







汉语拼音:wēn rùn









  1. 温和柔润。本指玉色,后用以形容人或事物的品性。

    《礼记·聘义》:“夫昔者君子比德於玉焉,温润而泽仁也。” 孔颖达 疏:“温润而泽仁也者,言玉色温和柔润而光泽,仁者亦温和润泽,故云仁也。” 战国 楚 宋玉 《神女赋》:“貌丰盈以庄姝兮,苞温润之玉颜。” 唐 潘炎 《清如玉壶冰》诗:“温润资天质,清贞稟自然。” 明 陆深 《停骖录摘抄》:“予观 唐 之盛,莫过於 贞观 、 开元 ,其时文章则 燕 、 许 、 沉 、 宋 ,字画则 欧 、 虞 、 褚 、 薛 ,皆温润藻丽,有太平气象。” 茅盾 《追求》三:“ 章秋柳 摇头,很娇慵地歪在自己床上,温润的眼光在 曼青 脸上掠过。”

  2. 湿润。




  1. He thought he felt her hot mossy breath on his eye. He blinked, she was gone. The beating of winds. Obsession!


  2. The Sun Yat-Sen Mausoleum is like a huge green leaf that warms and comforts the heart of every people in Nanjing.


  3. It with the CISOO such a international company hand in hand, looks like the jade which carefully carves together, disseminates the mild ray.


  4. Such a mother's love without too much bright-coloured colour and lustre, the more no more magnificent, just very moist beautiful worrying.


  5. Gentle, all-over body lotion works instantly to help relieve dryness and restore natural softness to wind and sun-dried skin.


  6. Maddie : And then some. Chinese feel that jade symbolizes human nature : Pure and warm to the touch, strong and yet workable.


  7. Sees a Wen Run youngster, slowly since the green wood behind decease came out, but is smog shadow mountain pupil Yi breeze.


  8. Anywhere you touch her with your hands will most likely feel even better when stimulated by a warm, wet mouth.


  9. Curled up in your arms, such as the waterfall long hair for you warm soft spring, make up, brightness, warblers and envy yan.


  1. 那么温润,那么平静,那么动人。

    So soft, so calm, yet eloquent.

  2. 琴声如玉,温润细腻。

    The piano sounds like mild, fine and smooth jade.

  3. 温润的性格和儒雅的气质

    A mild nature and courteous manners

  4. 二, 温润深厚爱与童心。

    Mildness and profoundness of their emotions affection and childlike innocence.

  5. 笑逐颜开兮,温润如玉。

    Smile floating on the lemonade, soft and smooth.

  6. 玉质温润, 可见些许沁色。

    Jade jade, color is slightly ooze.

  7. 空气是那样温润, 浓重, 沉闷呆滞。

    The air was warm, thick, heavy, sluggish.

  8. 尝到她温润馨香的味道她笑了。

    She smiled, as she tasted its rich aroma.

  9. 它会用温润的舌头舔舐主人的手。

    His warm moist tongue would caress the hand of his master.

  10. 指间得星砂徐徐坠下, 温润明亮。

    Shiny tiny tars in our hands.

  11. 指间的星砂徐徐坠下,温润明亮。

    Shiny tiny tars in our hands.

  12. 啊, 新年, 再冰冷的语言也被你温润,

    Oh, New Year, you can warm up even the coldest words

  13. 玉质细腻温润,质地缜密,油润亮泽。

    Jade polished stone, texture meticulous and machinery oil shine.

  14. 于是他对着温润的螺唇轻轻地歌唱。

    Then he sang softly nigh the pearly rim.

  15. 和田玉温润细腻,呈现出油脂光泽。

    Hetian jade is mildness and exquisite and present a grease sheen.

  16. 那位先生风度儒雅。温润的性格和儒雅的气质

    He is a gentleman of scholarly bearing. A mild nature and courteous manners

  17. 颜色这种现象就像温润, 或新的洗银。

    The colour of this phenomenon was like burnished, or new washed silver.

  18. 轻轻抚摸着你温润的脸庞,孩子般可爱模样。

    Touch you smooth face softly, like a sweet little baby.

  19. 玉的温润细腻、色泽淡雅使其成为了德的化身。

    Jade is exquisite, elegant color so that it became the incarnation of moral.

  20. 强极则辱, 情深不寿, 谦谦君子, 温润如月。

    The strong pole is then the humiliation, the deep love is not the life, modest gentleman, geniality, such as month.

  21. 我喜爱所有巧克力豆的芬芳,以及那种温润的纹理。

    I love all the chocolate chips and its moist texture.

  22. 为着那样温润的情怀,些许的忧伤又有什么关系呢?

    In order to do a warm feeling, a modicum of sadness, what relationship?

  23. 对于他的嘴和手, 她的温润白净的大腿是多么甜美呀。

    Her smooth white thighs were sweet under his mouth and hands.

  24. 整体滋味温润圆融, 须稍待时日才会达到颠峰期。

    Everything is melded together leaving a need of aging in order to reach its apogee.

  25. 同时得宋瓷成就,质地如玉,温润高雅,倍受重视和喜爱。

    But Ru imperial tribute wares and Jun Kiln pots show a similar style with the imitations of ancient bronzes.

  26. 文明的脚步,就在这绵延十里的诗国长城,温润开来。

    The development of civilization for this blessed land, a great wall and a kingdom of poetry, has become prosperous.

  27. 由于在彩料中加入砷元素作乳浊剂给人以粉嫩温润之感。

    Arsenic is added to the glaze, which gives it the characteristic famille rose color with its mellow quality.


  1. 问:温润拼音怎么拼?温润的读音是什么?温润翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温润的读音是wēnrùn,温润翻译成英文是 gentle and kind; mild and humid




【拼音】wēn rùn

【英译】 [gentle;kindly; warm and humid]

【反义词】干涸 干燥 干涩

【近义词】潮湿 润泽
