




1. 差 [chà]2. 差 [chā]3. 差 [chāi]4. 差 [cī]差 [chà]错误:话说~了。不相当,不相合:~不多。缺欠:还~十元钱。不好,不够标准:~等。成绩~。差 [chā]不同,不同之点:~别。~距。~额。~价。大致……



汉语拼音:wēn chā







  1. 温度的差别。通常指一天中最高温度和最低温度的差别。

    《人民日报》1982.3.27:“ 内蒙古 昼夜温差大,日照时间长,降雨量少而集中,有利于甜菜糖分的积累。”



  1. On the top of mountain, a year-round flow of a tiny spring is infiltrating and dripping.


  2. A wide temperature differential between water and air makes for a more stable atmosphere with calmer winds over the relatively cold water.


  3. It applies to the larger temperature difference between the two substances, used for high temperature and low turbidity measurements.


  4. Due to buoyancy effect, the cooling water goes up to the surface of seawater after it is drained into the huge tidal bay.


  5. In Houston, this causes a smaller than usual difference between the temperatures of the land and the sea at night.


  6. Therefore, there is always a difference between the medium temperature and the threshold temperature of the infrared detector.


  7. The temperature difference between the exhaust pipe and a pipe carrying engine cooling fluid can thus be several hundred degrees Celsius.


  8. And a simple method is summarized, which carries out large temperature difference and little water quantity without changing. . .


  9. if the fins of heat sink have bigger size, a heat tube can be enclosed in the copper basal plate to improve the heat emission efficiency.


  1. 温差电功率

    thermoelectric power.

  2. 加权平均温差

    weighted mean temperature difference.

  3. 温差电偶结

    thermal junction.

  4. 温差电单偶

    thermoelectric unicouple.

  5. 干湿球温差

    psychrometric difference.

  6. 海表底温差

    difference of SST and SBT.

  7. 真空温差电偶

    vacuum thermocouple

  8. 辐射温差电偶

    radiation thermocouple.

  9. 作用温差电偶

    differential thermocouple

  10. 电热温差电偶

    electrically heated thermocouple

  11. 温差电材料薄膜

    thermoelectric films

  12. 贵金属温差电偶

    noble metal thermocouple

  13. 温差电偶温度计

    thermoelectric thermometre

  14. 最小可分辨温差

    Minimum Resolvable Temperature Difference

  15. 最小可探测温差

    minimum detectable temperature difference

  16. 针状温差电偶

    thermo needles

  17. 慕尔温差电堆

    Moll thermopile.

  18. 珠形温差电偶

    bead thermocouple

  19. 琼斯温差电偶

    Jones thermocouple.

  20. 温差电换能器

    Thermoelectric converter

  21. 温差电偶瓦特计

    thermal wattmeter

  22. 温差电偶加热器

    thermocouple heater

  23. 温差电偶高温计

    thermocouple pyrometer

  24. 最小换热温差

    minimum temperature difference for heat exchange

  25. 温差电致冷组件

    thermoelectric cooling module

  26. 分段温差电元件

    segmented thermoelectric element

  27. 分段温差电材料

    segmented thermoelectric material

  28. 温差电偶式真空计

    thermocouple vacuum gauge

  29. 怎样设置温度和温差?

    How to set temperature and temperature difference?

  30. 温差电偶冷端补偿

    reference junction compensation


  1. 问:温差拼音怎么拼?温差的读音是什么?温差翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差的读音是wēnchā,温差翻译成英文是 difference in temperature

  2. 问:温差冷却拼音怎么拼?温差冷却的读音是什么?温差冷却翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差冷却的读音是wēn chā lěng què,温差冷却翻译成英文是 thermosiphon cooling

  3. 问:温差应力拼音怎么拼?温差应力的读音是什么?温差应力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差应力的读音是wēn chā yìng lì,温差应力翻译成英文是 stress due to temperature difference

  4. 问:温差热偶拼音怎么拼?温差热偶的读音是什么?温差热偶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差热偶的读音是wēn chā rè ǒu,温差热偶翻译成英文是 thermoelectric couple

  5. 问:温差电堆拼音怎么拼?温差电堆的读音是什么?温差电堆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差电堆的读音是wēn chā diàn duī,温差电堆翻译成英文是 thermopile

  6. 问:温差电池拼音怎么拼?温差电池的读音是什么?温差电池翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差电池的读音是wēn chā diàn chí,温差电池翻译成英文是 thermoelectric cell

  7. 问:温差电流拼音怎么拼?温差电流的读音是什么?温差电流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差电流的读音是wēn chā diàn liú,温差电流翻译成英文是 thermal electric current

  8. 问:温差电的拼音怎么拼?温差电的的读音是什么?温差电的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差电的的读音是wēn chā diàn de,温差电的翻译成英文是 thermoelectric

  9. 问:温差异重流拼音怎么拼?温差异重流的读音是什么?温差异重流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差异重流的读音是wēn chā yì zhòng liú,温差异重流翻译成英文是 thermal density current

  10. 问:温差比重计拼音怎么拼?温差比重计的读音是什么?温差比重计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差比重计的读音是wēn chā bǐ zhòng jì,温差比重计翻译成英文是 thermohydrometer

  11. 问:温差电动势拼音怎么拼?温差电动势的读音是什么?温差电动势翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差电动势的读音是wēn chā diàn dòng shì,温差电动势翻译成英文是 thermoelectromotive force

  12. 问:温差电效应拼音怎么拼?温差电效应的读音是什么?温差电效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差电效应的读音是wēn chā diàn xiào yìng,温差电效应翻译成英文是 thermoelectric effect

  13. 问:温差电系数拼音怎么拼?温差电系数的读音是什么?温差电系数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差电系数的读音是wēn chā diàn xì shù,温差电系数翻译成英文是 thermoelectric coefficient

  14. 问:温差修正系数拼音怎么拼?温差修正系数的读音是什么?温差修正系数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差修正系数的读音是wēn chā xiū zhèng xì shù,温差修正系数翻译成英文是 correction factor for temperature difference...

  15. 问:温差弹性效应拼音怎么拼?温差弹性效应的读音是什么?温差弹性效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差弹性效应的读音是wēn chā tán xìng xiào yìng,温差弹性效应翻译成英文是 thermoelasticity

  16. 问:温差环流冷却拼音怎么拼?温差环流冷却的读音是什么?温差环流冷却翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差环流冷却的读音是wēn chā huán liú lěng què,温差环流冷却翻译成英文是 thermosyphon cooling

  17. 问:温差电偶仪表拼音怎么拼?温差电偶仪表的读音是什么?温差电偶仪表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差电偶仪表的读音是wēn chā diàn ǒu yí biǎo,温差电偶仪表翻译成英文是 thermocouple instrument

  18. 问:温差电偶电池拼音怎么拼?温差电偶电池的读音是什么?温差电偶电池翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差电偶电池的读音是wēn chā diàn ǒu diàn chí,温差电偶电池翻译成英文是 thermojunction battery

  19. 问:温差电动势率拼音怎么拼?温差电动势率的读音是什么?温差电动势率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差电动势率的读音是wēn chā diàn dòng shì lǜ,温差电动势率翻译成英文是 thermoelectric power

  20. 问:温差电致冷器拼音怎么拼?温差电致冷器的读音是什么?温差电致冷器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温差电致冷器的读音是wēn chā diàn zhì lěng qì,温差电致冷器翻译成英文是 thermoelectric cooler



temperature difference 热冷物体温度的差别。 按所取平均方法不同可分为算术平均温差和对数平均温差。 一段时间之内,最高温度与最低温度为这一段时间内的温差。如:某市一段时间内,最高温度为18℃,最低温为-2℃,则它的温差为20℃。一般来说内陆地区日夜温差较大,沿海地区日夜温差较小,这是较于水的比热容比泥土的大的缘故。