







汉语拼音:yē zǎo






  1. 即海枣。参见“ 海枣 ”。



  1. We'd been cruising languidly down the Nile for days, watching the sun sink behind the date palms each evening in a rose-and-lemon sky.


  2. They formed a circle round the sacks of dates and began examining them, some taking a date or two to eat.


  3. on both sides were extensive fields planted with crops, prickly pears, henna trees, and a few date palms.


  4. Freshly collected date palm juice should also be boiled and fruits should be thoroughly washed and peeled before consumption.


  5. 23- Some people try to draw closer to Allah by eating a special kind of dates in the place between the Prophet's pulpit and his tomb.


  6. With it He produces for you corn, olives, date-palms, grapes and every kind of fruit: verily in this is a sign for those who give thought.


  7. Egyptians prepared for the first day of fasting, gathering extended families to break fast traditionally on Thursday with dates and milk.


  8. Along the Nile River, the autumn sun glowed especially softly and date palm trees stretched arms enthusiastically.


  9. The beaches, sandy are covered only with tufts of halophilous grasses. The dune areas have highly coconut trees and stunted palm trees.


  1. 椰枣堆得很高,

    The dates were collected into high mounds.

  2. 椰枣与阿拉伯文化

    Date Palm and Arabic Culture

  3. 于是,我们买下了椰枣,回到家里。

    And so we'd buy the date, and we'd go home.

  4. 该海枣该椰枣是一个美好得树。

    The Date PalmThe date palm is a wonderful tree.

  5. 日落时开斋, 按传统会吃椰枣, 喝水。

    The fast is broken at sunset, traditionally with dates and water.

  6. 你相信吗,他们居然还有摩洛哥来的椰枣!

    Can you believe they've got a date from Morocco?

  7. 我们今天收获椰枣,'马苏德说。'您不一起去吗?'

    'We 'll be harvesting the dates today,' said Masood.' don't you want to be there?'

  8. 而我开始琢磨马苏德的话:'椰枣树的心。'

    I, however, had begun to think about Maood's phrase 'the heart of the palm'.

  9. 他牵着我的手去看人们收获马苏德的椰枣。

    He pulled me by the hand and we went off to the harvesting of Masood's dates.

  10. 他牵着我的手去看人们收获马苏德的椰枣。

    He pulled me by the hand and we went off to the harvesting of Masood's dates.

  11. 在历史上,椰枣是人类所知最古老的水果之一。

    In historical terms, the date palm is one of the oldest types of fruit tree known to man.

  12. 预防传播的努力应首先注重减少蝙蝠与椰枣汁接触。

    Efforts to prevent transmission should first focus on decreasing bat access to date palm sap.

  13. 他站在一羊皮帐篷中一个小小的绿洲内的椰枣丛。

    He was standing before a goatskin tent amidst a clump of date palms within a tiny oasis.

  14. 尼罗河畔的秋阳格外柔媚, 椰枣树热情地舒展着臂膀。

    Along the Nile River, the autumn sun glowed especially softly and date palm trees stretched arms enthusiastically.

  15. 忽然祖父醒了,一下子跳了起来,大步走向那一袋袋的椰枣。

    Suddenly my grandfather woke up, jumped to his feet and walked towards the sacks of dates.

  16. 忽然祖父醒了,一下子跳了起来,大步走向那一袋袋的椰枣。

    Suddenly my grandfather woke up, jumped to his feet and walked towards the sacks of dates.

  17. 我把椰枣树想象成一个带有情感的生命,一个有颗跳动的心的生命。

    I pictured the palm tree as something with feeling, something possessed of a heart that throbbed.

  18. 然后,不知为什么,我把手指伸进喉咙,把刚才吃的椰枣都吐出来了。

    Then, without knowing why, I put my finger into my throat and spewed up the dates I 'd eaten.

  19. 他们围着这些椰枣袋子站成了一个圈,然后开始鉴别椰枣的好坏,有人拿一两个椰枣尝一尝。

    They formed a circle round the sacks of dates and began examining them, some taking a date or two to eat.

  20. 我看到马苏德双手捧起一把椰枣,凑向鼻子,起劲地闻着,然后又放了回去。

    I saw Masood filling the palms of both hands with dates and bringing them up close to his nose, then returning them.

  21. 他远离人群站着,好像那根本不关他的事。而事实上,这些正在收获的椰枣是他自己的。

    aloof from the great gathering of people he stood as though it was no concern of his, despite the fact that the date palms to be harvested were his own.

  22. 他的作品包括《向北方迁移的季节》和一本名为《札因的婚礼》1978的短篇小说与故事集。故事《一把椰枣》就出自此集。

    His writings include Season of Migration to the North, and the collection of a short novel and stories titled The Wedding of Zein (1978), from which ' A Handful of Dates ' was taken.

  23. 当我再向我面前扩展的土地望去时,我看到我的年轻同伴们一窝蜂似地拥在树干下,捡拾椰枣吃。

    When I again looked at the expanse of ground stretching before me I saw my young companions swarming like ants around the trunks of the palm trees, gathering up dates and eating most of them.

  24. 一次他向一个坐在树梢上把长长的尖镰刀抡向枝条的男孩高喊道:'当心点,别伤着椰枣树的心。'

    Once he shouted up at the boy perched on the very summit of the date palm who had begun hacking at a clump with his long, sharp sickle: ' Be careful you don't cut the heart of the palm.'


  1. 问:椰枣拼音怎么拼?椰枣的读音是什么?椰枣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:椰枣的读音是yēzǎo,椰枣翻译成英文是 date palm; date