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汉语拼音:qián bì
《汉书·食货志下》:“於是天子与公卿议,更造钱币以澹用,而摧浮淫并兼之徒。” 宋 叶适 《财总论二》:“ 蔡京 继之行钞法,改钱币,诱赚商旅。” 郑观应 《盛世危言·铸银》:“ 中国 钱币古分金银铜三品。”
' Invited to a tribal wedding, Williams did not photograph the 'girls in bright silks and heavy coin necklaces . . . ranged against the sky.
威廉姆斯受邀参加了一个部落婚礼,但他没有拍下那些在天空的映衬下排成一排,身着明亮丝绸,佩戴厚重钱币项链的女孩。So the sale of his farm produce for money which he cannot use seems to him an unprofitable transaction.
因此他出卖农产品获得的钱币不能使用,这对他来说就成了一个无利的交易。"If the money is not in use now, " he thought to himself, "I shall not be able to buy bread or wine with it. "
“如果这钱币现在不通用,”他自己盘算着,“我就不能用它来买面包或酒。”It is very easy to enter the shop looking for a book on ancient coins and to come out carrying a copy of the latest best-selling novel.
你很可能会走进一家书店,本想寻找一本关于古钱币的书,可出来时却拿着一本最新的畅销小说。and sometimes the mat which he spread before him, to receive contributions, was covered out of sight by the heaping of coins thrown upon it.
有时候他铺在面前用来收集现金的草席都被丢在那上面堆成的钱币覆盖得看不见。The brook was deep, yet he could see the penny lying on the bottom and he poked about with a stick hoping to get it out.
小河的水有点深,但杰克可以看到钱币躺在河底,他找了根树枝去拨,希望能把它捞上来。The melee ends as quickly as it had erupted, torn pieces of money lying like confetti on the ground.
但这样的混乱很快被打断了,撕碎的钱币如五彩碎纸散落满地。Once there was a merchant whose business was to exchange money. He opened a shop in the currency market and began to do his business.
从前有个专做银钱兑换生意的商人,在钱币市场上开了个铺子,做起买卖来。How much coin you currently carry is indicated on the bottom right hand side of the [[inventory]] window.