


1. 还 [huán]2. 还 [hái]还 [huán]回到原处或恢复原状:~乡。~俗。衣锦~乡。返老~童。回报别人对自己的行动。~手。~击。以眼~眼。以牙~牙。偿付:归~。偿~。~本。原物奉~。古同“环”,环绕。姓。还 [hái]依然,……





汉语拼音:hái zèng






  1. 谓皇帝收回授予已故臣子的追赠称号。

    《新唐书·封伦传》:“民部尚书 唐俭 等议:‘ 伦 宠极生前,而罪暴身后,所歷官不可尽夺,请还赠改謚,以惩憸壬。’”



  1. and they all gave him a bit of money and a gold ring.

  2. Present a gift in return


  1. 还赠礼物以谢对方

    Present a gift in return

  2. 来本《时尚》怎么样?这一期的还赠电影海报。

    What about Vogue? This issue comes with a movie poster.

  3. 国王还将土地赠给他所宠信的大臣和官员。

    The king also made gifts of land to favoured officials and courtiers.

  4. 同时,如果您买1打以上,还可以获赠免费的礼物。

    If you buy 1 dozen please ask free gift set.

  5. 不堪盈手赠, 还寝梦佳期。

    With no hands to hold the gift of the beams, Return to bed, for a rendezvous in dreams.

  6. 作者们还发现了买赠贬值法则的特例。

    The authors also found exceptions to the freebie devaluation rule.

  7. 另外套件还附赠了几名平民。

    Completing the bottom row are two bonus civilian figures.

  8. 还有一个附赠得做芦笋得碟子。

    There is even ? a bonus disc ? for creating asparagus.

  9. 随信还附赠一个特别的小礼物。

    And with the letter went a special gift certificate.

  10. 随信还附赠一个特别得小礼物。

    And with the letter went a special gift certificate.

  11. 当时买两幅,还附赠一根油条呢。

    Uhhuh, and if you bought two, you got a free churro.

  12. 他们还附赠了,一根驼鹿的股骨。

    They also gave me one of a moose, believe it or not.

  13. 我们还附赠泡泡棒, 让您的泡泡浴更加有趣!

    Just fill the cap with bubble bath and dip in. Happy Bubbling!

  14. 我得新电脑还附赠了许多很酷得软体。

    My new computer bundled with lots of cool software.

  15. 我的新电脑还附赠了许多很酷的软体。

    My new computer bundled with lots of cool software.

  16. 哥斯拉肉罐头还附赠哥斯拉蛋。其实那只是鹌鹑蛋。

    Accompanying the Godzilla meat are Godzilla eggs. Actually, they are just quail eggs.

  17. 而且,有些迷你书还随赠玩具,比如小洋娃娃或风铃什么的。

    In addition, some of the tiny books come with toys, such as little dolls or a windbell.

  18. 我们也会介绍这个公园的历史而且还附赠非常有用的地图。

    We also discuss the history of the park and present a useful map.

  19. 而且, 有些迷你书还随赠玩具, 比如小洋娃娃或风铃什么得。

    In addition, some of the tiny books come with toys, such as little dolls or a windbell.

  20. 你只需花费14,950美元,就可以在该太空营地预订一周,费用还包括在莫斯科住宾馆,吃饭,并获赠一件个人化的飞行服作为纪念。

    All you need is $14,950 to reserve a week at the space camp. The deal includes hotel accommodation in Moscow, most meals and a personalized flight suit that you can keep as a souvenir.

