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数名,十个十(在钞票和单据上常用大写“佰”代):~步穿杨。~儿八十。~分比。喻很多:~草。~货。~姓(人民)。~般。~炼成钢。~无聊赖。~废俱兴(xīng )。……
1. 合 [hé]2. 合 [gě]合 [hé]闭,对拢:~眼。~抱。珠连璧~。貌~神离。聚集:~力。~办。~股。~资。不违背,一事物与另一事物相应或相符:~格。~法。情投意~。应该:~该。~当。“文章~为时而著,诗歌~为时而作”。总共,全……
汉语拼音:bǎi hé
唐 段成式 《酉阳杂俎·虫篇》:“工部员外郎 张周封 言:百合花合之,泥其隟,经宿化为大胡蝶。” 宋 陆游 《窗前作小土山艺兰及玉簪最后得香百合并种之戏作》诗:“更乞两丛香百合,老翁七十尚童心。” 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·菜二·百合》:“百合一茎直上,四向生叶,叶似短竹叶,不似柳叶。五六月茎端开大白花……百合结实畧似马兜铃,其内子亦似之。” 艾青 《写在彩色纸条上的诗》:“你的鼻子像百合,你的嘴唇像花瓣。”
He slips in his clothes and slippers, run out of the bathroom to the garden of beautiful lilies and his sister.
他单在他地衣服和拖鞋,用完厕所地花园美丽地百合花和他地妹妹。Being able to take out a chunk of the enemy quickly before Yuriko's life becomes threatened.
你可以在百合子的生命受到威胁前就干掉大批的敌人。If I could turn back time, let me to choose one, I must send nine lilies, and never let any harm!
如果时间可以倒转,让我重新选择一次的话,我一定要送九朵百合花,而且不会让其受到任何伤害!He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floating like white lilies on the surface of a clear calm lake.
他提出对深蓝色的天空,那儿,星星一样在清澈平静的湖面上漂浮的白色百合花,他悲伤的眼睛。Today, I found out my girlfriend is pregnant and then decided to break up with her. Why? Were lesbians. FML.
今天,我得知我的女朋友有身了。于是我决议和她分手。你问为啥子?因为咱们是百合。FML。It was a handbreadth in thickness, and its rim was like the rim of a cup, like a lily blossom. It held two thousand baths.
海厚一掌,边如杯边,又如百合花,可容二千吧特。Today, I found out my girlfriend is pregnant and then decided to break up with her. Why? We're lesbians. FML.
今天,我得知我的女朋友怀孕了。于是我决定和她分手。你问为什么?因为我们是百合。FML。Sayuri: A story like mine has never been told. For my world is as forbidden as it is fragile; without its mysteries, it cannot survive.
小百合:像我这样的故事是不应该告诉别人的。因为我的世界的禁忌之深正如它的脆弱之深,失去了神秘感,它将不复存在。While it may seem to be painting the lily, I should like to add somewhat to Mr. Alistair Cooke's excellent article.