







汉语拼音:qiǎn cí







  1. 亦作“ 遣辞 ”。运用词语。

    《新唐书·徐浩传》:“四方詔令,多出 浩 手,遣辞赡速,而书法至精,帝喜之。” 宋 叶适 《超然堂》诗:“每怜 庄周 《齐物论》,遣词旷荡违经律。” 明 陈霆 《两山墨谈》卷四:“ 宋 时史舘作一贵侯传,其人少贱,尝屠豕为业,讳之即非实録,书之即难遣辞。” 清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·韩昌黎诗》:“又如《喜雪献裴尚书》……等诗,又復措思极细,遣词极工。” 况周颐 《蕙风词话》卷五:“凡题咏之作,遣词当有分寸。” 鲁迅 《华盖集续编·古书与白话》:“所以他的遣辞用典,有许多地方是惟独熟于大小故事的人物才能够了然。”



  1. He sounded as if he was being a little ironic, but maybe it was being just the tone of voice and the choice of words.


  2. Coming from the right place in your heart will get your relationship back on track faster than carefully crafted words.


  3. It's certainly easier to know one set of rigid rules than to develop a fingertip-feel for the nuances of syntax, word choice and mechanics.


  4. Soul mates and soul family members are NOT attracted to each by looks, personality, spoken words, interests, hobbies, sense of humor.


  5. Right here, you have her "horses" of death and dissolution andher writing a sentence that slows you to a more deliberate, attentive speed.


  6. Otherwise, the so-called " Chinese" , to be reduced to a word word games, short fashion vulgar carrier.


  7. To hark back to Miss Baldwin, her book more than once expresses her amazement at the vocabulary of the modern woman.


  8. Seems like to understand writers' complete works, you have to analyze their complete words.


  9. Except for the reserves of the buddhist architecture, Buddhism also brings new artistic culture, new style, a new method of choosing.


  1. 他讲究遣词造句。

    He pays great attention to the choice of words and building of sentences.

  2. 大学英语遣词造句指南

    A guide to diction of college English

  3. 英语诗的遣词探究

    A Study on the Diction of English Poems

  4. 如何正确运用英语来遣词造句

    How to Choose Words and Make Sentences in English

  5. 浅谈大学英语写作中的遣词造句

    On Choice of Words and Building of Sentences in English Writing

  6. 灵感思维与科技翻译中的遣词

    Inspiration Thinking and Diction in EST Translation.

  7. 词典可用以辨识遣词造句的正误。

    A dictionary helps one to distinguish correct and incorrect usages.

  8. 词典可用以辨识遣词造句得正误。

    A dictionary helps one to distinguish correct and incorrect usages.

  9. 打那之后, 她遣词造句更为准确了。

    After that she fined down her choice of words.

  10. 的确,洪堡的遣词用字是无可指责的。

    Yes, Humboldt's words were impeccable.

  11. 你难道总不知道正确地遣词用句吗?

    Will you never learn a proper use of words?

  12. 从中西文化差异看英译汉中的遣词

    Cultural differences and choice of words in translation

  13. 你能像威廉华兹华斯那样遣词造句吗?

    Can you structure a sentence as William Wordsworth?

  14. 她的风度举止, 遣词用字总是无可挑剔。

    Her carriage and diction were always faultless.

  15. 思维方式影响着人们说话和行文的遣词造句。

    The thinking mode has some influence on how to speak and write.

  16. 对英语写作中遣词与炼句的探析

    Analysis on a Good Way to Use Words and Make Sentences in English Writing

  17. 不要担心遣词造句听起来是否漂亮,担心是否为明智之言。

    Do not worry about sounding good, worry about being smart.

  18. 词汇是语言的基本成分,遣词则与特定的文化相关。

    Vocabulary is the basic element of language and choice of words is connected with the particular culture.

  19. 本文主要讨论语体与遣词在同义性方面的运用。

    This article mainly discusses the style and diction with the special reference to the study and application of synonymity.

  20. 留意美语为母语人士之遣词用字与说话语调。

    Pay attention to the use of words, phrases, usages and intonation of native speakers.

  21. 误收的字能够被辨认出来。词典可用以辨识遣词造句的正误。

    The garbled words can be deciphered. A dictionary helps one to distinguish correct and incorrect usages.

  22. 写文章时遣词不当, 可能会令人看不懂文章的意思呢。

    Inappropriate wording may make people unable to understand the meaning of the article.

  23. 写文章时遣词不当,可能会令人看不懂文章的意思呢。

    Inappropriate wording may make people unable to understand the meaning of the article.


  1. 问:遣词拼音怎么拼?遣词的读音是什么?遣词翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遣词的读音是qiǎncí,遣词翻译成英文是 To use words.

  2. 问:遣词造句拼音怎么拼?遣词造句的读音是什么?遣词造句翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遣词造句的读音是qiǎncízàojù,遣词造句翻译成英文是 the worded way; written prose




【拼音】qiǎn cí

