如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 几 [jī]2. 几 [jǐ]几 [jī]小或矮的桌子:茶~儿。将近,差一点:~乎。~至。苗头:知~其神乎。几 [jǐ]询问数量多少(估计不太大)的疑问词:~个人?~何(a.多少,如“人生~~?”b.研究点线面体的性质、关系和计算方法……
1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……
汉语拼音:jǐ fēn
Then for a few hellers they bought him a wooden bowl and made him eat from it.
他们于是花了几分钱买来一只木碗给老人吃饭用。And thou shalt put some of thine honour upon him, that all the congregation of the children of Israel may be obedient.
又将你的尊荣给他几分,使以色列全会众都听从他。Others questioned how much the survey could be relied uponto gauge the strength of the holiday shopping season kick-off.
其他人质疑,对于判断假日购物季开始的形势,此项调查究竟有几分可信度。The crystal handle will add an air of dignity as you pretend your lover is an obstinate mule while you ride him around the bedroom.
当你假装情人是一头犟驴,骑着他在卧室里转悠时,手中的水晶手柄会给你增添几分威严的气度。Two lovely red eyes embedded in its solid black body, the somewhat evil, as if there is a bit good.
两只可爱的红眼睛嵌在它结实的黑身子上,几分邪气中,仿佛还有几分善良。"It's sort of like a feather -- it floats down, and its terminal velocity depends on the density, " he said.
“这个有几分像羽毛--它飘落下来,并且它的自由沉降速度取决于它的密度”,他说。ah , the rascal , " he thought , and then , with a touch of righteous sympathy , " thats pretty hard on the little girl .
“哼,这坏蛋,”他心里想,带着几分义愤和同情,“这么无情无义,太让那个小姑娘伤心了。”It's so long since I've sat in the company of well dressed people that I feel a bit panic-stricken. I can still smell the formaldehyde.
我已很久没有同穿着考究的人物坐在一起了,心里不免有几分忐忑不安,直到现在还闻得到那股甲醛味。A stage light caught fire as Obama spoke, giving him an opening for a bit of humor.