


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……


1. 亨 [hēng]2. 亨 [pēng]亨 [hēng]通达,顺利:~通。~运(旧时指命运亨通太平盛世)。~衢(四通八达的大道)。大~(广有势力的官商或流氓)。姓。亨 [pēng]古同“烹”,煮。……



汉语拼音:dà hēng





旧时上海称有钱有 势的人,如大官、富商或大流氓头子。



  1. 犹大通,顺畅无阻。

    《易·临》:“大亨以正,天之道也。” 孔颖达 疏:“使物大得亨通而利正。”

  2. 旧时 上海 称有势力的官绅、富商或大流氓。

    茅盾 《子夜》一:“他大概有四十多岁了,身材魁梧,举止威严,一望而知是颐指气使惯了的‘大亨’。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第四部六:“哪个工商界大亨来,你不是好好招待他的?”

  3. 亦作“ 大烹 ”。盛馔。

    《易·鼎》:“大亨以养圣贤。” 王弼 注:“亨者,鼎之所为也。” 宋 苏轼 《初别子由》诗:“无忧赖贤妇,藜藿等大烹。” 清 侯方域 《重学校》:“夫士苟才而贤,即居之以夏屋,而享之以大烹,古之人不以为泰。”



  1. Even then, this was really more of a stunt than a demonstration that the HPC Server system is ready to compete with the big boys.


  2. The future software mogul was a headstrong 12-year-old and was having a particularly nasty argument with his mother at the dinner table.


  3. The taciturn Texan, known as "Big Ed" , seems to want to repeat his success by rehabilitating another fallen colossus of American industry.


  4. Ask him how much he paid the Democratic bosses at Sacramento to swing the convention.


  5. If he had continued his job as a miner in gold field, he would have been a millionaire.


  6. When Leona Helmsley, the tyrannical hotel tycoon, drafted her will, the witness who signed it must have been a bit surprised.


  7. He remembered one of his father's cousin who had been a big shot in Rome, and had marched with Mussolini's army in 1922.


  8. Aware of how much they have already changed the world through their businesses, computer tycoons can turn into impatient broader reformers.


  9. How much did the tycoon lose in the stocks market?


  1. 大人物,大亨

    a big fish.

  2. 好莱坞大亨

    Hollywood moguls.

  3. 弹珠台大亨

    Pinball tycoon.

  4. 航空业的大亨们

    the bigs of the aviation industry

  5. 四面楚歌的媒体大亨

    The embattled baron of media

  6. 谁掠夺了敛财大亨

    The Man Who Robbed the Robber Barons

  7. 过山车大亨最新版

    Roller Coaster Tycoon Loopy Landscapes from Hasbro Interactive

  8. 邵逸夫,中文媒体大亨

    Run Run Shaw, Chinese media mogul.

  9. 一些曾经的英国政治大亨。

    Some former mucketymuck in British politics.

  10. 大亨试图抚慰愤怒的工人们。

    The tycoon's trying to placate the angry workers.

  11. 史密斯先生是商界大亨。

    Mr Smith is a big shot in commercial circle.

  12. 他们是钢铁工业界的大亨。

    They are the top brass of steel industry.

  13. 那名大亨濒临破产的边缘。

    The tycoon is on the verge of bankruptcy.

  14. 那名大亨濒临破产得边缘。

    The tycoon is on the verge of bankruptcy.

  15. 但是全球大亨的时代已经终结。

    But the era of the global mogul is over.

  16. 地产大亨潘石屹的穷日子

    The real estate tycoon Pan Shiyi poor day

  17. 这位石油大亨被刺客杀害了。

    The oil baron was killed by an assassin.

  18. 布莱克先生是汽车工业的大亨。

    Mr.Black is a big wheel in the auto industry.

  19. 商业大亨有自动招人的助手么?

    Commerce big shot assistant having automation move people ?

  20. 香港大亨们的日子又好过了起来。

    Life is good again for Hong Kong's tycoons.

  21. 每次他找上一个腐败大亨。

    Every time he strikes some corrupt tycoon.

  22. 他是当地政治大亨的党徒之一。

    He is one of the cohorts of the local political boss.

  23. 这个男人现在是这个行业的大亨了。

    This man is now a big cheese in this industry.

  24. 这位年轻女士是这位大亨的继承人。

    This young lady is the successor to the tycoon.

  25. 黑社会大亨维多柯里昂返家

    Syndicate Big Shot Vito Corleone Return Home

  26. 土地大亨, 则持有大众生活的梦想。

    The land barons hold the dream for the life of the masses.

  27. 一本大生意造就了这们年轻大亨。

    One big deal made the young tycoon.

  28. 史蒂夫韦恩,亿万富翁赌场大亨。

    Steve Wynn, multibillionaire casino magnate.

  29. 世界大亨的便利, 商店和直升机停机坪。

    Handy for world hegemony, shops and heliport.

  30. 但如今, 他已是俄罗斯媒体大亨了。

    But by now he's a Russian media mogul.


  1. 问:大亨拼音怎么拼?大亨的读音是什么?大亨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大亨的读音是dàhēng,大亨翻译成英文是 magnate



“大亨”是个多义词,它可以指大亨(国产电视剧), 大亨(1977年李添胜监制香港电视剧), 大亨(词语释义), 大亨(张国荣同名音乐作品), 大亨(1978年香港TVB电视剧), 大亨(东晋安帝司马德宗年号)。