


不幸的,不吉祥的:吉~。~信。庄稼收成不好:~年饥岁。恶:~暴。~恶。~顽。~相(xiàng )。~神恶煞。关于杀伤的:行(xíng )~。帮~。厉害,过甚:雨~风狂。……





汉语拼音:xiōng zhào








  1. 不吉祥的预兆。

    《再生缘》第二七回:“今朝相请非兇兆,往日情由不用提。” 李季 《报信姑娘》诗:“今年的风沙劲头特别大,就象什么凶兆,整天里天昏地暗。”



  1. If you think that adds up to bad luck, you'll want to start the day in a bath of half hot and half cold water mixed with a bowl of salt.


  2. Louis surveyed me with his shrewd gray eyes and shook his head portentously.


  3. Ordinary astronomical phenomena are imbued with a sense of threat by people who already think the world is going to end.


  4. evidence available to the seven at the time of the meeting showed that the threat of a big quake in the near future was real.


  5. IT IS supposed to be the canary's job to give the warning, but this time the miners have done it themselves.


  6. If pyramids are such a threat to minority shareholders, Mr Khanna asks, why does anybody ever buy shares in them?


  7. If this proves to be a permanent shift, slower productivity growth bodes ill for inflation and living standards.


  8. Its creator, a blind mathematician named Jim Miekka, said his indicator is now predicting a market meltdown in September.


  9. Latest knee problem, a torn medial collateral ligament, is not considered career-threatening for the young Lakers center.


  1. 凶兆预言者

    screech owl.

  2. 有害,冒险,凶兆。


  3. 先知,我说,凶兆!

    Prophet!said I,Thing of evil!

  4. 充满凶兆的现象。

    Signs full of portent.

  5. 如果不是凶兆呢?

    And if the omens are not bad?

  6. 某种凶兆,不是吗?

    It's a sort of threat, do you see? No.

  7. 古代的凶兆就此突现

    The ancient omens are now here

  8. 一声带可怕凶兆的狂喊

    a howl of dire portent

  9. 这是那项计划有凶兆。

    This bodes ill for the failure of the programme.

  10. 觉察到凶兆立即逃到了国外

    saw the writing on the wall and fled the country.

  11. 在印度, 日食被认为是凶兆。

    In India, an eclipse is considered inauspicious.

  12. 当然了,肉类柜台最充满凶兆。

    Surely the meat department is most ominous of all.

  13. 那个贵族把它当作一个凶兆。

    The nobleman took it as a bad omen.

  14. 预示,预兆,凶兆预兆或凶兆,尤指不幸的。

    An omen or foreboding, especially of evil.

  15. 他那些懒惰的习惯是他前途的凶兆。

    His idle habits bode ill for his future

  16. 他们的拒绝是我们希望破灭的凶兆。

    Their refusal rang the knell of our hopes.

  17. 燃烧的夕阳如同世界末日来临的凶兆

    Burning was the sunset like a portent of doom

  18. 这件事成了后来灾难的凶兆。

    The event proved to be a portent of the disaster that was to come.

  19. 死亡凶兆迅速地在他脑海中盘旋。

    The auguries of death are fast gathering round his head.

  20. 这种压制对国家的未来预示着凶兆。

    And this dumbing down bodes ill for the nation's future.

  21. 电力价格的上涨是许多小企业的凶兆。

    The new increase in electricity prices in the writing on the wall for many small businesses.

  22. 神谕型禁忌母题与民间凶兆信息传输

    Charismatic Taboo Themes and Transmission of Folk Knells

  23. 梦境!凶兆!幻影!奇迹!狂喜!没入美国得河流!

    Visions!omens!hallucinations!miracles!ecstasies!gone down the American river!

  24. 梦境!凶兆!幻影!奇迹!狂喜!没入美国的河流!

    Visions! omens! hallucinations! miracles! ecstasies! gone down the American river!

  25. 猫低哼着一个人的凶兆对另一个人就是吉兆。

    And the cat purred, The bad omen of one is the good omen of another.

  26. 黑暗吓不倒我, 恶魔!现在, 我以凶兆符记诅咒你!

    The darkness holds no terror for me, demon! I curse you now under the Sign of Ill Omen!

  27. 他一把将信推到她面前,好像信里有什么凶兆似的。

    He thrust out the letter to her as if it contained a threat.

  28. 这些报导是些绝域奇谈, 渲染着神奇, 不可知的凶兆。

    Such reports come from the worlds edges, with their evocation of the unknown, the marvellous and the ominous.

  29. 从那喧嚣中忽必列远远听到祖先的喊声预言着战争的凶兆!

    And'midst this tumult Kubla heard from afar, Ancestral voices prophesying war!

  30. 鲁易用他狡猾得灰色眼睛打量着我,预示凶兆般地摇着头。

    Louis surveyed me with his shrewd gray eyes and shook his head portentously.


  1. 问:凶兆拼音怎么拼?凶兆的读音是什么?凶兆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凶兆的读音是xiōngzhào,凶兆翻译成英文是 ill omen

  2. 问:凶兆的拼音怎么拼?凶兆的的读音是什么?凶兆的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凶兆的的读音是,凶兆的翻译成英文是 boding