







汉语拼音:huò chuán



主要用来载运货物的船 。



  1. 装运货物的船只。

    《金瓶梅词话》第九二回:“他收拾了货船,起身往家中去。”《镜花缘》第二六回:“即命水手打听,原来也是家乡货船。” 吴组缃 《山洪》二:“他们靠在 黄龙溪 装冬笋的货船就要开下去了。”



  1. THE Postal Service is taking the "ship" out of shipping, and thousands of small online booksellers are bracing for trouble.


  2. We were like the boat people on top of a cargo ship.


  3. On Thursday, the German navy said it had foiled an attempt by pirates to hijack an Egyptian cargo vessel off Somalia.


  4. Elsewhere, legal shipments of ivory have been used to smuggle illegal ivory.


  5. Russia Friday said the Russian side was compelled to open fire and the ship's captain should take full responsibility.


  6. China's official Xinhua news agency said the warship sank the vessel in Russian waters last Sunday off the port of Vladivostok.


  7. Four days later the Blida's Ukrainian captain sent word that the ship was berthed off the Somali coast near the pirate lair of Garacad.


  8. Is the ship ready to move under its own power?


  9. A blown out control system sent Stanton's freighter careening into a private museum owned by no less than the Emperor Palpatine.


  1. 集装箱货船

    container ship

  2. 内河运货船

    keel boat

  3. 不定期货船

    tramp vessel.

  4. 型起重货船

    heavy lift ship.

  5. 船坞式货船

    dock cargo ship.

  6. 散装干货船

    dry bulk carrier.

  7. 集装箱运货船

    container ship

  8. 通用散装货船

    universal bulk carrier

  9. 近海支线货船

    coastal feeder service ship.

  10. 老旧散货船

    Aged bulk carrier.

  11. 重件运输货船

    heavypiece transport freighter

  12. 货船推驳船队

    freighter pushed barge combination

  13. 危险货船标志灯

    Flashing light for vessel carrying dangerous cargo

  14. 货船结构安全证书

    cargo ship safety construction certificate

  15. 船身很宽的货船

    a beamy cargo ship

  16. 载驳货船码头

    ship dock

  17. 不定期航行的货船

    tramp steamer

  18. 载驳货船系统

    barge clipper system

  19. 货船一小时往来一趟

    The ferry runs every hour.

  20. 货船在港口装卸货物。

    We load and unload cargo ships at harbours.

  21. 国际干货船船东协会

    International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners

  22. 货船缓慢地驶离码头。

    The freighter slowly drew out from the wharf.

  23. 双舷侧散货船

    double side skin bulk carder.

  24. 从货船上卸货物

    to clear a freighter of cargo

  25. 不定航线的不定期货船

    A tramp steamer.

  26. 运货船请求消除防护罩

    Shuttle Tydirium requesting deactivation of the deflector shield.

  27. 散装运输化学品液货船

    chemical liquid tanker in bulk

  28. 那艘货船船已雇齐。

    freighter was fully hired on.

  29. 他是香料货船的领航员。

    He was a navigator on a spice freighter.

  30. 巴拿马型散货船

    Panamax bulk carrier


  1. 问:货船拼音怎么拼?货船的读音是什么?货船翻译成英文是什么?

    答:货船的读音是huòchuán,货船翻译成英文是 cargo freighter

  2. 问:货船业者拼音怎么拼?货船业者的读音是什么?货船业者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:货船业者的读音是,货船业者翻译成英文是 owner

  3. 问:货船交通信息拼音怎么拼?货船交通信息的读音是什么?货船交通信息翻译成英文是什么?

    答:货船交通信息的读音是huò chuán jiāo tōng xìn xī,货船交通信息翻译成英文是 Cargo Traffic Message

  4. 问:货船抵押债券拼音怎么拼?货船抵押债券的读音是什么?货船抵押债券翻译成英文是什么?

    答:货船抵押债券的读音是huò chuán dǐ yā zhài quàn,货船抵押债券翻译成英文是 respondentia bond

  5. 问:货船抵押贷款拼音怎么拼?货船抵押贷款的读音是什么?货船抵押贷款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:货船抵押贷款的读音是huò chuán dǐ yā dài kuǎn,货船抵押贷款翻译成英文是 respondentia

  6. 问:货船损失证书拼音怎么拼?货船损失证书的读音是什么?货船损失证书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:货船损失证书的读音是huò chuán sǔn shī zhèng shū,货船损失证书翻译成英文是 protest of freighter

  7. 问:货船海洋法案拼音怎么拼?货船海洋法案的读音是什么?货船海洋法案翻译成英文是什么?

    答:货船海洋法案的读音是huò chuán hǎi yáng fǎ àn,货船海洋法案翻译成英文是 Ocean Bill of Lading

  8. 问:货船路线信息文件拼音怎么拼?货船路线信息文件的读音是什么?货船路线信息文件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:货船路线信息文件的读音是huò chuán lù xiàn xìn xī wén jiàn,货船路线信息文件翻译成英文是 Cargo Routing Information File