


1. 与 [yǔ]2. 与 [yù]3. 与 [yú]与 [yǔ]和,跟:正确~错误。~虎谋皮。生死~共。给:赠~。~人方便。交往,友好:相~。~国(相互交好的国家)。〔~其〕比较连词,常跟“不如”、“宁可”连用。赞助,赞许:~人为善。与 ……


1. 虎 [hǔ]虎 [hǔ]哺乳动物,毛黄褐色,有黑色条纹,性凶猛,力大。骨和血及内脏均可入药(通称“老虎”):~口(a.喻危险境地;b.手上拇指和食指相交的地方)。~穴(喻危险境地)。~符(古代调兵的凭证,用铜铸成虎形,分两半)。~狼(……







汉语拼音:yǔ hǔ móu pí








  • 【解释】:跟老虎商量要它的皮。比喻跟恶人商量要他放弃自己的利益,绝对办不到。
  • 【出自】:《太平御览》卷二0八引《符子》:“欲为千金之裘而与狐谋其皮,欲具少牢之珍而与羊谋其羞,言未卒,狐相率逃于重丘之下,羊相呼藏于深林之中。”
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义


  1. on this happy playmates to the governance of a real estate market, It was not making a futile effort?


  2. There is a proverb, called asking them, can explain precisely how this possibility in the end.


  1. 你这是在与虎谋皮, 蓓基。

    You're taking favors from a tiger, becky.

  2. 无论你怎样使劲训练鬈毛狗,它都不会向你扑过来。但是,让一只会咬人的狗打消伤人的念头无疑于虎谋皮。

    You 'll never get a poodle to jump onto a man's face no matter how hard you train it and you 'll never prevent an attack dog from at least thinking about it.'

  3. 小美洲虎与母亲在一起待2年甚至更久来学习捕猎。

    Young jaguars learn to hunt by living with their mothers for two years or more.

  4. 娇龙与罗小虎在大漠中无忧无虑地生活了一段时间。

    And they once lived happily and freely in the desert for awhile.

  5. 这些崇虎的文化现象, 应与古滇国虎文化有密切的渊源关系。

    The tiger worship cultural phenomenon should have close relationship with the tiger culture of the ancient Dian.

  6. 土壤水分对五叶爬山虎光合与蒸腾作用的影响

    Effect of soil moisture on photosynthesis and transpiration of Parthenocissus quinquefolia planch.

  7. 典狱长古金伦是个热爱古典音乐的笑面虎, 与宫有勾结。

    The warden GuJinLun is a love of classical music with palace XiaoMianHu, are working in collusion.

  8. 我真希望狼爸与虎妈能在一起。

    I really hope a wolf dad and tiger mother can be together.

  9. 林则徐销烟池与虎门炮台旧址

    Sites of the Pool of Lin Zexu Destroying Opium and the Humen Batteries

  10. 冷藏苹果走俏与虎皮病的发生及预防

    Refrigerate Apple Sells well with Emergence and Prevention of the tiger Shin

  11. 苹果果皮细胞膜结构变化与虎皮病的关系

    Relationship Between Change of Cell Membrane Structure and Superficial Scald of Ralls Apple.

  12. 座位席数室外约210席与虎克船长的厨房共用

    seating capacity about 210 outdoors only , shared with captain hook s galley

  13. 只觉得她与虎妞是,用他所能想出的字,一道货。

    In his words, she was the same line of goods.

  14. 虎纹蛙蝌蚪与幼蛙肌肉蛋白质的双向电泳图谱对比分析

    Comparison and Analysis of the Twodimensional Electrophoresis Patterns Between Rana Rugulosa Tadpole and Larval Froggy Sarcous Protein

  15. 他说,雅虎与微软最终也不会达成任何交易。

    He said that Yahoo and Microsoft also will not reach any final deal.

  16. 雅虎与微软一开始就因收购价分歧未能达成合并协议。

    Yahoo and Microsoft offers a start because of differences between the failed merger agreement.

  17. 后来,为抵御微软并购,雅虎与谷歌签署了搜索广告合作协议。

    Later, to resist Microsoft is bought, yahoo and cereal song signed agreement of search advertisement cooperation.

  18. 苏州虎丘塔的变形监测与保护

    Deformation Monitoring and Protection of Suzhou Tiger Hill Pagoda

  19. 虎嵩山与马鸿逵的三次合作办学

    Hu Songshan's Three Times Cooperation with Ma Hongkui in Running Schools.

  20. 东北虎朊病毒基因的克隆与序列分析

    Molecular cloning and the sequences analysis of the prion protein gene in Amur tiger

  21. 属虎的与属马、属龙和属狗的非常合得来。

    Tigers are most compatible with Horses, Dragons, and Dogs.

  22. 杨虎城开发陕西的经济思想与贡献

    Yang Hucheng's ideas of developing Shaanxi economy and his contribution

  23. 虎跑泉的成因、水质及其与龙井茶的关系

    Formation and Quality of Tiger Ruuning Spring and Its Relation with Dragon Well Tea.

  24. 东北虎胃与小肠组织形态结构的研究

    Study on Histology and Morphology of Stomach and Small Intestine of a NorthEastern Tiger.

  25. 膜伤害与红星苹果虎皮病的相关性

    Relations of the Damage of Membrane with Superficial Scald of Apple

  26. 苏州虎丘塔水平形变的模拟与预测

    Horizontal Deformation Model and Forecast of Suzhou Tiger Hill Pagoda

  27. 与商业食品公司的的改变速度奇虎相当。

    And it is matched by an almost equally frenetic pace of change among commercial food companies.

  28. 与此类似,雄虎和雌狮的后代叫做虎狮。

    A similar hybrid, the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion is called a tigon.

  29. 虎眼万年青花粉的形态观察与活力测定

    Pollen Morphology and Vitality of Ornithogalum Caudatum

  30. 吉林东北虎篮球俱乐部的发展现状与对策研究

    The Development of Research of Jilin Northeast Tigers Basketball Club


  1. 问:与虎谋皮拼音怎么拼?与虎谋皮的读音是什么?与虎谋皮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:与虎谋皮的读音是yǔhǔmóupí,与虎谋皮翻译成英文是 to ask a tiger for its skin—expect an evil perso...



与虎谋皮,同老虎商量,要剥下它的皮。比喻跟所谋求的对象有利害冲突,决不能成功。后多指跟恶人商量,要他牺牲自己的利益,一定办不到。本作“与狐谋皮”。语出孙中山 《大亚洲主义》:“要请在亚洲的欧洲 人,都是和平的退回我们的权利,那就象与虎谋皮,一定是做不到的。” 续范亭 《学习漫谈》:“现在想起来,实际上是做了三十年与虎谋皮的事,几乎被虎吃了。”