







汉语拼音:yē lín






  1. 成片生长的椰子树。又叫椰子林。

    叶剑英 《远望》诗:“赤道雕弓能射虎,椰林匕首敢屠龙。” 杨朔 《宝石》:“岛子上漫山漫野是一片 印度洋 也似的绿色,尽是茶园、咖啡园、椰子林、橡胶树林。”



  1. Because the wind blew lengthwise along the atoll, the house had been sheltered by the miles of coconut trees.


  2. I had assumed it was a water colour, only to be told it was painted in Yelin Colour Ink.


  3. Blue sky and white clouds, the shadows of coconut trees, the mirage of water front, is an oasis of the Indian Ocean.


  4. The Strawberry Daiquiri has almost as bad a name as the Pina Colada, but made right with fresh juices and fruit, its superb.


  5. I had not been aware of Li Yelin simply because, I followed Middle East and Native American art.


  6. Can the sun is expected, seaward of the room, mask on the giant coconut high wide and long with large banana leaves of Inter.


  7. LiBoWeiEr is the ideal of seaside tourism city, seashore homing tropical beauty foiling beautiful city.


  8. This is online map of the address "Ye Lin Zhen Li Cun Shang Xi Cun , Lingshui Li Autonomous County, Hainan Province, China" .


  9. This is online map of the address "Ye Lin Zhen Bei Dou Bei Wen Lu , Lingshui Li Autonomous County, Hainan Province, China" .


  1. 椰林棕榈, 热带风味。

    Coconut trees and palms have a tropical fiavour.

  2. 椰林棕榈,热带风味。

    Coconut trees and palms have a tropical fiavour.

  3. 东郊椰林最风光。

    Yelin the eastern outskirts of the scenery.

  4. 椰林喷泉中庭饭店

    Palm and Fountain Terrace Hotel

  5. 海南的椰林风光很美。

    Coconut groves in Hainan province offer a splendid view.

  6. 海南得椰林风光很美。

    Coconut groves in Hainan province offer a splendid view.

  7. 看到那片枣椰林没有?

    Do you see all those date palms?

  8. 看到那片枣椰林没有?

    Do you see all those date palms?

  9. 灼热的阳光,摇曳的椰林,碧蓝的海水。

    Scorching sunshine, swaying coconut trees, blue sea.

  10. 对, 我喜欢椰林飘香, 漫步在雨中。

    Yes, I like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain.

  11. 不知道你喜欢椰林飘香,喜欢漫步雨中。

    That you liked Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain.

  12. 树影婆娑的椰林低声吟唱着催眠曲。

    Overhead the slender coconut palms whisper their drowsy song.

  13. 海南东郊椰林生态系统土壤动物群落特征

    Characteristics of soil fauna in the Dongjiao coco forest ecosystem in Hainan

  14. 在椰林里喝新鲜椰子水,您会感到通体舒畅。

    In Yelin, fresh coconut water to drink, you will feel Tongti happy.

  15. 图1一栋民宅的庭院中,有美丽的椰林道。

    Majestic coconut palms line the drive of a private home in Wufeng. 0.

  16. 草地边上得小椰林里, 椰树都光秃秃得没有了叶子。

    In the coconut groves at the edge of the field, the trees were stripped of leaves.

  17. 草地边上的小椰林里,椰树都光秃秃的没有了叶子。

    In the coconut groves at the edge of the field, the trees were stripped of leaves.

  18. 我自言自语:'我不在乎谁拥有那片枣椰林和那些树或这片干裂的黑土地,我只知道它是我做梦和游戏的场地。'

    I don't care,' I told myself, 'who owns those date palms, those trees or this black, cracked earth-all I know is that it's the arena for my dreams and my playground.'


  1. 问:椰林拼音怎么拼?椰林的读音是什么?椰林翻译成英文是什么?

    答:椰林的读音是yēlín,椰林翻译成英文是 A place where coconut trees are concentrated....

  2. 问:椰林飘香酸奶果昔拼音怎么拼?椰林飘香酸奶果昔的读音是什么?椰林飘香酸奶果昔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:椰林飘香酸奶果昔的读音是yē línpiāoxiāng suānnǎi guǒ xī,椰林飘香酸奶果昔翻译成英文是 Pina Colada Yogurt Smoothie