




1. 堡 [bǎo]2. 堡 [bǔ]3. 堡 [pù]堡 [bǎo]军事上防守用的建筑物:~垒。城~。桥头~。古代指土筑的小城:“徐嵩、胡空各聚众五千,据险筑~以自固”。堡 [bǔ]有城墙的村镇,泛指村庄(多用于地名):~子。马家~。堡 ……



汉语拼音:diāo bǎo







  1. 用砖石或混凝土等建成的防御建筑物。

    清 黄钧宰 《金壶浪墨·捻匪初起》:“盖自 傅公 重庵 创修碉堡,仿坚壁清野之意。” 茅盾 《虚惊》:“在 东江 ,平常老百姓的住房都是碉堡的格局,这大房子如果从前是地主的家,当然是个十足的堡垒了。” 任海鹰 《西沙螺号·螺号声声》:“呜--都都,呜--都都,战斗的豪情满海岛。一把把刺刀浪峰上插,一座座碉堡屹立在 西沙 前哨!”



  1. Without thinking, I said, "I'm not quite ready to dig a bunker in the backyard. "


  2. At midnight, we began to attack the enemy and thrust home all their forts.


  3. But on a recent Sunday morning the only living things to be seen were two stray dogs and a dozen soldiers hunkered down in an old bunker.


  4. According to the directive, the duty of the demolition party was to destroy the enemy blockhouses.


  5. In a time of crisis, the plane is outfitted to serve the commander-in-chief as an aerial bunker.


  6. The public was to have their resentment over rumored bunkers for the elite deflected by rumors that these bunkers were being blown up.


  7. The last object within this update we have for you is a PAK trench system , also with an attached bunker.


  8. How could I know about the bunker in the field what I never been?


  9. Our army destroyed the enemy's blockhouse with a rocket bomb.


  1. 碉堡被撤空了。

    The fort was evacuated.

  2. 一座安全的碉堡

    a secure fortress.

  3. 战士们用炸药炸碉堡。

    The soldiers blasted the stronghold.

  4. 碉堡俯视下面的平原。

    The fort commanded the plain beneath.

  5. 混凝土射击掩体。碉堡

    Small concrete shelter for soldiers, often partly underground, from which a gun may be fired

  6. 平毁敌人留下的碉堡

    raze the fortifications evacuated by the enemy

  7. 我一直这么玩,我碉堡了。

    And I often want to. I am awesome.

  8. 这是一个德国碉堡

    This is a German bunker.

  9. 那碉堡控制海港得入囗。

    The fort commands the entrance to the harbor.

  10. 那碉堡控制海港的入囗。

    The fort commands the entrance to the harbor.

  11. 都锁在一个碉堡里。

    They were all locked up in a bunker.

  12. 那个碉堡俯视着整个山谷。

    That fort commands the whole valley.

  13. 碉堡已被炮火打掉了。

    The tower has been shot away.

  14. 把敌人从碉堡中逐出

    dislodge the enemy from their fortifications

  15. 会不会是旧碉堡或兵工厂?

    Maybe an old fort or an armory?

  16. 敌人被我们围困在碉堡中。

    The enemy was besieged in the blockhouse.

  17. 那里到处都是洞穴和碉堡。

    There were just caves and bunkers everywhere.

  18. 碉堡被烈性炸药炸得粉碎。

    The pillbox was blown to pieces by high explosive.

  19. 他们把大炮瞄准敌人的碉堡。

    They ranged their guns on the enemy blockhouse.

  20. 古碉堡的一侧靠着沼泽。

    The old fort flanked on a swamp.

  21. 他们放弃碉堡使其落入敌手。

    They yielded their fort to the enemy.

  22. 火炮是对着那个碉堡部署得。

    The artillery was deployed to bear on the fort.

  23. 分块对称化碉堡爆破的实践

    Practice of demolishing blockhouses by controlled blasting

  24. 那些碉堡正被敌机一个个瓦解!

    Yuke G The pillboxes are getting smashed by those air attacks!

  25. 那是指挥官的碉堡和火力基地。

    That is the Commander's bunker and firebase assets.

  26. 我们跟他说把某个碉堡炸飞。

    We told him to pick out a pillbox and left fly.

  27. 那个油罐一个让碉堡烧起来了。

    The tanker should have blown the bunker.

  28. 她的左面有一个钢筋水泥的碉堡。

    To her left was a concrete blockhouse.

  29. 都是在独立的专门碉堡里完成的。

    Was run out of its own separate dedicated bunker.

  30. 我们成功地越过了敌人的碉堡。

    We succeeded in slipping through the enemy's blockhouse.


  1. 问:碉堡拼音怎么拼?碉堡的读音是什么?碉堡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碉堡的读音是diāobǎo,碉堡翻译成英文是 pillbox; blockhouse; bulwark



“碉堡”是个多义词,它可以指碉堡(2001年美国电影《The bunker》), 碉堡(网络语言“碉堡”), 碉堡(名词解释)。