


1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……





汉语拼音:tóu gāo






  1. 谓欲望大,要价高。




  1. The computerised system uses a simple video camera, a high-resolution thermal imaging sensor and a suite of algorithms.


  2. Of course, its price is expected to be higher than any average webcam.


  3. This is the end of the first female jaguar, broad, Run back, head high and large forehead heap of meat as a purple, velvet-song lovely.


  4. Blank and trim entry will occur before piercing punches by one-half stock thickness.


  5. Methods: Clinical data of 134 parturient labor cases of fetal head sincipitoposterior position was analyzed retrospectively.


  6. The advice to "hold your head high" isn't just figurative in this case.


  7. Low profile host the first high-end drum patterns, outer ring gear driven rotating cylinder.


  8. High ball speeds are achieved by producing high racquet head speeds.


  9. When is America ever going to have a bullet train.


  1. 什么东西无头反比有头高?

    What is higher without a head than with a head?

  2. 您拥有你的脑袋时,您的头高,像你想我这样做。

    You hold your head up, your head up high, like you think I do.

  3. 头高倾斜卧位在肥胖妇科病人全身麻醉术中的应用

    Probe into application of reverse trendelenburg and incline position in general anesthesia for obese patients of gynecology department

  4. 头上高远球

    overhead clear.

  5. 头大智慧高

    people with bigger heads are more intelligent.

  6. 那头长颈鹿很高。

    The giraffes are tall.

  7. 头稍稍抬高, 与脊柱形成一条直线。

    The head position will feel high and looks like a continuing line from the spine.

  8. 兔子的大眼睛位于它头脸侧较高的文字。

    A rabbit's large eyes are in a high position at the side of the head.

  9. 大地上的麦穗抬起头来,高粱杆也直起了腰。

    On the ground the wheat stalks raised their heads and the sorghum stalks straightened up.

  10. 手与肩垂直并高过头。

    He held his hands above his head.

  11. 他长得很高,头总难免要撞上那低低的门楣。

    He is too tall, and has never been able to avoid striking his head on the low doorway.

  12. 阿奎尔那个人比我高一个头。那是可以改变的。

    Don Lope de Aguirre That man is a head taller than me. That may change.

  13. 个子几乎与祥子一边儿高,头剃得很亮,没留胡子。

    As tall as Xiangzi, he shaved his head till it shone and had no beard or moustache.

  14. 这头母牛出奶率高。

    The cow milks well.

  15. 高球速要藉由产生网球拍头高速度来达成。

    High ball speeds are achieved by producing high racquet head speeds.

  16. 用30秒,站得更直,将你的头高高抬起。

    For 30 seconds, stand up straighter and with your head held high.

  17. 同样,他们的耳朵稍微更大和所在头的位置更高。

    Also, their ears are slightly bigger and placed higher up on the head.

  18. 择期剖宫产术中胎头高浮娩头方法探讨

    The Discussion of the Treatment of Elective Cesarean Section With Fetal Floating Head.

  19. 他比他父亲高出半个头。

    He tops his father by half a head.

  20. 后来对这两张照片进行比较,我就能够算出这头犀牛的肩高。

    Comparing the two photographs later, I could calculate the shoulder height of the rhino.

  21. 子宫下段横切口剖宫产术中胎头高浮娩头困难的处理

    Management of Difficult High Position Fetal Head During Uterine Lower Segment Transverse Incision in Cesarean Section

  22. 这头奶牛出奶率很高。

    The cow is milking heavily.

  23. 安吉丽穿着高跟鞋肯定比莱尼高出一个头。

    In her high heels, Angelique must be a head taller than him.

  24. 深受矿山, 头都偏低, 高层次的矿工。

    A very popular mine, with rocks for both low and high leveled miners.

  25. 他比我高出两个头。

    He is two heads taller than I.

  26. 他是如此之高,他的头几乎要碰到天花板。

    He is so tall that his head nearly touches the ceiling.

  27. 我的罪孽高过我的头,如同重担叫我担当不起。

    My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear.

  28. 我记得我跳起来,真得很高,我得头就在篮框边。

    I remember I jumped really, really high. My head was at the rim.

  29. 我记得我跳起来,真的很高,我的头就在篮框边。

    I remember I jumped really, really high. My head was at the rim.

  30. 高考就像是一把达摩克里斯得利剑高悬得这些学生头上。

    The college entrance examination is like a sword of Damocles.


  1. 问:头高背卧位拼音怎么拼?头高背卧位的读音是什么?头高背卧位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:头高背卧位的读音是tóu gāo bèi wò wèi,头高背卧位翻译成英文是 dorsal elevated position