


1. 症 [zhèng]2. 症 [zhēng]症 [zhèng]病,病状:病~。~状。~候。不治之~。对~下药。症 [zhēng]〔~结〕a.腹内结块的病;b.喻问题难解决的关键。(癥)……





汉语拼音:zhèng zhuàng







  1. 有机体因发生疾病而表现出来的异常状态,如发热、头痛、咳嗽等。



  1. Officials from the zoo say the condition could be the result of a dietary problem, but they assure people it's nothing to worry about.

  2. There is often a poor correlation between symptoms of reflux and measurable reflux as demonstrated by pH study.

  3. What mattered to him was to control symptoms, to be able to talk to his family and to leave a positive legacy.

  4. Her lung sounds were a bit quieter than normal but I did not detect any congestion.

  5. Can you think of anything you ate for dinner Saturday that might have caused it?

  6. Clinically it is often assumed that "low motivation" in patients with stroke is a symptom of depression.

  7. Because cough may be the only symptom of reflux, I would also initiate more aggressive acid suppression with a proton-pump inhibitor.

  8. Saoirse was also cranky and vomiting. She had swelling in both her ears and a bulge the size of an egg on her right temple.

  9. The total score and scores of somatization, depression and anxiety were all higher than those of the norm(P05).


  1. 精神病症状

    psychotic symptom.

  2. 恶性症状群

    malignant syndrome.

  3. 稽延性症状

    Protracted Symptoms.

  4. 发作性症状

    Paroxysmal symptoms.

  5. 出现新症状

    develop a new symptom.

  6. 无症状结石

    asymptomatic calculus.

  7. 无症状传染

    subclinical infection.

  8. 症状的趋同

    convergency of symptom.

  9. 无症状血尿

    asymptomatic hematuria.

  10. 发作后症状

    symptoms after seizure.

  11. 病因症状学

    Cause of disease symptom study.

  12. 远隔前驱症状

    efferent prodrome

  13. 呼吸系统症状

    Respiratory symptom

  14. 精神病学症状

    Psychiatric symptom

  15. 出现症状无。

    Sign and Symptoms of Exposure None.

  16. 基本上是症状

    It's basically symptoms.

  17. 无症状低血糖

    Hypoglycemia unawareness.

  18. 抑郁症状指数

    Depression symptom score.

  19. 没有疲乏症状

    There's none of the tiredness.

  20. 上消化道症状

    Upper gastrointestinal symptom.

  21. 识别感染症状。

    Identify signs and symptoms of infection.

  22. 格里辛格症状

    Griesinger symptom.

  23. 无症状肺癌

    asymptomatic lung cancer.

  24. 带下病症状

    symptoms of morbid leukorrhea.

  25. 有咳血症状

    presented with active hemoptysis.

  26. 症状性缓解

    symptomatic relief.

  27. 毒蕈碱样症状

    muscarinic signs and symptoms.

  28. 构音障碍症状

    dysarthric symptom.

  29. 耳体征或症状

    Ear sign or symptom

  30. 症状都很轻。

    The symptoms were of mild natrue.


  1. 问:症状拼音怎么拼?症状的读音是什么?症状翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状的读音是zhèngzhuàng,症状翻译成英文是 symptom

  2. 问:症状学拼音怎么拼?症状学的读音是什么?症状学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状学的读音是zhèng zhuàng xué,症状学翻译成英文是 semiology, symptomatology

  3. 问:症状性拼音怎么拼?症状性的读音是什么?症状性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状性的读音是,症状性翻译成英文是 symptomatic

  4. 问:症状率拼音怎么拼?症状率的读音是什么?症状率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状率的读音是zhèng zhuàng lǜ,症状率翻译成英文是 symptom rate

  5. 问:症状的拼音怎么拼?症状的的读音是什么?症状的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状的的读音是zhèng zhuàng de,症状的翻译成英文是 endeictic

  6. 问:症状指征拼音怎么拼?症状指征的读音是什么?症状指征翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状指征的读音是zhèng zhuàng zhǐ zhēng,症状指征翻译成英文是 indicatio symptomatica

  7. 问:症状替换拼音怎么拼?症状替换的读音是什么?症状替换翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状替换的读音是zhèng zhuàng tì huàn,症状替换翻译成英文是 symptom substitution

  8. 问:症状消除拼音怎么拼?症状消除的读音是什么?症状消除翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状消除的读音是zhèng zhuàng xiāo chú,症状消除翻译成英文是 symptom removal

  9. 问:症状疗法拼音怎么拼?症状疗法的读音是什么?症状疗法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状疗法的读音是zhèng zhuàng liáo fǎ,症状疗法翻译成英文是 symptomatic treatment

  10. 问:症状隐蔽拼音怎么拼?症状隐蔽的读音是什么?症状隐蔽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状隐蔽的读音是zhèng zhuàng yǐn bì,症状隐蔽翻译成英文是 masking of symptom

  11. 问:症状性侏儒拼音怎么拼?症状性侏儒的读音是什么?症状性侏儒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状性侏儒的读音是zhèng zhuàng xìng zhū rú,症状性侏儒翻译成英文是 symptomatic nanism

  12. 问:症状性斜颈拼音怎么拼?症状性斜颈的读音是什么?症状性斜颈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状性斜颈的读音是zhèng zhuàng xìng xié jǐng,症状性斜颈翻译成英文是 symptomatic torticollis

  13. 问:症状性气喘拼音怎么拼?症状性气喘的读音是什么?症状性气喘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状性气喘的读音是zhèng zhuàng xìng qì chuǎn,症状性气喘翻译成英文是 symptomatic asthma

  14. 问:症状性溃疡拼音怎么拼?症状性溃疡的读音是什么?症状性溃疡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状性溃疡的读音是zhèng zhuàng xìng kuì yáng,症状性溃疡翻译成英文是 symptomatic ulcer

  15. 问:症状性癫痫拼音怎么拼?症状性癫痫的读音是什么?症状性癫痫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状性癫痫的读音是zhèng zhuàng xìng diān xián,症状性癫痫翻译成英文是 symptomatic epilepsy

  16. 问:症状性脱毛拼音怎么拼?症状性脱毛的读音是什么?症状性脱毛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状性脱毛的读音是zhèngzhuàngxìng tuōmáo,症状性脱毛翻译成英文是 symptomatic hair loss

  17. 问:症状性贫血拼音怎么拼?症状性贫血的读音是什么?症状性贫血翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状性贫血的读音是zhèng zhuàng xìng pín xiě,症状性贫血翻译成英文是 symptomatic anemia

  18. 问:症状负荷者拼音怎么拼?症状负荷者的读音是什么?症状负荷者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状负荷者的读音是zhèng zhuàng fù hè zhě,症状负荷者翻译成英文是 symptom wearer

  19. 问:症状发生前的拼音怎么拼?症状发生前的的读音是什么?症状发生前的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状发生前的的读音是,症状发生前的翻译成英文是 presymptomatic

  20. 问:症状性幼稚型拼音怎么拼?症状性幼稚型的读音是什么?症状性幼稚型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:症状性幼稚型的读音是zhèng zhuàng xìng yòu zhì xíng,症状性幼稚型翻译成英文是 symptomatic infantilism


