







汉语拼音:shì shì



  1. 指士农工商各自具备的技艺。

    《周礼·地官·大司徒》:“以世事教能,则民不失职。” 郑玄 注:“世事,谓士农工商之事。” 孙诒让 正义:“事谓道艺曲艺之等,四民皆有之。”

  2. 指世代相传的专业,如巫、医、卜筮等。

    《周礼·地官·大司徒》:“十有一曰世事。” 孙诒让 正义引 蒋载康 云:“世事,累世专业相传,凡巫、医、卜筮诸艺事。”

  3. 时事;世上的事。

    《商君书·更法》:“虑世事之变,讨正法之本,求使民之道。”《史记·屈原贾生列传》:“上称 帝嚳 ,下道 齐桓 ,中述 汤 武 ,以刺世事。” 宋 陆游 《书愤》诗:“早岁那知世事艰,中原北望气如山。” 叶紫 《星》第三章一:“他们在那坟堆上抽烟,谈世事,他们向着太阳扪老虱婆。”

  4. 世务;尘俗之事。

    《文选·张衡<归田赋>》:“超埃尘以遐逝,与世事乎长辞。” 李善 注:“世务纷浊,以喻尘埃。”《晋书·阮籍传》:“ 籍 本有济世志,属 魏 晋 之际,天下多故,名士少有全者, 籍 由是不与世事,遂酣饮为常。” 清 刘大櫆 《樵髯传》:“其言 武夷 九曲 ,幽絶可爱,令人遗弃世事,欲往游焉。”

  5. 指社交应酬、人情世故。

    《宋书·庾登之传》:“ 登之 虽不涉学,善於世事, 王弘 、 谢晦 、 江夷 之徒,皆相知友。”《清平山堂话本·杨温拦路虎传》:“那 杨温 道:‘復员外, 温 在家,世事不会,只会使棒。’” 清 独逸窝退士 《笑笑录·不晓人事》:“ 李长源 虽高才,然不通世事,傲岸多怒,交游多畏之。” 徐迟 《祁连山下》四:“那些国民党分子把他请来,是别有用心的。我们的画家再不懂世事,也立刻识破了他们的企图。”

  6. 大势。

    《北齐书·王纮传》:“官军频经失利,人情骚动,若復兴兵极武,出顿 江 、 淮 ,恐北狄西寇,乘我之弊,倾国而来,则世事去矣。”《醒世恒言·隋炀帝逸游召谴》:“帝知世事已去,意欲遂幸 永嘉 ,羣臣皆不愿从。”

  7. 局面。

    孙厥 袁静 《新儿女英雄传》第十八回:“ 崔骨碌 听了,摇头晃脑的说:‘八路军的世事越闹越旺,比早先我在的工夫可厉害多啦!’” 马烽 西戎 《吕梁英雄传》第十九回:“ 陕北 红军闹革命,起初只有两支破枪三颗子弹,还有一颗塌火的,如今多大世事了!”



  1. However, things do not always satisfactory, as the ideal fall, I gradually accept the reality, though regrettable but could do nothing.


  2. The outside loudly calls for a look around the neighborhood to see how things have changed, and how things have stayed the same.


  3. Fathers need to step back for a moment, get out of the chaotic stream of daily life, and reflect a bit on fatherhood.


  4. There are only two people here who make me feel as if they understood what I mean and could explain things to me: you and Mr. Beaufort.


  5. Whether the current affairs change or not, that year of we are ever so always ready to smile, so of innocent.


  6. He who has not viewed the things of this world and the heart of man under this double light has seen nothing and knows nothing of the true.


  7. To the world, to read and past, had not gone with the wind, has been deeply buried in the bottom of my heart.


  8. He concluded ruefully that it was "arrogant and rash" to profess virtues that you cannot live up to, and retreated into indolent seclusion.


  9. Plato, carried by his clear reason and the noble sanity of his spirit beyond the things of the present, would have abolished slavery.


  1. 世事难料。

    Human affairs are hard to predict.

  2. 世事难料。

    Human affairs are hard to predict.

  3. 世事无绝对。

    There are no absolute rules.

  4. 关心世事中心

    Centre of Concern.

  5. 任凭世事变迁。

    Let the world wag.

  6. 世事两难全。

    You can not eat your cake and have it also.

  7. 对世事不闻不问

    be dead to the world

  8. 但世事难料。

    But things are happening.

  9. 世事皆有可能。

    Anyone is capable of anything.

  10. 世事让我们明了

    For out of the world we find

  11. 他对世事不闻不问。

    He is dead to the world.

  12. 是的, 世事瞬息万变。

    Yes, it can happen so quickly.

  13. 是的,世事瞬息万变。

    Yes, it can happen so quickly.

  14. 关心世事科学家联盟

    Union of Concerned Scientists

  15. 世事无常啊,布里。

    Things change,bree.

  16. 世事无常死有常。

    Nothing so sure as death.

  17. 世事无常啊,布里。

    Things change, bree.

  18. 光阴荏苒, 世事沧桑。

    Time flies by, and a world of changes has occurred.

  19. 光阴荏苒,世事沧桑。

    Time flies by,and a world of changes has occurred.

  20. 世事往往会功亏一篑。

    There's many a slip between the cup and the lip.

  21. 世事洞明皆学问

    A grasp of mundane affairs is genuine knowledge

  22. 但是世事并不美好。

    And things not so nice.

  23. 但是世事并不美好。

    And things not so nice.

  24. 但是世事又变化了。

    But times are changing again.

  25. 对世事抱悲观态度

    take a mournful view of human affairs

  26. 世事多变, 你也一样。

    A lot has changed and so have you.

  27. 世事多变,你也一样。

    A lot has changed and so have you.

  28. 但是今天,世事难料。

    but now everything hangs in the balance.

  29. 世事真假矛盾的本质

    The Paradoxical Nature of Things

  30. 对于世事的传统看法。

    an orthodox view of the world.


  1. 问:世事拼音怎么拼?世事的读音是什么?世事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:世事的读音是shìshì,世事翻译成英文是 world affairs




【注音】:shí shì

【释义】:1.指士农工商各自具备的技艺。 2.指世代相传的专业,如巫﹑医﹑卜筮等。 3.时事;世上的事。 4.世务;尘俗之事。 5.指社交应酬﹑人情世故。 6.大势。 7.局面。