


1. 政 [zhèng]政 [zhèng]治理国家事务:~治。~府。~党。~权。~纲。~策。~令。~绩。~见。~客(为个人或某一集团利益从事政治活动的人)。~局。~变。参~。议~。国家某一部门主管的业务:财~。邮~。民~。家庭或集体生活中的……





汉语拼音:zhèng dí







  1. 指在政治上跟自己处于敌对地位的人。

    范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》绪言:“又如 武则天 利用特务镇压她的政敌,是统治阶级内部的互相争夺。”



  1. And we are paying the price because if you are the enemy, I have to defeat you for me to be able to get anywhere.


  2. Scott was a southerner from Virginia. He had not been involved in politics and had no political enemies.


  3. It's impossible for him to live down the insult given by his political opponent.


  4. Then he made Conkling even angrier by appointing one of Conkling's political enemies Collector of Taxes for the port of New York.


  5. Richard Nixon and John Kennedy were bitter political enemies-Kennedy's victory over Nixon in 1960 had put him in the White House.


  6. Najib should not be distracted by his political enemy but be focused to discharge his responsibility.


  7. But the victims are, with a few ugly exceptions, mostly convicted criminals rather than political opponents of the regime.


  8. His enemies insinuate that it was not his political insights that were worth so much, but his influence and connections.


  9. Many of these cases appear to have come to light only after rivals or disgruntled associates leaked accusations on the Internet.


  1. 消灭一切政敌

    to snuff out all political enemies.

  2. 他的大批政敌

    the massed ranks of his political opponents

  3. 他的老政敌

    his old political adversary.

  4. 冷酷无情地攻击政敌。

    a savage attack on a political rival.

  5. 玷污他名声的政敌

    Political enemies who smeared his name

  6. 他遭到政敌的攻击。

    He was assailed by his political opponent.

  7. 污蔑他名声的政敌们。

    Political enemies who smeared his name.

  8. 总统的主要政敌之一

    one of the President's chief rivals.

  9. 他受到他的政敌的攻击。

    He was assailed by his political opponents.

  10. 谴责该政权迫害政敌。

    accused the regime of torturing its political opponents

  11. 他把政敌排除一空。

    He killed off all his political opponents.

  12. 他战胜了自己的政敌。

    He triumphed over his political enemies.

  13. 对他的政敌的恶毒攻击

    a venomous attack on his political enemies

  14. 他发誓要报复他的政敌。

    He swore to take revenge on his political enemies.

  15. 他们必须与他们的政敌争斗。

    They had to contend against their political enemies.

  16. 独裁者已将所有政敌干掉。

    The dictator had eliminated all his political opponents.

  17. 处决了政敌引起普遍反感。

    The execution of political opponents aroused widespread disgust.

  18. 他已向其政敌提出挑战。

    He has flung down a challenge to his political rivals.

  19. 所有人都认为我们是政敌。

    Everyone thought we were political enemies.

  20. 独裁者干掉了他所有的政敌。

    The dictator had eliminated all his political opponents.

  21. 他被他的政敌赶下了台。

    He was driven from a position of power by his political enemies.

  22. 首相被他得政敌赶下台了。

    The prime minister was supplanted by his rival.

  23. 首相被他的政敌赶下台了。

    The prime minister was supplanted by his rival.

  24. 他无法忘记他的政敌对他的侮辱。

    It's impossible for him to live down the insult given by his political opponent.

  25. 他由他的政敌泰勒接替

    He was succeeded by his political foe, Taylor

  26. 他兴致勃勃地揭发政敌的贪污腐化。

    He muckraked his political rivals with great relish.

  27. 这正是回击你的政敌的好机会。

    This is a good chance to strike back your political opponent.

  28. 这位候选人的政敌猛烈抨击他。

    His political opponents broadsided the candidate.

  29. 现政府视自由党为政敌。

    The Freedom Party is considered a political enemy by the current Government.

  30. 汉讷是罗斯福唯一担心的政敌。

    Hanna was Roosevelt's only serious rival.


  1. 问:政敌拼音怎么拼?政敌的读音是什么?政敌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:政敌的读音是zhèngdí,政敌翻译成英文是 political opponent; opponent




拼音:zhèng dí 基本解释 [political opponent] 在执掌政权方面与己为敌的人;政治上的敌人 详细解释 指在政治上跟自己处于敌对地位的人。 范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》绪言:“又如 武则天 利用特务镇压她的政敌,是统治阶级内部的互相争夺。”