







汉语拼音:yìng hàn








  1. 坚强不屈的男子。

    宋 张镃 《奉祠云台题陈希夷画像》诗:“世间大事硬汉了,物有所重有所轻。”《水浒传》第九五回:“我从来不曾见恁般的硬汉,且留着他每,却再理会。”《儒林外史》第三五回:“ 卢信侯 已听见这事,道:‘我是硬汉,难道肯走了带累先生?我明日自投监去!’” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》十六:“她知道 祥子 是个--虽然很老实--硬汉。硬汉的话是向不说着玩的。”

  2. 强横霸道的人;狠恶的人。




  1. Every Which Way But Loose was a change of pace for Clint Eastwood - and it proved to be one of his most popular films.


  2. The former hard-man of the Manchester United midfield became manager of Sunderland football club towards the end of August.


  3. Colin: Don't you think it's funny that an actor can play a tough guy in one movie and then a child-psychiatrist in the next?


  4. I'm last to leave, but the first to go, Hard Corps is the only way I know.


  5. The sheer strength of an individual player does not necessarily qualify him as a legitimate banger.


  6. The Old Man and the Sea is the most representative work of Hemingway, depicting a tough man in the natural environment.


  7. "Old people and the sea " have molded a classical man of iron image.


  8. Maybe you've dreamed of a black-leather-clad rough rider whisking you away on his motorcycle or a hot fireman coming to your rescue.


  9. Probably the most elegant player in this list of Anfield tough guys - but he was not to be messed with.


  1. 别逞能硬汉

    Dont Be A Macho Man.

  2. 我们是硬汉!

    We are tough man!

  3. 他是个硬汉。

    He is a very tough man.

  4. 谁是硬汉?你是硬汉。

    Who's a tough guy? You're a tough guy.

  5. 硬汉子形象

    brave and strong man.

  6. 他是一个硬汉。

    He is a tough onion.

  7. 他是一条硬汉。

    He is a tough onion.

  8. 这个家伙是个硬汉。

    This guy is the man!

  9. 硬汉式主义公

    the masculine protagonist.

  10. 他是条硬汉子。

    He's a tough cookie.

  11. 可能他还不是个硬汉。

    Maybe he ain't so tough.

  12. 他在电影中扮演硬汉。

    He plays the tough guy in the movie.

  13. 相信我,这些家伙是硬汉。

    Trust me, these guys are tough.

  14. 那个硬汉就住在这儿啊

    So that's where the tough guy lives,huh?

  15. 那个硬汉就住在这儿啊?

    So that's where the tough guy lives, huh?

  16. 面对困难,他是一个硬汉。

    In the face of difficulty, he is a man of iron.

  17. 海明威与他的硬汉英雄

    Hemingway and His Unyielding Hero

  18. 一个粗鲁的士兵,一个真正的硬汉。

    An uncouth soldier, a real tough guy.

  19. 他是个典型的硬汉子。

    He was the quintessential tough guy.

  20. 你们这些硬汉都是感情脆弱的。

    You tough guys are all very sentimental.

  21. 硬汉的话是向不说着玩的。

    People like that meant what they said.

  22. 这条街上的硬汉可真不少。

    There's a lot of tough guys on this street.

  23. 这条街上的硬汉可真不少。

    There's a lot of tough guys on this street.

  24. 是的,罗恩是条硬汉,我也是啊。

    Yes, Rowen is the strip dauntless man, I also.

  25. 这才是真真正正得男人, 这才是硬汉!

    This is really a Man, this is a tough guy!

  26. 这才是真真正正的男人,这才是硬汉!

    This is really a Man, this is a tough guy!

  27. 硬汉气概在海明威作品中的体现

    Masculinity in Hemingway's Works

  28. 对海明威硬汉形象的精神解读

    A Spiritual Understanding to Hemingway's Image of Man of Iron

  29. 海明威笔下硬汉形象的成长轨迹

    The Development of Hemingway's Code Heroes.

  30. 他是一个硬汉,不过我要比他更硬。

    He is tough, but Iam even tougher.


  1. 问:硬汉拼音怎么拼?硬汉的读音是什么?硬汉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硬汉的读音是yìnghàn,硬汉翻译成英文是 a dauntless, unyielding man; a man of iron...


1. 坚强不屈的男子。 宋 张镃 《奉祠云台题陈希夷画像》诗:“世间大事硬汉了,物有所重有所轻。”《水浒传》第九五回:“我从来不曾见恁般的硬汉,且留着他每,却再理会。”《儒林外史》第三五回:“ 卢信侯 已听见这事,道:‘我是硬汉,难道肯走了带累先生?我明日自投监去!’” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》十六:“她知道 祥子 是个--虽然很老实--硬汉。硬汉的话是向不说着玩的。”2. 强横霸道的人;狠恶的人。《水浒传》第二九回:“凭着我胸中本事,平生只是打天下硬汉,不明道德的人。”《儿女英雄传》第十六回:“我平生惯打无礼硬汉……并非图这几两银子。”