




1. 圈 [quān]2. 圈 [juàn]3. 圈 [juān]圈 [quān]环形,环形的东西:圆~。花~。~套。画~。周,周遭:跑了一~儿。范围:势力~。画环形:~阅。~点。~定。划界,围住:~地。~闭。圈 [juàn]养家畜的棚栏:……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:dōu quān zi







  1. 绕圈子。

    杜鹏程 《年青的朋友》四:“他常常和敌人飞机兜圈子……那是显露过几手的。” 茹志鹃 《如愿》:“只剩下 阿永 一个人在这间昏暗的灶披间里……吃冷饭,兜圈子,爬,等妈妈。”

  2. 谓无事闲游。

    《官场现形记》第八回:“﹝ 陶子尧 ﹞出门之后,不是游 张园 ,便是兜圈子。”

  3. 喻说话不直截了当。

    茅盾 《锻炼》十六:“如果不够开销也不怕,我还找您老兄干吗? 清泉 ,不要再兜圈子了。” 沙汀 《困兽记》十五:“直率点讲,不要兜圈子吧!” 白危 《被围困的农庄主席》:“ 潘股长 !有什么话请说了,别在这里兜圈子啦!”



  1. You think by talking in circles, I'm just going to get dizzy and-and blurt it out-- this so-called answer?


  2. Bridget sassed. She wanted to sound upbeat and optimistic, but there was no sense beating around the bush.


  3. "I'll rest on the next turn as he goes out, " he said. "I feel much better. Then in two or three turns more I will have him. "


  4. then circular soliciting a half-day, or to return to the final articles of this sensitive located asked, the answer is?


  5. Just telling someone that you don't want to hang out with them right now is not the end of the world.


  6. The person, who know to go around in circles, round a way but go, is usually the first person who ascends mountain peak.


  7. If only Estella had come to be a spectator of our proceedings, I should have felt sufficiently discontented.


  8. Do you seem to be driving around all day like Kyle?


  9. He is a master at circumlocution, but it's easier for me to understand him now than before.


  1. 说话别兜圈子。

    Don't beat about the bush when you have anything to say.

  2. 别再兜圈子了!

    Don't beat about the Bush any more!

  3. 别再兜圈子了!

    Don't beat about the Bush any more!

  4. 她说话爱兜圈子。

    She tends to skirt around the subject.

  5. 她说话爱兜圈子。

    She tends to skirt around the subject.

  6. 说实话, 别兜圈子。

    Tell the truth. Quit beating around the bush.

  7. 说实话,别兜圈子。

    Tell the truth. Quit beating around the bush.

  8. 他讲话很会兜圈子。

    He is a master at circumlocution.

  9. 飞机在森林上空兜圈子。

    The aeroplane circled over the forest.

  10. 简试图跟探长兜圈子。

    Jane managed to skirt the Prime Directive.

  11. 简试图跟探长兜圈子。

    Jane managed to skirt the Prime Directive.

  12. 雷, 我不和你兜圈子了。

    Ray, I won't beat around the bush with you.

  13. 好了,我们还是别兜圈子了。

    Okay, let's just cut to the chase.

  14. 实话告诉我,不要兜圈子。

    Tell me the truth dont beat about the bush.

  15. 我们在原始森林中兜圈子。

    We cycled through primeval forests.

  16. 否则你只是在来回兜圈子。

    Otherwise you go round and round in circles.

  17. 听好,我们可以整天兜圈子。

    Listen, we can keep doing this all day, Jane

  18. 谈实质问题吧, 别兜圈子了。

    Get down to the brass tacks, and quit talking round the subject.

  19. 别兜圈子了。你想干什么啊?

    Stop pussyfooting around. What do you want.

  20. 我应该让你在这上面兜圈子。

    I'm supposed to keep you in the loop on this.

  21. 他的解释在兜圈子, 让人费解。

    His explanation was circuitous and puzzling.

  22. 女孩子们在街上成群地兜圈子。

    The girls were milling about in the street.

  23. 别兜圈子了, 把消息告诉我吧。

    Don't beat around the bush, tell me the news!

  24. 别再兜圈子了,直截了当地回答!

    Stop flannelling and give a straight answer!

  25. 真的?我总觉得我们在兜圈子。

    Really? I can't help feeling we're going around in circles.

  26. 好吧, 但我希望你不要兜圈子。

    Alright but I wish you wouldnt go all round the houses.

  27. 别跟我兜圈子,我知道是你干的。

    Don't play silly games with me; I know you did it.

  28. 运动可以向前, 也可以退后, 甚至可以兜圈子。

    Motion may go forward or backward or even in circles.

  29. 不郑重其事地对待某事, 兜圈子, 吊胃口

    Play games not to treat a situation seriously

  30. 有什么话就直说吧!别兜圈子了。

    If there's anything you want to say, don't beat about the bush and just say it out.


  1. 问:兜圈子拼音怎么拼?兜圈子的读音是什么?兜圈子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兜圈子的读音是dōuquānzi,兜圈子翻译成英文是 circle; beat about the bush



“兜圈子”是个多义词,它可以指兜圈子(河南工业大学的新媒体创业团队), 兜圈子(词语解释)。