


少,缺少:~薄。~恩。~陋。~趣。优柔~断。~不敌众。孤陋~闻。~廉鲜(xiǎn )耻(不廉洁,不知耻)。清心~欲。淡而无味:~味。清汤~水。妇女死了丈夫:~妇。~母。~居。守~。……





汉语拼音:guǎ rén







  1. 古代君主的谦称。

    《礼记·曲礼下》:“诸侯见天子,曰‘臣某侯某’。其与民言,自称曰‘寡人’。” 孔颖达 疏:“寡人者,言己是寡德之人。” 汉 傅毅 《舞赋》:“﹝ 楚襄王 ﹞谓 宋玉 曰:‘寡人欲觴群臣,何以娱之?’” 唐 李朝威 《柳毅传》:“﹝ 洞庭君 ﹞谓 毅 曰:‘水府幽深,寡人暗昧,夫子不远千里,将有为乎?’” 清 李渔 《玉搔头·逆气》:“从今日起,‘殿’字要改做‘陛’字,‘千’字要改做‘万’字了。这等‘孤家’也要称‘寡人’了。”

  2. 诸侯夫人自称。

    《诗·邶风·燕燕》:“先君之思,以勗寡人。” 郑玄 笺:“寡人, 庄姜 自谓也。”

  3. 晋 人习惯自称寡人。

    《艺文类聚》卷九引 晋 王羲之 《与人书》:“ 张芝 临池学书,池小尽黑,寡人耽之若是,未必后之。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·文学》:“君辈勿为尔,将受困寡人女壻。” 余嘉锡 笺疏引 李详 云:“案 晋 世寡人,上下通称,不以为僣。”

  4. 借指孤立无助之人。如:孤家寡人。



  1. Thus said Darius, the King: By the grace of Ahuramazda I did much more, which is not graven in this inscription.


  2. The King of Qin: For ten years this sword has been by my side in battle.


  3. If I ever go back


  4. Maybe youll be lost in this world Without me


  5. I would die in solitary


  6. Whose friend would I be


  7. I would die in misery


  1. 企业家是孤家寡人。

    Entrepreneurs are inventive geniuses.

  2. 你不明白你是孤家寡人?

    Do you understand that you are alone?

  3. 我发现自己是孤家寡人。

    I found myself to be in a minority of one.

  4. 关门主义的策略则是孤家寡人的策略。

    The tactics of closeddoorism are, on the contrary, the tactics of the regal isolationist.

  5. 集权制度在国际上并非孤家寡人。

    It is a mistake to believe that autocracy has no international appeal.

  6. 这位女修道院长并非是孤家寡人。

    The abbess is not alone.

  7. 在这方面,我认为我们不是孤家寡人。

    In this I do not believe that we are alone.

  8. 欲求完美无缺的朋友必然成为孤家寡人

    We shall never have friends if we expect to find them without fault

  9. 你想不想知,寡人对他们印象如何?

    Would you like my impression of them?

  10. 巴西在这方面的努力并非孤家寡人。

    Brazil is hardly alone in its efforts.

  11. 在国际上, 古巴不再是孤家寡人了。

    In the bigger international picture, Cuba is no longer such a unique case.

  12. 此刻, 我已经成为一个被抛弃的孤家寡人。

    Now I was a forsaken codger

  13. 而据大家所说, 斯坦奥尼尔总是孤家寡人。

    Mr ONeal was, by all accounts, always a loner.

  14. 他怀疑是孤家寡人的困难所经历的人际关系。

    He was suspected to be a loner with difficulty experienced during relationships.

  15. 她觉得自己失去了布莱尔,失去了丹,又是孤家寡人了。

    Feeling like shes lost Blair, lost Dan, shes all by herself again, explains Savage.

  16. 今又弃寡人而归,不识可以继此而得见乎?

    Now again you abandon me, and are returning home. I do not know if hereafter I may expect to have another opportunity of seeing you.

  17. 人人都在军队里,我却被排斥在外成了孤家寡人。

    Everybody was in the army; I was the odd man out, excluded.

  18. 我不想很多年过去了, 到头来我还是孤家寡人一个。

    I'm afraid of ending up alone a couple of years down the road.

  19. 我说职业作家是很少能见到其他作家的孤家寡人。

    I said that professional writers are solitary drudges who seldom see other writers.

  20. 我说职业作家是很少能见到其他作家的孤家寡人。

    I said that professional writers are solitary drudges who seldom see other writers.

  21. 就连秦国的满朝文武也视寡人为暴君。

    Even those in my own court consider their king an oppressor.

  22. 它意味着成为孤家寡人,在公司里没有可以倾诉的对象。

    It means being lonely and having no one inside the company to moan to.

  23. 阿胡拉马兹达赐寡人予援助,直至寡人占有此帝国。

    Ahuramazda brought me help, until I gained this empire.

  24. 赖阿胡拉马兹达之恩宠,列国谨遵寡人的法令。

    By the grace of Ahuramazda these lands have conformed to my decrees.

  25. 寡人怎能再用后宫女子的小节去玷污了庙堂大臣的大行呢?

    How can I defile this great gathering of court officials with the petty ways of a concubine?


  1. 问:寡人拼音怎么拼?寡人的读音是什么?寡人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寡人的读音是guǎrén,寡人翻译成英文是 we; I



“寡人”是个多义词,它可以指寡人(古代君主、诸侯王的自称), 寡人(阿乙创作的散文)。