




1. 格 [gé]格 [gé]划分成的空栏和框子:~子纸。方~儿布。法式,标准:~局。~律。~式。~言。合~。资~。表现出来的品质:~调。风~。人~。国~。性~。阻碍,隔阂:~~不入。击,打:~斗。~杀。推究:~致。树的长枝。至,来:~于上……



汉语拼音:pò gé








  1. 格外;分外。

    宋 杨万里 《过上湖岭望招贤江南北山》诗之四:“晓日秋山破格奇,青红明灭舞清漪。”

  2. 突破常规;不拘成格。

    明 史可法 《论人才疏》:“但论人不论官,官大者亦可小就,而后悬破格之迁;官小者亦可大用,而后课非常之效。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·媚座》:“二位不比他人,明日嘱託吏部,还要破格超陞。” 曹禺 等《胆剑篇》第四幕:“当此邦家多难,有用的人材是应该破格录用的。”



  1. He deserves to be promoted to the rank of engineer, as an exception. Nobody should object to that.


  2. Sonny had been his friend once and if Sonny became the head of the Family maybe he'd get a break , get on the inside.


  3. But this very fact of her exceptional indulgence towards him made it harder to Fred.


  4. Bold or insolent heedlessness of restraints, AS of those imposed by prudence, propriety, or convention.


  5. Eighth year, Zhang outstanding achievements in teaching, exceptional promotion for the city of one Vice President.


  6. A stanza of this sort is in many respects anomalous in Shelley's poetics.


  7. At the request of DingGuo fairy, "red" half story-tellers to her house for ", is " disciple abnormality.


  8. Here was a chance to take on really prickly job, show his stuff, and earn brilliant advancement.


  9. My high, not only the " exceptional" light, also with " exemption" light, avoid is two big -- foreign language, computer.


  1. 诗中的破格

    poetic licence.

  2. 破格救心汤

    Poge saving heart decoction.

  3. 破格摇摆乐眼

    punk eye

  4. 使用破格的明喻

    use daring similes

  5. 破格起用专业人才

    Break a rule to appoint professional personnel to important position

  6. 税制中的许多破格现象

    the many anomalies in the tax system

  7. 汉语格律诗的结构和破格。

    Structure and license in Chinese regulated verse, Journal of Chinses Linguistics, v.

  8. 由于他自己得努力, 他被破格录取。

    He was granted special admission on account of his effort

  9. 由于他自己的努力,他被破格录取。

    He was granted special admission on account of his effort.

  10. 他那所学院破格提拔他当副教授。

    His college gave him accelerated promotion to associate professor.

  11. 科室主任的破格任用与系统培养

    Unconventional Appointment and Systematic Culture for Directors of Department in Hospital

  12. 正确处理资格要求与破格使用的关系

    Handling Correctly the Relations between Qualifications Wanted and Breaking a Rule to Use

  13. 那他是不是应该同意洛德破格提拔的要求?

    So should he agree to Lord's request for fast promotion?

  14. 那他是不是应该同意洛德破格提拔得要求?

    So should he agree to Lord's request for fast promotion ?

  15. 这种的诗节在雪莱的诗中很多方面是破格的。

    A stanza of this sort is in many respects anomalous in Shelleys poetics.

  16. 有关捕捉大鱼的所有内容只是一点破格罢了。

    All that stuff about catching giant fish was just a bit of poetic licence.

  17. 以恐怖片的破格演绎一下抓住了观众们的心。

    This feature film tells the story of a reality television shoot that goes terrifyingly awry when its crew becomes stranded in a remote Northern town.

  18. 尼克松对这种破格的礼遇感到高兴, 但并没有。

    Nixon was pleased by the distinction, but not overwhelmed.

  19. 来宾对这种破格礼遇感到高兴, 但并没有受宠若惊。

    The guest was pleased By the distinction But not overwhelmed.

  20. 还是你错过了唐破格诺和克里斯蒂

    Or do you miss that Don Perignon and that Christy

  21. 这份工作有晋升的机会。破格晋升某人为副教授

    The job offers prospects of promotion. Break a rule to promote sb to associate professor; give sb. an accelerated promotion to associate professor

  22. 他的身份不应该在新闻联播里报,这是破格。

    His identity should not be in the news broadcast, this is abnormality.

  23. 但是她对弗莱德的破格优待, 现在使他更不好受。

    But this very fact of her exceptional indulgence towards him made it harder to Fred.

  24. 被报纸利用来破坏文学准则的令人难忍受的破格

    the intolerable license with which the newspapers break... the rules of decorum.

  25. 被报纸利用来破坏文学准则得令人难忍受得破格

    the intolerable license with which the newspapers break... the rules of decorum.

  26. 破格救心汤对心力衰竭大鼠心肌细胞凋亡的影响

    Influence of Poge saving heart decoction on myocardial cell's apoptosis of heart failure rat.

  27. 破格批准他为工程师,应该,这是谁也不应反对的

    He deserves to be promoted to the rank of engineer, as an exception. Nobody should object to that.

  28. 破格提拔为了提升更多的低级职员而越过一些高级职员。

    To bypass a senior employee in order to promote a more junior employee.

  29. 评议会把他从讲师提升为教授。破格晋升某人为副教授

    The senate advanced him from a lectureship to a professorship Break a rule to promote sb to associate professor; give sb. an accelerated promotion to associate professor.


  1. 问:破格拼音怎么拼?破格的读音是什么?破格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:破格的读音是pògé,破格翻译成英文是 break a rule

  2. 问:破格的拼音怎么拼?破格的的读音是什么?破格的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:破格的的读音是,破格的翻译成英文是 irregular

