


1. 哪 [nǎ]2. 哪 [něi]3. 哪 [na]4. 哪 [né]哪 [nǎ]疑问词,后面跟名词或数量词,表示要求在所问范围中有所确定:~样。~里(a.什么地方。b.用于反问句,表示否定,如“我~~知道?”“他~~笨啊?”c.谦辞,……


1. 些 [xiē]2. 些 [suò]些 [xiē]表示不定的数量:一~。某~。~微。~许。用在形容词后表示比较的程度:病轻~了。些 [suò]《楚词》中的句末助词。……



汉语拼音:nǎ xiē







  1. 哪一些。

    《孽海花》第二七回:“哪些儿配不上你?” 李準 《耕云记》三:“这是哪些群众说的?”



  1. The features and methods discussed in this article really only scratch the surface of what you can accomplish with an ADC.


  2. Spend part of another day noticing which feelings tend to pull you into a state of preoccupation.


  3. "The emerging markets may help boost growth, but otherwise it is difficult to see where the growth will come from over the next few years. "


  4. View the foreign key attributes of a relationship if you want to see which columns participate in the foreign key side of a relationship.


  5. Washing your hands of a situation is a powerful metaphor. But scientists got to wondering could it be something more?


  6. What are the various jobs that the physical body and transformation form of an enlightened Master have to do?


  7. Shoot for a year or two, not a few weeks. There are no instant fitness fixes, no matter what that website or magazine promises.


  8. The impatient among you might have already skipped to Resources to see what kind of OpenLaszlo applications are available.


  9. Second, could you specify the international and regional issues on which China and the US have had sound communication and cooperation?


  1. 有哪些呢?

    So what are they?

  2. 有哪些步骤

    What are the steps?

  3. 哪些器官吗

    he'll be able to take?

  4. 哪些属程序?

    What is an affiliate program?

  5. 要求有哪些?

    What are the requirements?

  6. 瓶颈有哪些?

    What might the bottlenecks be?

  7. 关注哪些地方?

    Where to focus?

  8. 有哪些福利?

    What kind of benefits do you offer?

  9. 喜欢哪些课程?

    What are your favorite subjects?

  10. 提供哪些服务?

    What kind of service does the kiosk offer?

  11. 规定动作有哪些?

    What are the required dives?

  12. 您有哪些发现?

    What are your findings?

  13. 有哪些附属物?

    What are the dependencies?

  14. 包括了哪些服务?

    What does that include?

  15. 哪些宠物受欢迎?

    What are some popular pets?

  16. 存在着哪些物质。

    when the planet was made.

  17. 入学要求有哪些

    What is the admission requirements

  18. 你欣赏哪些同行?

    Which agencies do you admire?

  19. 你认识哪些名人?

    Do you know any famous person?

  20. 你喜欢哪些课程?

    What are your favorite subjects?

  21. 你喜欢哪些课程?

    What are your favorite subjects?

  22. 你们有哪些海味?

    What kind of seafood do you have?

  23. 防守技术有哪些?

    What are the main defensive skills?

  24. 你们有哪些香皂

    What do you have in the way of toilet soap

  25. 哪些测试会通不过?

    What test would fail?

  26. 哪些食品含纤维素?

    Where can fiber be found?

  27. 你们显示哪些链接?

    Which links do you show ?

  28. 沿途有哪些大站?

    What big stations are there on the route?

  29. 应该衡量哪些因素?

    What should we measure

  30. 跳高用哪些技术?

    What techniques are used in the high jump?


  1. 问:哪些拼音怎么拼?哪些的读音是什么?哪些翻译成英文是什么?

    答:哪些的读音是nǎxiē,哪些翻译成英文是 which; what; who