







汉语拼音:juān qū







  1. 为国家为正义而死。

    汉 袁康 《越绝书·外传纪策考》:“ 子胥 至直,不同邪曲,捐躯切諫,亏命为邦。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·品藻》:“借如 阳瓚 効节边城,捐躯死敌,当有 宋 之代,抑 刘 卜 之徒歟?” 宋 苏轼 《到黄州谢表》:“若获尽力鞭箠之下,必将捐躯矢石之间。” 清 顾炎武 《井中心史歌》:“ 陆公 已向 厓门 死, 信国 捐躯赴 燕 市。” 鲁迅 《集外集拾遗补编·庆祝沪宁克复的那一边》:“忽而想到十六年前也曾克复过 南京 ,还给捐躯的战士立了一块碑。”



  1. We sing, for those who sacrifice their lives for the name of the national spirits for those who pay for the name of the dignity of life.


  2. The land on which the battle of Gettysburg was fought was dedicated to the soldiers who had died there.


  3. Is there anything more nationalistic than giving your life for your country and for your people?


  4. And though I fear death, each day in prayer I reaffirm my willingness. . . to give my life in its service.


  5. Many cities are now sacrificing the environment for the economic growth. If you were the new mayor of Wenzhou Dity, What would you do?


  6. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or to die.


  7. for it is better for us to perish in battle than to look upon the outrage of our nation and our altar.


  8. In their dire straits, his followers called to him with telepathic distress signals.


  9. Kurita could count on them to give the Americans up ahead a real fight, and die for the Emperor if they must.


  1. 牺牲。捐躯

    make the supreme sacrifice.

  2. 他捐躯疆场。

    He laid down his life on the battlefield.

  3. 她为自由而捐躯。

    She died a martyr for liberty.

  4. 他愿意为祖国捐躯。

    He was willing to lay down his life for his motherland.

  5. 他们宁可捐躯也不愿逃跑。

    They chose to lay down their lives rather than run away.

  6. 那些在斗争中捐躯的勇敢的年轻人。

    The brave young men who have fallen in the struggle.

  7. 爱国男女的捐躯缔造了新兴民族。

    and from the graves of patriot men and women spring living nations.

  8. 凡为国捐躯者, 值得我们钦佩。

    Whoever lose one's life for country is worth admiring by us.

  9. 领袖称赞那位为事业而捐躯的人。

    The leader spoke in praise of the man who had given his life for the cause.

  10. 我们终能看见,我们夫人作出的隐秘捐躯。

    And we can finally see, the secret sacrifices made by our wifes.

  11. 领导称赞那位已为事业而捐躯的人。

    The leader spoke in praise of the man who had given his life for the cause.

  12. 阿列克斯并不是在战场中光荣捐躯的。

    Alexi did not die gloriously in battle.

  13. 阿列克斯并不是在战场中光荣捐躯得。

    Alexi did not die gloriously in battle.

  14. 我们今天在这里纪念那些为国捐躯者。

    We are here today to honour those who died for their country.

  15. 他写这首歌向在战争中捐躯的人致敬。

    He wroted a song to pay tribut to the men died in the war.

  16. 在这一天, 咱们纪念那些在战争中捐躯的军人。

    On the day we commemorate those soldiers who died within battle.

  17. 在这一天, 我们纪念那些在战争中捐躯的军人。

    On this day we commemorate those soldiers who died during battle.

  18. 不是那个措辞, 不, 就是字面上的捐躯一条手臂?

    Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for?

  19. 人们为自己的根本信仰捐躯, 也为自己财产所有权献身。

    People die for their central beliefs as well as for their possessions.

  20. 这些为国捐躯者的勇敢精神和高尚品格

    the bravery and nobility of these men who died for their country

  21. 我们在休战纪念星期日这天向捐躯的人致敬。

    On Remembrance Sunday we honour those who died.

  22. 数百万人在打仗捐躯, 而奸商们却趁机发不义之财。

    While millions were fighting and dying, the profiteers were lining their pockets.

  23. 在过去, 他们准备为独立而捐躯, 以便证明他们还活着。

    In the past, they were prepared to die in order to prove that they were alive.

  24. 当然, 我们应该缅怀在伊拉克和平事业中捐躯的所有人。

    Of course, we owe this service to all those who have fallen in the cause of peace in Iraq.

  25. 葛底斯堡战役的发生地已用来纪念在那儿捐躯的士兵们。

    The land on which the battle of Gettysburg was fought was dedicated to the soldiers who had died there.


  1. 问:捐躯拼音怎么拼?捐躯的读音是什么?捐躯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捐躯的读音是juānqū,捐躯翻译成英文是 sacrifice one’s life


