








1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……



汉语拼音:bīng tiān xuě dì








  • 【解释】:形容冰雪漫天盖地。
  • 【出自】:清·蒋士铨《鸡毛房》:“冰天雪地风如虎,裸而泣者无栖所。”
  • 【示例】:你就在这儿吧,~的上哪儿去?
  • 【语法】:联合式;作定语、状语;形容严冬季节到处是冰雪的景象


  1. The snow crackled and the wind whistled around him, it was just the kind of frosty weather a Snow Man might thoroughly enjoy.


  2. Expedition scientists have discovered that Antarctica has not always been a frozen continent.


  3. There was no choice but to quickly get used to the blustery, cold weather in New York during my February visit.


  4. The Russian had been so frightened. In case somebody had been hit, he would be sent back to Russia of ice and snow.


  5. Penguins may not be used to sand - after all, the icy conditions of the Antarctic are very far from sunny beaches.


  6. "If it's slippery, if it's icy, you can't get people exposed to injuries, " he said.


  7. And a world of ice and snow, pure enchanting dream of, yet I do not want to see a fairy-tale between the city's sad.


  8. The tropics could find themselves frozen under ice, and Antarctica would be transformed into a vast desert.


  9. The little match girl was out in a snowstorm. Her feet were like ice cubes and her fingertips had frostbite.


  1. 严冬季节, 冰天雪地。

    There are ice and snow everywhere in the dead of winter.

  2. 严冬季节,冰天雪地。

    There are ice and snow everywhere in the dead of winter.

  3. 部队在冰天雪地里前进。

    The troops were marching forward in the world of ice and snow.

  4. 冰天雪地使人难以走动。

    All this snow and ice makes it difficult for people to get about.

  5. 冰天雪地的,最好呆在家里。

    What with the ice and snow, It's nicer to stay indoors.

  6. 梦游先生5之冰天雪地小游戏

    Sleepwalk Presidents world of ice and 5 Games

  7. 冰天雪地的西伯利亚大地

    the land of Siberia covered with snow and ice

  8. 我昨晚一直梦见冰天雪地,你呢?

    I was dreaming about Frosties all last night. you?

  9. 北极熊,在冰天雪地的北方生活的动物

    polar bears, denizens of the frozen north

  10. 在这冰天雪地随处可见这些狼群。

    These wolves cover a lot of frozen ground.

  11. 母爱的伟大在这冰天雪地里燃烧。

    The great maternal love in this world of ice and snow, burning.

  12. 这两位美女冰天雪地得脱衣干啥?

    What do this all covered with ice and snow two beautiful woman divestiture do?

  13. 这两位美女冰天雪地的脱衣干啥?

    What do this all covered with ice and snow two beautiful woman divestiture do?

  14. 探险者们敢冒北方冰天雪地得危险。

    The explorers dared the dangers of the ice north.

  15. 冬季, 运动员在冰天雪地里也玩得很开心。

    In winter sportsmen delight in freezing fun.

  16. 那么,他们究竟如何在冰天雪地里生活得呢?

    So, how do they manage their lives on the ice?

  17. 那么,他们究竟如何在冰天雪地里生活的呢?

    So, how do they manage their lives on the ice?

  18. 寒冷的冬天,寒风刺骨,鹅毛大雪,冰天雪地。

    The cold winter, the bitter, it was snowing, ice and snow.

  19. 南极圈里十分寒冷,一片的冰天雪地。

    It is frigid at the Antarctic Circle, which is a world of ice and snow.

  20. 南极圈里十分寒冷,一片的冰天雪地。

    It is frigid at the Antarctic Circle, which is a world of ice and snow.

  21. 那歌声使冰天雪地的寒冬变得较易忍受。

    And make that season of ice and snow more endurable.

  22. 今年的圣诞节之夜,外面仍然是冰天雪地。

    On this Christmas Eve 2008,it is still packed snow ice outside.

  23. 这里非常寒冷。好像是在暴风雪的冰天雪地。

    Chilly in here. Seems like it is snowstorm outside.

  24. 而浑身白色的外衣是冰天雪地里最好的保护色。

    The bear's stark white coat provides camouflage in surrounding snow and ice.

  25. 到南极大陆,那里冰天雪地,无数企鹅在欢迎我。

    Arrive Antarctica, there snow and icebound, innumerable the penguin be welcome me.

  26. 并且是在冰天雪地的冬天去为她的父亲报仇。

    And go off in the winter time to avenge her father's blood.

  27. 即使在冰天雪地里,我们也能感受到温暖。

    Even in the ice and snow, we can feel the warmth.

  28. 冰天雪地的,北极雪兔不需要大耳朵来散热。

    But not all rabbits have long ears. Arctic hares have shorter ears.

  29. 这是当你走在冰天雪地能给你帮助产品。

    This is the product which helps you grip to snow and ice when walking.

  30. 你无法知道夏天的昆虫在冰天雪地中是什么样子。

    You can't talk about ice with a summer insect, Gundlach said.


  1. 问:冰天雪地拼音怎么拼?冰天雪地的读音是什么?冰天雪地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冰天雪地的读音是bīngtiānxuědì,冰天雪地翻译成英文是 mind-numbingly cold



“冰天雪地”是个多义词,它可以指冰天雪地(flash小游戏), 冰天雪地(成语)。