


替:~替。~办。~销。~序。~表。历史上划分的时期:时~。世~。古~。近~。现~。当(dāng )~。年~。世系的辈分:下一~。姓。……




两个以上的人在一起计划、讨论:~量。~讨。~议。~定。~榷。~酌(商量斟酌)。相~。磋~。洽~。协~。买卖,生意:~业。~店。~界。~品。~标。古指行商(坐商为“贾”,后泛指做买卖的人,亦用以指从事私营工商业的人):~人。~贩。~贾(gǔ ……



汉语拼音:dài lǐ shāng






  1. Q: How much has the industry contracted this decade?


  2. Not long after I got home, Mother got married to Dick Kelley, a food broker she had known for years and had been seeing for a while.


  3. You may have had to leave a marriage, break up a business partnership, or leave an agent, as a few examples.


  4. TopAsia regained its top-three NCR distributor status and was qualified by the Bank of Shanghai as a designated supplier.


  5. The local quarantine agency said the outbreak appeared to be well contained.


  6. A portal employee joked that, it would be just enough to please two people -- Focus Media and WPP -- in the annual agency meeting in future.


  7. The agency said that it had had rejected the company's application to become the new host of the game's four million Chinese players.


  8. The agent told me that the only way he could find it would be to have a claim form with a description of what the briefcase looked like.


  9. And of course there have to be plans to set goals and targets for the overseas agents to accomplish in the coming year.


  1. 文稿代理商

    literary agency.

  2. 特约代理商

    special appointed agent.

  3. 独家代理商

    exclusive factory sale agent.

  4. 报关结算代理商

    clearing agent

  5. 国外特约代理商

    foreign franchised representative

  6. 你的代理商也会

    and then your dealerships take.

  7. 那家商行是代理商

    The firm is a factor.

  8. 北美洲越南代理商公司。

    North America Vietnam Trading Agency Inc.

  9. 诚征全国各地代理商

    Solicits each place business agent

  10. 代理商被收取销售肥料。

    The agent was authorised to sell manure.

  11. 我是一个佣金代理商。

    I am a commission agent.

  12. 他们是我们的独家代理商。

    They are our sole agent.

  13. 代理商佣金的比例是多少?

    What's the agency commission rate?

  14. 代理商已经引诱了一些顾客。

    The agent had roped in several customers.

  15. 代理商要求出双倍价钱。

    The agency ask us to double the expense.

  16. 利比里亚航运代理商协会

    Association of Shipping Agents in Liberia

  17. 代理商账号没有配置费率组

    No agent Rate Plan for user

  18. 他是副食品厂商的代理商。

    He is factor of the subsidiary food producer.

  19. 他是副食品厂商的代理商。

    He is factor of the subsidiary food producer.

  20. 并取消了代理商,关闭了车厂。

    It and closed dealerships and factories.

  21. 你是说代理商,或经销商网络

    An agent, or dealer network, you mean

  22. 那些代理商,你觉得他们可靠吗

    The agents, do they seem reliable to you

  23. 中介和代理商都替委员会销售。

    Factor and agents both sell for commission.

  24. 中介和代理商都替委员会销售。

    Factor and agents both sell for commission.

  25. 创新代理商渠道带来双赢效益

    Innovate Agent Channel Program and Benefit Both Sides

  26. 我们是这种手机的指定代理商。

    Our company is the designated agent for this mobile phone.

  27. 我爸爸是福特汽车的代理商。

    My father owns a Ford dealership.

  28. 本公司欢迎各地代理商代理本公司产品。

    We welcome the Acting agents around the company's products.

  29. 代理商发现要达成一致非常非常困难。

    Agencies are finding it profoundly difficult to reach a consensus.

  30. 代理商发现要达成一致非常非常困难。

    Agencies are finding it profoundly difficult to reach a consensus.


  1. 问:代理商拼音怎么拼?代理商的读音是什么?代理商翻译成英文是什么?

    答:代理商的读音是dàilǐshāng,代理商翻译成英文是 An agent that represents a firm in doing busines...

  2. 问:代理商店拼音怎么拼?代理商店的读音是什么?代理商店翻译成英文是什么?

    答:代理商店的读音是dài lǐ shāng diàn,代理商店翻译成英文是 agency-shop

  3. 问:代理商行拼音怎么拼?代理商行的读音是什么?代理商行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:代理商行的读音是dài lǐ shāng háng,代理商行翻译成英文是 correspondent

  4. 问:代理商会计拼音怎么拼?代理商会计的读音是什么?代理商会计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:代理商会计的读音是dài lǐ shāng kuài jì,代理商会计翻译成英文是 accounting for agency operation

  5. 问:代理商法规拼音怎么拼?代理商法规的读音是什么?代理商法规翻译成英文是什么?

    答:代理商法规的读音是dài lǐ shāng fǎ guī,代理商法规翻译成英文是 factors' acts

  6. 问:代理商费用拼音怎么拼?代理商费用的读音是什么?代理商费用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:代理商费用的读音是dài lǐ shāng fèi yòng,代理商费用翻译成英文是 factor cost

  7. 问:代理商贷款手续费拼音怎么拼?代理商贷款手续费的读音是什么?代理商贷款手续费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:代理商贷款手续费的读音是dài lǐ shāng dài kuǎn shǒu xù fèi,代理商贷款手续费翻译成英文是 procuration fee


