损的,与“益”相对:~虫。~鸟。引起灾难的人或事物,坏处:~处。祸~。灾~。为民除~。使受损伤:~人。损~。伤~。危~。发生疾病:~眼。心理上发生不安定情绪:~羞。~怕。杀死:杀~。遇~。妒忌:“上官大夫……



汉语拼音:bèi hài







  1. 遭杀害。

    《后汉书·袁绍传》:“时 进 既被害,师徒丧沮。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·泗水》:“ 初平 四年, 曹操 攻 徐州 ,破之,拔取 虑 、 睢陵 、 夏丘 等县,以其父避难,被害於此,屠其男女十万, 泗水 为之不流。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·隔膜》:“最起劲的是‘南社’里的有几个人,为被害者辑印遗集。”

  2. 遭受灾害。




  1. They did not like to talk about what had happened to their loved ones, and it was only with great difficulty that I dug stories out of them.

  2. Fifteen choppers were sent up to search for you -- we hoped -- or, if you were dead, the perpetrators.

  3. The police reported that the murdered child had not been interfered with.

  4. He told me that his mother had been killed six days before, by having a nail driven through her throat.

  5. You know, normal people are eager to cooperate with me when I'm trying to keep someone from killing them.

  6. Before he began, in the spring of 2009, to prophesy his own murder, there was little to suggest that he might meet a violent end.

  7. Young people loudly said: "The adults xun bu Wei Liu murder or nothing to do with it is dry the next. "

  8. Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith, and Chris Stevens were all killed in an outrageous attack on our diplomatic post in Benghazi.

  9. And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep.


  1. 她被害当晚。

    The night she was killed.

  2. 刑事被害入

    criminal victim.

  3. 第二次被害

    be harmed for the second time.

  4. 犯罪被害机理

    principle of crime victims.

  5. 肢解被害者

    to dismember the victim.

  6. 叶片被害率

    Killing rate of the blade.

  7. 欧洲被害犹太人纪念馆

    the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

  8. 诈骗罪的被害预防

    Preventing of victim of false pretenses

  9. 犯罪被害人与犯罪被害预防

    Crime Injured Party and the Precaution

  10. 岳飞被害时,年仅39岁。

    Yue Fei was only 39 at the time he was executed.

  11. 她是在别的地方被害的。

    She was killed someplace else.

  12. 加害者是谁被害者又是谁?

    Who is the assailant and who is the sufferer

  13. 那个孩子被害了,令人震惊。

    It is appalling that child was murdered.

  14. 审判罪犯为被害者报仇

    to avenge a murder by bringing the criminal to trial

  15. 最新报道称又有5人被害。

    Latest reports say another five people have been killed.

  16. 被害的人是缠着他的凶手的。

    The murdered do haunt their murderers, I believe.

  17. 我们谈的是一个被害的孩子。

    We are talking about the killing of a child.

  18. 但是那不是让他被害的原因。

    But that's no reason to kill him.

  19. 这个凶手勒死了被害者。

    The killer strangled his victims.

  20. 论刑事被害人二次被害的原因

    On The Reasons Of Criminal Victims'Second Victimization

  21. 警察尚未证实被害者的身份。

    The police are still uncertain of the casualtys identity.

  22. 记者被害得数目从9名下降到5名。

    The number of journalists murdered has dropped from9 to5.

  23. 记者被害的数目从9名下降到5名。

    The number of journalists murdered has dropped from9 to5.

  24. 我们的丈夫就多一分被害的可能。

    Is one more person who could get our husbands killed.

  25. 人道主义工作者被害,也造成了困难。

    Killings of humanitarian workers were also causing difficulties.

  26. 侦探们试图搞清那人被害的原因。

    The detectives tried to dope out why the man was murdered.

  27. 如果你和妈妈的被害有任何关系。

    If you had something to do with what happened.

  28. 女儿被害的噩耗使她失去了理智。

    The sad news that her daughter was killed drove her mad.

  29. 过去12年来共有227名新闻工作者被害。

    There have been227 journalists murdered in the past12 years.

  30. 构建我国犯罪被害补偿制度之设想

    Construct A Compensation System for the Erroneous Judgment


  1. 问:被害拼音怎么拼?被害的读音是什么?被害翻译成英文是什么?

    答:被害的读音是bèihài,被害翻译成英文是 To be killed.

  2. 问:被害人拼音怎么拼?被害人的读音是什么?被害人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:被害人的读音是bèihàirén,被害人翻译成英文是 the injured party; victim

  3. 问:被害性拼音怎么拼?被害性的读音是什么?被害性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:被害性的读音是bèihàixìng,被害性翻译成英文是 victimity

  4. 问:被害率拼音怎么拼?被害率的读音是什么?被害率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:被害率的读音是bèihàilǜ,被害率翻译成英文是 rate of victimization

  5. 问:被害了的拼音怎么拼?被害了的的读音是什么?被害了的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:被害了的的读音是,被害了的翻译成英文是 blasted

  6. 问:被害人学拼音怎么拼?被害人学的读音是什么?被害人学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:被害人学的读音是bèihàirénxué,被害人学翻译成英文是 victimology

  7. 问:被害调查拼音怎么拼?被害调查的读音是什么?被害调查翻译成英文是什么?

    答:被害调查的读音是bèihàidiàochá,被害调查翻译成英文是 victimization survey

  8. 问:被害允许界限拼音怎么拼?被害允许界限的读音是什么?被害允许界限翻译成英文是什么?

    答:被害允许界限的读音是bèi hài yǔn xǔ jiè xiàn,被害允许界限翻译成英文是 tolerable injury level

  9. 问:被害人与证人保护法拼音怎么拼?被害人与证人保护法的读音是什么?被害人与证人保护法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:被害人与证人保护法的读音是bèi hài rén yǔ zhèng rén bǎo hù fǎ,被害人与证人保护法翻译成英文是 Victim and Witness Protection Act



词目被害拼音bèi hài注音ㄅㄟˋ ㄏㄞˋ近义词加害英文翻译be murdered; be killed; be assassinated基本解释[victimize;the injured party] 受伤害;受杀害